You want your girl to give advice
I guess you're all tired of hearing about my dance show, so I'm not gonna say much about it if not requested. It can get a bit annoying. I'll just say this: Mum and dad came and watched the show yesterday evening, and everything went ok. I was about to drop by cap in one song, but I managed to make it anyway.
Today, my entire body hurts. I had dance practise Wednesday, Jujutsu on Thursday, dance practise + Party on Friday, dance show + party yesterday and I'm gonna have dance show today too. I can honestly feel how my muscles are working only to make me stand up. Oh how I would love to just stay home today and sleep in the garden (it's getting hot outside today!!) and read and relax and eat ice cream.... But dancing if fun too.
Today is Mother's day, so we just celebrated mum a bit and here's a Mother-pic for her =)

I totally loved this film when I was younger. Aristocats, they're so adorable! <3
Now I've gotta go got breakfast, because I'm leaving for the show in an hour or so and the rest of the family's going sailing. Have a nice day!
The dancefloor is my stage
I just woke up, stayed up quite late yesterday.. or today I guess you might say since it was this morning once I finally fell asleep. Yesterday I had the biology presentation but since my teacher for social science was late my group didn't have time to present ours.. So now that's moved til tuesday next week.
Anyway, it was a wonderful and sunny day yesterday with lots of SUN!!! And according to Sofia today was gonna get really sunny too and tomorrow's gonna be 25 degrees (Celsius) !!!! Wiiie ^_^

Yesterday evening was somewhat stressful. I hurried from school to town and Vasateatern for the practise for the dance show and was there at about half past 4. Then it went on until half past 8... Even though it's a bit boring sometimes to just practise and wait wait wait for my group to get it's chance to use the stage, it's such a wonderful big feeling to be on the real stage and with all the tension and excitement and the air is just full of it. Everyone's running around changing costumes, looking for people, trying to get to the stage in time for their song, and so on. And I love it. There's NOTHING like preforming on the dance show, I could do that much more often, I'd probably even pay to do it because it's amazing. I'm gonna miss the two following dance shows (winter 09 and spring 10) because I'll be away, and I'm most certainly gonna miss it like crazy.
Belowe is one of the many great songs that groups dance to in this show. "Circus" is the first song in the second part of my show (I'm in both) and is danced by "Feminine Vibe" and "Mini vibe". Wish I had a film of it to put here, because truly that is a... (hard to find the right word)... an incredible dance with those two groups together. Anyone who doesn't know; that's the two very best street groups. I'm in "Street F/M" which is directly under Mini vibe =D
In this show I dance to these songs:
¤ Goldeneye by Tina Turner - We're the opening song, the first of the show =) And we're being dressed in black and we're secret spies or something ^^ Some girls are gonna be crowling on the front of the stage with flashlights going over the audience... teehee
¤ Starstruck by Lady Gaga - Only got "two songs time" to change into this outfit, which is street-inspired. This is a really cool dance, I like it A LOT. Apart from the caps falling off very easily, everything about this one's fun ^^
¤ You're gonna get it by Santogold - In this song we are working with the "Street F"- group (one step under us in order) and doing a dance where's we're all mentally ill just going crazy at this hospital for mental care, and we're dancing really funny and there's some acting too
¤ Wait a minute by PCD - in the second part of the show, we dance to this song with Ellika as solo singer/dancer (she doesn't sing for real of course) in front of us, and it's a fun dance too
¤ El Bravo - a medley kinda thing with "Mini force" where they are the good pirates with a pirate princess as solo singer/dancer and it's all about her trying to find her love El Bravo. My group, we're the bad pirates and we've got Captain Hook on our side (Johanna and Alicia play that part in one show each) and we mostly just run around going "ho ho ho" and then we fight some (we suck at it) and then we go "ho ho ho" some more. We dance about eight steps at all, and those are easy enough for a five-year-old. But there's a lot of acting and it's fun =)

This is it for now, I'm gonna get up and then go see Fritjof in a while, then help Vivvi with some dance moves she needed to work on (she's in the Street F-group).. Then to Vasateatern (wiiie I'm so into this!!) and my parents will watch tonight. Then I'm going to Linn's place to celebrate her, then I'm going to Laura to sleep there.. Giiaah Busy Woman =P
Want to vanish inside your kiss
Today after school me and Keena went to town and besides buying a white top and some blue leggings thingys, we also did some more tests on random people for the biology thing tomorrow. We ended up walking around asking random guys really weird stuff, like Keena told two guys how to smoke a papermade bird, and in exchange she'd get their numbers. And we actually got a guy's number, some Niklas fellow.. Anyway, we asked people the most random things, and we met some guys at the cinema and we decided to meet them there tomorrow (won't do of course, it was just a joke and they got that too) and see the new movie =P What an afternoon!!! So much fun fun fun! =D
Then I had jujutsu which went just fine, Fredrik helped me to practise on the different movements and defence stuff for the test thingy I'm doing next thursday to see if I can earn a new belt colour.. You get it right? I don't know the english word for it, but it's "Gradering" in swedish.
Tomorrow is both the Social Science and Biology presentations, and then dance practise in town, and then directly to Hedvig's party. I got a hint from her that the entire old gang (apart from Tessan, too bad) is gonna be there, and that they're ready to roast me like a chicken and eat me alive.. Hopefully I'll survive long enough to live through the weekend...
Saturday = Fritjof, then dance show, then celebrate Linn at her place, then Laura... girly sleepover Wiiie ^_^
Sunday = Sleep for loong, then dance show again,
Sweet dreams!
P.S. Congrats to Solveig (I'm gonna forget it later, so I'll just say it right away now) it's your name day tomorrow, at least in Sweden..!!! =) Hugs
P.S. (2) This is like the cutest and sweetest love quote ever:
Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
Want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day I love you more and more
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time
Maybe he stopped for some tea
I got some tasty cookie-thingy on french today, because that's what Camilla and Jossan were talking about on the oral presentation. Then I had english (watched Harry Potter 1 again), Mentor time, lunch (don't even remember what it was), Computer Science (got back the Excel tests, I got 58 out of 60) and finally math. During that lesson me and Elin mostly just planned for the presentation in Biology that's on friday. We really need to get working on that.. hm
At the moment I'm working on the french and the presentation on Terrorism. Did you know about 3000 people died on September 11? God that's horrible.
I'm yawning constantly, which isn't a good sign. Dance practise was ok, it was good to go through the dances again after not doing them for a month or so.. But I hardly know anyone in my group and they're all younger than me and just being silly all the time. That can be fun, but it's slightly annoying too. And poor Johanna had hurt her foot, but will hopefully be well in time for the show =)

Some of the things I need to buy tomorrow in town...:

This looks like fun, doesn't it? I like it how the girl in the front (the left pic) is so happy, and still about to fall to her right... or that's what it looks like at least. And maaan I wish I could dance like Briana Evigan (the right pic) like she does it in Step up 2 the streets... Wow

Now my boyfriend's gone to sleep, and msn is therefor empty of fun people to talk to (no wonder, I mean look at the time!) so I'll just finish the french and then sleep. <3
I can barely breath
It's Wednesday morning and I'm about to head to school in... one hour. Gotta take out the dogs first though, so I will get dressed any minute. And today's the oral presentation in French class.. gaah
This afternoon I have about a million things I have to do, including these:
- Go to town and buy stuff for my dance show, I need some new outfits and such
- Buy present for Linn (with some other people?)
- Buy present for Hedvig (if I manage to get to her party in time after my show... should get a present anyway but..)
- Go through my clothes and find what I need for the show (should be done before I go to town to buy what I haven't got)
- Answer Myrna and Stephen's new letters (Solveig will you please tell them I'm really working on it, just haven't had the time yet..)
- Sleep
- Finish my new header and publish it
- Do the rest of the social studies assignment on Terrorism and September 11th
- Write about behavior and stuff for Biology class and the presentation on friday
- Write to Rachie and Sarah and Nicole... haven't done that either... yet
- Practise on my Jujutsu, the test thingy is in just a week!!! Aaaaa! I've gotta make sure I've got someone to work with after this thursday, someone who can do the test with me...
You get the point. What's bugging me is that I end school at 4 pm, and then I have an extra dance practise for the show at 5.45!!!!! How on earth am I gonna manage to do it all (at least the things that's got to do with the show, like buying clothes) in just 1,5 h?!??!?! I'm doomed.
Anyway, I have to get take out the dogs now (as people keep bothering me with telling me, as if I didn't know how to do that...! ) I swear Elsa's trying to get me into trouble... or she's simply trying to annoy me to the limit.
For now, that is it. Listen to this really sweet song I found in Fritjof's iPod, it's lovely ^^ Have a nice day! <3
Seasons may change
I've had a sleepy day, getting up early to sail before lunch with the family, which was very nice but cold. Loved being back on the boat though =) Tamarind 4ever <3
Then I went to Agnes to study some french, and then I picked up Fritjof with my scooter and spend the rest of the afternoon (it passed waaay to fast!) with him <3 Details not for everyone xD
Then I was at Vivvi's house helping her with some math, and chatted. I'm glad we're back to our normal funny friendship ^^ Hate fighting, even though it's not a real fight...
Anyone knows what song/movie this is from? Tricky, huh? Very sweet though ^^ :
Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
Want to vanish inside your kiss
Every day I love you more and more
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings
Come back to me, and forgive everything
Seasons may change, winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time
Come one, anyone knows? It's quite a sweet movie really xD
It's late now, three minutes to midnight =)
Sweet dreams!
All in this together
Ok, just one more post before I go to bed xD
Some more photos from my party.. Lovely ones... and some from Lidingö Rock (the Rock competition last weekend). They are all Ida's photos, just so you know ^^ Well I'm not sure which ones are from what time, but they're a mix. Enjoy!
I couldn't care less
Now I'm gonna continue watching the Nostalgy show from the 90s with Shyffert. It's hilarious ^^
Sweet dreams, and btw I broke a record today! Six posts in one day!! xD wow
Eternal Sunset
Whatever brings such a beautiful sunset,
also makes the light go away.
The minute before it's all gone,
when you want the sunlight to stay
But how can a sunlight forever be here,
what would become of our earth?
If half of us would live in darkness,
is it the price that it's worth?
Who should decide who gets sun and who don't?
Who gets night or day?
Guess it all depends in the end
on who can afford to pay.
And would we praise the sunset this high
if it stayed like this forever?
If the moon never got to dance
with the stars, all together.
Better have the sun move its own course,
enjoy the minute with concernity.
That is much more beautiful
than a sunset that lasts for eternity.

Hope you liked it, I totally made it up as I wrote it, yet I have to give some credit to Max for coming up with the rhyme for eternity (concernity). Thanks for comments! <3
No one else can feel it for you
I just had dinner - tacos - and will probably spend this evening at home just relaxing. The entire day's been rainy and grey, but now it has finally began to clear up and the sky is somehow blue again. Me likes =)
I just chatted with Solveig, finally, after our days of struggle to find a time when we're both awake heheh. I'm so glad we've such good contact already, it makes me less panicked about next year. Though I still am, of course. Naturally. Some facts for people who wonder, I get so many questions:
I'll be going to south west Utah in the US, to a little place called Apple Valley.
I'll live in a family with two host sisters (solveig and morgan) and hostparents (Stephen and Myrna)
I'll go to Hurricane High School in Hurricane
I'll leave on August the 4th, will then spend 3 days in New York before continuing to Utah
I'll stay in 10 months before returning just in time for all my friends to end 2nd grade in Gymnasiet
I'll start 2nd grade that fall (2010) when my friends start their last year
I'll have to go to a hell lot of graduationparties in 2011 ^^
Hopefully some people will be on the phone with me tonight, because I'm bored. Vivvi? Tessan? Fritjof? Well I suppose since Max and I put our brains together and came to the conclusion that we're about the only ones left on this island today... I guess everyone's busy.
On request (by my dear little sister Elsa) I'm gonna try and figure out a new poem to post here. It will be in a new post though (the fifth one today!) that will arrive a little bit later.. Until then - have a nice evening ^^ <3
At the end of May
Very sweet song, listen to it.
I made the call just too late
At the end of May
I just thought I could wait
For one more day
In the time that passed
You went down so fast
You went down so fast
Out of my reach, out of my hands
I didn't understand
I would have changed all my plans
An empty house, a setting sun
At 4 a.m.
Some battles fought are battles won
But this ain't one of them
One more shadow cast
You went down so fast
You went down so fast
Out of my reach, out of my hands
I didn't understand
I would have changed all my plans
I would have changed
Out of my reach, out of my hands
Now the leaves are turning brown
I watch 'em blow
Where the earth pulls them down
I let you go
As your breath unwinds
Through the restless pines
Out of my reach, out of my hands
I didn't understand
I would have changed all my plans
I would have changed
Out of my reach, out of my hands
I didn't understand
I would have changed all my plans
I would have changed
You are one of a kind
Go take this quiz, it's to test how well you guys know me ^^ Good luck!!
And feel free to post your resluts in the comments, it would be very interesting to see how you're doing.. xD

Photo from last August
Hold you in my arms
I'm up in time today, though it's still late for being an usual school day which it isn't because it's saturday ^^
I've already had breakfast, showered and cleaned my room a bit. Mum and dad are going to a museum to see the paintings of Carl Larsson, but I feel like I've already seen most of his work and though I like it I'm absolutely not in the mood of museums today. This is one of his paintings:

Anyway, I got two great books for birthday present from my aunt Monica and Hugo yesterday, as well as from my cousin and her boyfriend (I got New Moon and Regina's song). While I'm at it, my cousin Malin got her baby this thursday! Congrats to Malin, Lasse and little Lukas!!! <3
Gotta start working on one of the four group presentations I have next week, so see you later! =P In the meantime, enjoy this song by Muse, called Starlight ^^
Sweet dreams are made of this
I recently got home from a movienight at Linn's place, watching Knocked up which is really a very funny movie about love and having your entire world turned upsidedown and still make something good come out of it.

After that we also played some "Draw and guess" or whatever it's called in english, like Pictionary kinda =) That was fun too, but some of the words were so hard to draw...
Now I'm gonna sleep and dream sweet dreams, and all of you too!! ^^ hugs
Discovery Channel
Wednesday I had the Excel test which went fine, not perfect but totally ok. Then after school I had drama class and directly after that we went to Ida's house to celebrate her birthday - which is really today (Friday) but she's not home then - with this really good swedish dessert that I can't name in english (Marängsviss). It was great ^^
Thursday has been a short day ending too fast, off school which was wonderful... Basically, Fritjof got here at lunchtime and stayed until.. well he just left (a) <3 I'm still kinda dizzy (guess it's the lack of air today heheh) and sleepy. Gaaah me is in loove xD

Good morning Sunshine
Today I have the test on Microsoft Excel, which will hopefully go smoothly. And then I have drama class after school, and it might be the last class of this term! :'( That is so sad, because it means I will probably never see these people again. I have to make sure they get my email address so I can keep in touch with them. At least some of them ought to stay tuned. Anyway, later I will probably be with Vivvi, cause we usually are on Wednesdays <3
Now my stomach is telling me it's breakfast time. see ya later!
Friday I'm in love
Oh how I really really REALLY HATE IT when you've written a long and very informative, very detail going post, really put some time to it, and then once you push the "Save and Publish" button it all disappears because it had taken too much time since you last logged on to the site... GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH Makes me so mad!!
Ok people, I had writte a long post about my day yesterday, which was quite a nice day ^^ but unfortunatelly you'll have to wait, because I don't have the time to rewrite it now... Sorry
Gotta get ready for school. In the rain. Bluah. Bicykles all day. In the rain. Isch. Tired as hell. Even put the juice in the cereal bowl this morning...
Considering going back into my bed, hiding and show up tomorrow. Sounds good to me.
Oh and I know I've had this song in here before, but it's just soo good =D Lisa Loves:
The sweetest sadness in your eyes
Yesterday was Lidingö Rock with my friends, and we had great fun watching all the bands including the one where Ida's brother played the guitar.. Wiiee ^^ We also met Fritjof there, and some other people that I haven't seen in a while like Agnes and Lisa A from my football team in middleschool =P
Insåg just att ja har kontakt med folk ja inte träffat på tre hela år! Det är ju stört att man inte setts sen sommaren innan åttan, men Thildan ja saknar dej ändå för du är nåt speciellt <3 Och ja mååååste få träffa Thea också ^^
Nu måste ja sätta igång med Biologin igen.. usch
Ses, ha en bra dag! =D
Tell me baby, what's your story
I woke up a while ago by my dog licking my face and my little sister handing me a chocolate muffin <3 How sweet is that? Now awaits a day full of Biology studying for the test, and reading "Ondskan" for swedish, and reading A BOOK for english lesson which I haven't even decided which one yet because the one I started on in school is waaaay to long to read over just one day. I might pick Twilight and then I don't have to reread it just talk about it on monday ^^ Clever me!
I'm surrounded by your embrace
I've had a sweet evening with my friends, since we went to Käppala with hot dogs and marsmallows and soda to get a fire working and have a nice evening by the water. It was lovely, so many nice people where there and a lot of people I've spoken to on the phone but never met in real life. Like Degen, Emil and Fluffy from Vivvi's school. Also people from Tessan's school joined, and dear Magdalena and Pauline were there of course <3
I spent most of the evening by the fire, because it turned sooo cold when the sun was gone after sunset. Luckily I had brought Fritjof as a heater so I wasn't freezing that much while he was ;P The sillyhead, wearing shorts? Smarto ^_^ heheh
The evening was great, and hopefully all the people from town will come here some more time =)
I'm going to sleep now, it's about 2.40 am.... hehehe too late again xD But I really got stuck hearing this song so I have to put it in here to share it with you. Enjoy, it's got a beautiful chorus <3
Obs: the title's from Beyonce's song Halo, to remind of Elin, Sofia and Maja going to the Beyonce concert this Wednesday.
Oh and a PS as well: I found out recently that Linda's started a blog for her year abroad, and that she got placed in Iowa. Go visit:
Ibland gör man fel, ibland gör man rätt
Got home from Jujutsu practise about an hour ago, have been watchin medium, and now I'm chatting and getting ready to go to bed. And yeah, btw, the date I leave has changed from the 11th to the 4th, to give me time to be in new york and to not make me arrive the day before school starts. Sadly I'll miss the wedding, but I'll think about my brother and Christine <3 =) And btw again, my other brother's just bought a HOUSE!! Gaaaah way to go Anders, I'm happy for you and Susanne ^^
I found this cute list that every guy should read, and every girl for that matter. Many things apply to guys as well, I think. Very cute.
What guys should do for girls they like:
· give her one of your t-shirts to sleep in
· give her one of your hoodies to wear so everyone knows shes yours.
· leave her cute text/notes just because you can.
· tell her she looks beautiful.
· look into her eyes when you talk to her, that's a sign of trust.
· let her mess with your hair.
· touch her hair.
· just walk around with her, not to show off but to show you're not ashamed of her.
· FORGIVE her for her MISTAKES.
· look at her like she's the only girl you see.
· tickle her even when she says stop.
· when she starts swearing at you, tell her you love her.
· let her fall asleep in your arms and protect her.
· get her mad, then kiss her.
· stay on the phone with her even if shes not saying anything.
· don't brag about other girls, she's not interested even if you know thousands of them.
· tease her and let her tease you back, as long as you're both laughing.
· stay up all night with her when she's sick.
· make sure she doesn't have to doubt how you feel about her.
· watch her favorite movie with her.
· let her wear your clothes because that makes her feel special.
· when she's sad, hang out with her.
· let her know she's important, in many ways.
· kiss her in the pouring rain.
· when you fall in love with her, tell her.
· and when you tell her, love her like you've never loved
someone before.· and,when she runs up at you crying...the first thing you say is..."who's ass am i beating today?"
Before I put on my makeup
After school today I went to town to change my jujutsu costume thingy and I got the right one - but there's no belt with it.. hmm I'll have to ask someone about that.... Anyway, after I came home at 5 minutes to 4 (my sisters left for town at four o'clock, yay go me!) I opened my computer, logged on to msn, put on some music and then - nothing. I've slept for like an hour.. ok not really but at least half an hour =) To the sweet sound of "Never think". There isn't a better lullaby, ever. It makes me drop dead at once, snoring =P hahha no I don't snore.. luckily I just talk in my sleep xD
Talking about Robert, what happened to Laura? You haven't commented for so long!! =P Don't disappear darling ^^ Hugs to Laura for saving my life during the national test in french that went on til lunch today, because after my tiny little non-existing breakfast, her sandwich did save my day <3
I was going to put "Jag är kär i en ängel" in this post, since I was singing it all the way to town today ^^ And strange enough I hear Laura's voice in my head when I think of that song. Perhaps it's because I've heard her sing it about a million times?? =D
Anyway, here's the wonderful lullaby... Zzzzz
Well, enough sleeping for one afternoon.. I'm gonna go make some tea to wake up, put on some cheerier music and (bluuaah) study biology.. naaw I'm sure I won't in the end. Will probably end up on FB or msn as usual <3
Ever a surprise

Well that was A LOT of pictures!! Hope you liked them ^^ love <3
If you can't get someone out of your head, then maybe they're supposed to be there
I got a jujutsu practise costume thingy from my brothers for my birthday, but now I'm not quite sure if it's the right kind. Pontus told me to buy Kata or Shogun, but I got Kodomo and I don't really see the difference but I guess I'd better go chance it to the right kind. Will have to do that on thursday, because today I'm simply too lazy and tired after the FOUR HOURS MATH TEST and then MATH LESSON. Once I got home I just fell down on my bed like a jelly bean and stayed there =P After walking the dogs of course, which I did first of all. Would never have been able to get my legs moving again after lying down..
Now I'm awake again though, and Elsa's about to leave to go horseback riding as always. My afternoon (i've decided) involves absolutely nothing more than relaxing, especially after yesterday's studying... And then, my evening includes going to Laura to watch Twilight and just relax and talk and NO HOMEWORK PERMITTED! =)
I found this vid of very cute love quotes, enjoy <3
This (and the title) is my favourite one from the video:
"The space between your fingers were made so another person's could fill them"
I have some other beautiful and thoughtful quotes that I will share with you:
"The best way out is always through" /Robert Frost
"Whether you think you can or think you cant - you're right" /Henry Ford
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do" /Confucius
"You can't cross the sea unless you have the courage to lose sight ofthe shore" /Columbus
"If you can't handle me at my worst, you don't deserve my best" /Marilyn Monroe
"Sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together" /Marilyn Monroe
"Some people are like slinkies.. they're really good for nothing. But they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs"
See you around lovely people
Du gör så jag fäller mig en tår
Oooh I've totally found the best song ever. My bff for ever, Vivvi, has been kinda depressed about me going away for a year, though I'll come back and miss her more than possible while I'm away. And now Jimmy has written her a song about how she'll miss me but I'll come back, and omg it's soo good and so sad!! I wish I could upload it here so you could all hear it, but I dunno how to do that and I don't have the permission from Jimmy. It's his work and I'm not gonna upload it without asking him. But it's such a sweet song and beautiful lyrics. Big thanks to Jimmy for writing it <3 He's deserved a big hug for this =)
Other than listening to the track about a million times tonight, I have studiet math math and more math. First in the afternoon with Fritjof, then for a few hours at home with Elsa. Gaaah do I hate math at the moment or what? I've got the big test tomorrow, from 8 am to 12. So, therefore I will get up quite early to get ready and get my brain cells working, and have to go to bed a bit earlier than usual. Maybe before midnight at least ^^
Good luck to everyone who's doing the test tomorrow, or as the social studies-classes are, on wednesday =) Tomorrow the reward awaits in the form of a Twilight evening with Laura. Lovely <3 Sweet dreams
You'll learn to hate me
Dagens humör: Lite lätt uttråkad, och gäspig
Dagens klädsel: Jeans och stor t-shirt med sverige-flagg-tryck från igår <3
Dagens mat: Kycklingsallad
Dagens bästa: Fick sova ända till 10 med min sötisbästis
Dagens sämsta: 5 h på möte om USA var ganska segt, och sen va ja tvungen å städa mitt rum kl 10 på kvällen...
Dagens roligaste: Träffa Vickan på explorius-mötet-grejen.. damn vad min dag varit lam alltså
Dagens längtan: Laura
Sweet dreams everyone, it's almost midnight now ^^
As she spoke with a voice that disrupted the sky
I'm now listening to some songs from the Twilight movie, doing some forgotten french homework, and will soon go to sleep. At least I think my parents would like me to do that. Thanks for reading everyone, and please comment! <3
This song is a bit strange, but quite beautiful in its own way. Listen to the chorus before judging ^^
All the miles that separate
Well, here we go;
Idag var jag på det stora mötet inför mitt år i USA, och allt kändes jätteverkligt och nära och på RIKTIGT när jag satt där och lyssnade på gamla Explorius studenter som berättade om hur det kändes första dagen i skolan och allt annat... Fick lite som en klump i halsen, samtidigt som det kändes jättespännande att höra direkt från dom om deras upplevelser och så. Det är klart att jag har förstått vad jag ger mig in på, och jag ångrar mig verkligen inte, men jag orkar inte bara vara sunshine hela tiden. Igår hade jag ju min födelsedagsfest och jag blev hur känslig som helst och bara började gråta när Vivvi och Tessan bar in tårtan och alla ställde sig upp och sjöng på svenska å engelska å finska å spanska å franska... Jag vet inte men det var som att jag plötsligt insåg hur bra vänner jag har, och jag börjar undra vad jag håller på med som åker ifrån allt när mitt liv är bättre än det har varit sen jag gick i typ femman. Jag tror inte att jag någonsin förut har varit så här glad för att jag är jag, för mitt liv och allt jag har. Och så bara lämnar jag det hux flux åt sitt öde. Någon som någonsin hört uttrycket "Gapa över mycket och mist hela stycket"? Så känner jag, precis så känner jag, om utbytesåret just nu. Min hjärna bollar bra och dåliga sidor hela tiden, och jag blir helt snurrig.
Ännu något som bidrog till mitt snyftande medan jag blåste ut ljusen var att Vivvi och Tessan hade gjort en film med bilder och låtar som betyder jättemycket för oss, och alla gamla minnen och den visade verkligen hur mycket vi betyder för varandra och det var så nära att jag började gråta när jag såg den för jag blev så lycklig och ändå så melankoliskt tom inuti när jag såg den. Så tårarna låg beredda vid ögonen redan från innan tårtan. Sen hade jag precis lyckats samla ihop mig och få bort de ledsna tankarna innan Laura skulle gå hem för att hinna förbi Hampus på vägen. Min gulliga lilla Cowboygirl började snacka om hur tomt det skulle bli utan mig och hur mycket hon skulle sakna mig, och då brast det igen. Tror inte jag gråtit så mycket på en kväll sen... jaaa jag vet inte.
Jag snackade med Magdalena också om hur jobbigt det är att säga farväl, även om det inte är för alltid vilket jag verkligen hoppas att det inte är. Och så hade Laura sötisen gjort inslagspappret till Eclipse, som jag fick av henne, helt själv och skrivit massa citat på det som fick mig att "aaaaw":a en hel del. Och Vivvi och Tessan hade satt bilder på oss tre över hela sitt stoooora paket, och skrivit så fint kort.. Hela kvällen var som en enda stor "vi kommer sakna dej lisa"-fest och det blev för mycket. Jag fattar inte hur jag kan åka ifrån alla jag älskar så mycket, alla som betyder allt för mig. *snyft*
Visserligen är jag jätteförväntansfull inför mina 10 månader i Utah, men jag önskar verkligen verkligen att jag får behålla så många som möjligt av mina älskade vänner här hemma, även efter att jag kommer tilbaka. Ni finns väl kvar?
Sitter nu och lyssnar på "Here without you", den finaste låten för idag och som får mig att gråta hur många gånger jag än hör den. Slängde dessutom ihop en liten dikt i min ensamhet. Skriver dock alltid dikter på engelska så den blir iaf in english.
Nothing can ever come inbetween
to disturbe the way I feel
Though I'm not close enough for a hug
there are things that are more real
Emails to give you the knowledge
phonecalls to hear the voice
Letters to show you the feelings
give you a chance to rejoice
Please read everything I write to you
give me a chance to explain
I will have so much fun to tell
but wanting to cause you no pain
I will come back I can promise you that
but nothing will be as before
We will both have changed quite a bit
andboth hearts might be sore
Take it easy, help me gain ground
prove to still be my friend
And you will see I am still myself
your bff right to the end.
Love <3
P.S. I will edit this post, or make a new one, with pictures later ^^ So look out for some updates as soon as I've had time to get them from my phone, and perhaps other people's camera's too, and into my computer =)
Because all I want is here and now
Sweet dreams
Feel the rain on your skin
I'm about to go to bed, after finishing my biology assignment by drawing funny little green people and more ^^ Quite funny, I hope the guy I'm doing the assignment thingy with doesn't kill me for having some fun with our pictures xD
I'm going to bed now, and I will write again tomorrow after I have (hopefully) been celebrated with presents =) Love you all <3

Why can't we be friends?
Hey I was wondering, when did I go from two prenumerats to just one?! You guys know you can get instant messages when I've posted and you'll know for sure when to go read ^Just klick the pink "prenumeranter" buttom beneath the picture of me.. to the right. Yep, there it is =)
And welcome my new reader ^^ Maja kul att du hittade min blogg xD
Today was just half a day, or meant to be, and then we had sports day where we had to run/jog the 5 km-track. Then it was raining on my way home, and on the way back to my theater lesson so I arrived there all wet. But the lesson was fun, apart from Love (our teacher) announcing that there wouldn't be an "open stage" thingy on friday. Me and Vivvi were supposed to sing at it, but now that won't happen.
Anyway, then I had an extra dance lesson with another group to make sure we got the dance both groups are doing together perfectly. It's to a song called El Bravo, but it's not as fun and crazy and cool dancing as in the video in my last post, but more to of the ballet way mixed with lots of styles. I prefer Street and Commercial street. =)
Then, after dance class and my sister's pancakes for dinner, I joined my neighbour Jacob who just got the license to his scooter. So I drove around with him to teach him some, and help him. It was quite fun, and he's fun to be around. Though he's only 15. And - as you can probably tell - it's waaaay too late now.. Gotta sleep bye for now loveys!
I think somehow Sarah's adoration for this movie is growing on me, because I keep finding sweet parts and cute songs in it. This one is really the song describing how Jess and Leslie become friends. Sweet =)
Baby cause you blow my heart up
This is one of the best dances I've ever learnt, and I wanna give a big applause to Celina Ryden who coreographed this and many other dances and for being such a wonderful dance teacher! Love <3
This will be in the last show before I go abroad, so I hope you guys come watch it. I'm in the show called "paljettshowen", and I preform with 5 different dances. In this video I'm the one on the second row, a little to the left, with pink-reddish top. Malin is right beside me (also red top) but she's slightly more in the middle. Found me? ^^
Commercial Street dancing Starstruck
Have a wonderful and sunny day =)
Gotta have some faith in you

I've had a nice day - apart from the rain still falling - but the day was short so I managed quite well anyway. This evening I only have the street dance lesson, between 8 and 9 pm. Otherwise my evening's calm, not much homework =) Hope you're all doing just fine! Love <3
Oh, and this song is from the movie "Bridge to Terabithia" which is really a very sweet movie about imagination and friendship. And Josh who plays the main role is one of my favourite actors ^^ Enjoy
You're scared... you'll fall
sometimes it seems impossible
but your hopes...and dreams
are closer than they seem
Why not?
Give yourself a chance
Nothin's gonna hold you back
Everything you want is right there waiting
Whatcha wanna do
Gotta have some faith in you
Don't you know
That you can have it all
If you TRY
You're fears..and doubts
They find a way to break you down
But it's not.. the end
You get right back up again
Why not?
Give yourself a chance
Nothin's gonna hold you back
Everything you want is right there waiting
Whatcha wanna do
Gotta have some faith in you
Don't you know
That you can have it all
If you TRY
What's the matter with believing that you can do anything..oh
Take control and make the future what you want it to be
That's when you'll see?
If you TRY
Round and round
Monday and back to school it is. Got up early again to run with Agnes and Ida, today in the rain... FUN... a quater to 6 am, grey with no sun and a hell lot of raining... FUN... After drowning outside I had breakfast and a lazy morning before going to school to live through the long day after my oh so short night of 4 hours.
Then me, Ida and Sofia went to the supersale at Superstore and bought cheap cookie-thingys and ate.. I feel unhealthy and fat but whatever, I needed it. I really did.
Tonight I was supposed to study for the entire evening, but Pauline called and we needed to talk to I went to her house and we took a walk, forgot the time and two hours later we had circled the park quite a few times... That actually was fun but serious as well. Love to have friends to talk to, life would be nothing without friends, as I wrote above.
Tomorrow = My blog turns one year old!!! yipes
Wedenesday = Sports day, running for 5 km.. boooring
Thursday = Jujutsu again =) Might be able to bring Laura this time, she seemed to like it quite a bit when Marcus had Karate as "Leader lesson" on Gym class/PE today. We'll see
Friday = Whoever doesn't know missed something BIG!!! <3
Love and hugs ^^ And please comment!! *
Come on darlings, you know you have nothing better to do... <3
1. Do you sleep in your bra?
2. Do you enjoy drama?
Acting yes =)
3. There isn't one...but why? I WANNA KNOW!
eeeh what? O.o
4. why isn't there a number four either?
5. Are you a girly girl?
well kind of, I suppose
6. Who was the last person you hugged?
Ida or Agnes - not sure which one I hugged last - after our jogging this morning
7. Small or large purses?
No idea what that even means ^^
8. Are you short?
I'm kinda average, about 1,70
9. Do you like somebody?
Like like or just like? Well I'd say both..
11. Do you care if your socks are dirty?
Mostly, that depends on where I am though. In dirty shoes during summer I don't care actually =P
12. Why is there nothing here....?
I wonder too
13. Do you dress up on Halloween?
Heheh yep as the kid I am =P
14. Are you double jointed?
Not really..
15. Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
Hm.. Gotta be all the times I've slept in tents and on small boats.. or maybe the time when we arrived to the scout camp at 4 am and it was all dark and we just decided to sleep on the rock. Heheh
16. Has anyone touched/smacked your butt in the past 24 hours?
I'm not sure actually ^^
17. Is there any type of rumor going around about you?
Probably.. Not sure I wanna know though
18. Do you call anybody by their last name?
Not that I can think of... maybe if someone has a very common first name and I'll use the last name as a nick name
19. I really wonder what was supposed to be here...
20. How many guys will read this just because it says- Girl Confessions?
I bet Chris will.. No other guys though
[x] I do wear make up
[x] I have cried at a movie theater
[x] I can put mascara on without opening my mouth
[x] I get jealous
[ ] I think Johnny Depp is sexy
[x] I love to laugh
[ ] I like death/grind/black metal
[x] I like rap
[x] I like techno
[ ] I like country
[ ] I carry a purse
[x] I'd be lost without my computer.
[ ] I own a Spice Girls CD
[x - but I never listen to it, I swear! XD] I own a Britney Spears CD
[x] I own a boy band CD
[ ] I get bored watching football
[ ] I've never been called a spoiled brat
[x] Guys are confusing
[ I don't think so...] I've been called a bad influence
[ ] I have/had a piercing other then my ears
1. What color is your bra that your wearing?
2. Do you prefer light or dark haired guys?
Very different from one person to another...
3. Are you currently frustrated with a boy?
5. Do you have a best friend?
Yes <3
6. Have you ever had your heart broken?
Define "broken"
7. Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?
Would never even think about it
8. Do you like your life?
Mostly it rocks
10. Has one of your friends ever stolen a boyfriend from you?
Define "boyfriend" xD heheh no not a boyfriend...
11. Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on?
I'm sure I have
12. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?
Mostly girls
13. How long have you had a facebook?
No idea, for quite long I think.. a few years?
14. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?
Hahah no but I hit one with sticks yesterday
15. What are your biggest fears?
Losing friends and family, being locked up somewhere alone for long, and being with people who terrifies me
16. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
I think every girl has done that, including me
17. Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?
Of course
18. Do you believe in the saying "once a cheater, always a cheater?"
People can change, but I think a person who has cheated once can do it again
19. Have you ever had a good feeling about something?
Luckily yes
20. Do you ever wish you were famous?
Duuh, who hasn't dreamed of being the next superstar?
21. Are you currently missing someone?
Very much
Cowboy or Gangster?
=P No idea
Preppy or Punk/Goth?
I aactually don't know
Face or Body?
Sweet or Sexy?
Both is nice, but sweet is better
Armani or Abercrombie?
Doesn't matter to me
Contacts or Glasses?
Depends on the guy. I'd wear contacts though
01. Eyeliner or Mascara?
Eyeliner's just messy
02. Louis vuitton or dooney & bourke?
don't care
03. American eagle or Hollister?
American Eagle ^^
04. Pumps or flats?
05. Skirts or pants?
Pants, though if it was shorts or skirts I'd choose skirts
06. Socks or leggings?
Both is nice
07. Hoodies or jackets?
Hoodies are comfy <3
08. Heels or sneakers?
09. Straight or curly hair?
Mine's both, depends on the day
10. Hoop or dangling earrings?
love dangling ones ^^
11. silence
12. silence
13. White or black?
14. Victoria's secret or bath and body works?
15. Smoothies or lattes
Smoothies rule the world <3
16. Diet or regular sodas?
17. Water or daiquiris?
18. Pearls or diamonds?
19. Why is it missing?
20. Mary-Kate or Ashley Olsen?
I think they look kinda the same xD
21. This one's gone, too....
22. iPod or cell phone?
Cell phone with music
23. Friends or family?
Can't choose.. they're important in different ways
24. Lip gloss or lip stick?
Never uses any of it
25. Manicure or pedicure?
Hahah lovely
27. Tank tops or beaters?
Tank tops are nice
28. Tiffany's or Chanel?
Doesn't mind either
29. love or peace?
Love will give peace
30. Sunglasses or purse?
Tries to avoid sunglasses, but they're soo nice!!
Funny or Serious?
Needs to be mixed, too much of one is very bad
Romantic or Daredevil?
Both, but romantic is so.. romantic
Dark Eyes or Light Eyes?
As long as they meet mine I don't care
Long Hair or Short Hair?
Not too short, but on second thought I don't mind either
Curly Hair or Straight Hair?
this too depends on the guy
Clean-cut or Rough?
rough ^^
Basketball Player or Football Player?
Aaww my two fav sports.. can't possibly pick
Smoker or Non-smoker?
What a question...
Drunk or Sober?
Druggie or Clean?
Clean, no question about it
Has a Motorcycle or Has a Sports car?
Loves motorcycles so...
Beard/Mustache or Clean-shaven?
Hahah as long as he's not santa
Player or Loyal?
What a question... loyal is obvious!
Ta da! I'm done!
Freeze the picture
Here are some pictures from my cruise, and the best of the best from today. Enjoy!
Klick to see the whole picture =P

And now from today:

And that is all. Hope you've all had a great weekend! I wish we had three days weekends every week... Soo nice ^^
I'll see you in heaven some day
Today it's mum's birthday!!! Yaaay congrats to you =)
I woke up this morning on the cruiser ship of Birka Paradise. Yesterday evening was great fun, I was dancing with my sisters a lot. But today was even better because I got professional massage and stuff in the relax area with mom. The entire cruise was great, and the food was amazingly good. They had all four of my favourite desserts today, and of course I had to try all of them. Later I bought a bag of M&Ms and then I made cake for mom for the dinner which by brother Anders, Susanne, Mormor and Helmut attended.
After that I ate almost half an Ben&Jerry's ince cream with Vivvi. Now I'm incredibly tired so I will fniish off writing tomorrow adter the lunch thingy with the huys too. My eyelids are seriously dropping.
I will see you around, love <3
And thanks for reading and posting comments!! ^^
Keep smiling, keep shining
Yesterday it was "Valborg" which is when we celebrate the arrival of spring and the birthday of the King, I think =P Me, Vivvi, Agnes, Ida and Linn went to watch the fire together, and we met up with Elin and Maja there, and I met a lot of people I've known for long but don't really talk to anymore, all from my time in my old school Käppala. After the others had left, me and Vivvi met Carl, Max and Elma and decided to hang out with them for a while.
As everyone had left the fire except us, Elma went home and the guys invited us to join to the house where their two families were guests at a third family for dinner. We had great fun for a few hours there, then we were going home but it was just about midnight so we joined them to Carl's house instead, where the four of us watched a movie until both Carl and I fell asleep. Vivvi had to act as my pillow ^^
At about three am I woke up and realised.. well yeah I don't think my parents knew exactly where we were so we'd better get home. We took the scooter home and were too exhausted to get sheets and stuff for an extra bed so we just slept in my bed. The thing is that I had to call my dad to let us in since I hadn't expected us to be away long enough for me to need a house key. He wasn't too happy about us arriving at 3 in the morning, I can tell you.

Max, Elma, Viviv and me - Carl took the photo so I took an extra photo of him to prove he was there too ^^

Wow he really does look kinda creepy on this pic heheh

As you can probably tell by the light and dark pictures, the other girls were there with us a lot earlier =)
Now I'm cleaning the house because grandma and Helmut are staying here for two days to take care of the dogs while we're at the cruise thingy. I will be back home on saturday sometime.
Hope everyone had a nice Valborg just like me, and now we're moving on into the month of May!!! =) Lisa likes xD
Keep smiling, keep shining
Knowing you can always count on me, for sure
That's what friends are for
For good times and bad times
I'll be on your side forever more
That's what friends are for