-don't be shy, fill it all out-
Come on darlings, you know you have nothing better to do... <3
1. Do you sleep in your bra?
2. Do you enjoy drama?
Acting yes =)
3. There isn't one...but why? I WANNA KNOW!
eeeh what? O.o
4. why isn't there a number four either?
5. Are you a girly girl?
well kind of, I suppose
6. Who was the last person you hugged?
Ida or Agnes - not sure which one I hugged last - after our jogging this morning
7. Small or large purses?
No idea what that even means ^^
8. Are you short?
I'm kinda average, about 1,70
9. Do you like somebody?
Like like or just like? Well I'd say both..
11. Do you care if your socks are dirty?
Mostly, that depends on where I am though. In dirty shoes during summer I don't care actually =P
12. Why is there nothing here....?
I wonder too
13. Do you dress up on Halloween?
Heheh yep as the kid I am =P
14. Are you double jointed?
Not really..
15. Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
Hm.. Gotta be all the times I've slept in tents and on small boats.. or maybe the time when we arrived to the scout camp at 4 am and it was all dark and we just decided to sleep on the rock. Heheh
16. Has anyone touched/smacked your butt in the past 24 hours?
I'm not sure actually ^^
17. Is there any type of rumor going around about you?
Probably.. Not sure I wanna know though
18. Do you call anybody by their last name?
Not that I can think of... maybe if someone has a very common first name and I'll use the last name as a nick name
19. I really wonder what was supposed to be here...
20. How many guys will read this just because it says- Girl Confessions?
I bet Chris will.. No other guys though
[x] I do wear make up
[x] I have cried at a movie theater
[x] I can put mascara on without opening my mouth
[x] I get jealous
[ ] I think Johnny Depp is sexy
[x] I love to laugh
[ ] I like death/grind/black metal
[x] I like rap
[x] I like techno
[ ] I like country
[ ] I carry a purse
[x] I'd be lost without my computer.
[ ] I own a Spice Girls CD
[x - but I never listen to it, I swear! XD] I own a Britney Spears CD
[x] I own a boy band CD
[ ] I get bored watching football
[ ] I've never been called a spoiled brat
[x] Guys are confusing
[ I don't think so...] I've been called a bad influence
[ ] I have/had a piercing other then my ears
1. What color is your bra that your wearing?
2. Do you prefer light or dark haired guys?
Very different from one person to another...
3. Are you currently frustrated with a boy?
5. Do you have a best friend?
Yes <3
6. Have you ever had your heart broken?
Define "broken"
7. Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?
Would never even think about it
8. Do you like your life?
Mostly it rocks
10. Has one of your friends ever stolen a boyfriend from you?
Define "boyfriend" xD heheh no not a boyfriend...
11. Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on?
I'm sure I have
12. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?
Mostly girls
13. How long have you had a facebook?
No idea, for quite long I think.. a few years?
14. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?
Hahah no but I hit one with sticks yesterday
15. What are your biggest fears?
Losing friends and family, being locked up somewhere alone for long, and being with people who terrifies me
16. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
I think every girl has done that, including me
17. Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?
Of course
18. Do you believe in the saying "once a cheater, always a cheater?"
People can change, but I think a person who has cheated once can do it again
19. Have you ever had a good feeling about something?
Luckily yes
20. Do you ever wish you were famous?
Duuh, who hasn't dreamed of being the next superstar?
21. Are you currently missing someone?
Very much
Cowboy or Gangster?
=P No idea
Preppy or Punk/Goth?
I aactually don't know
Face or Body?
Sweet or Sexy?
Both is nice, but sweet is better
Armani or Abercrombie?
Doesn't matter to me
Contacts or Glasses?
Depends on the guy. I'd wear contacts though
01. Eyeliner or Mascara?
Eyeliner's just messy
02. Louis vuitton or dooney & bourke?
don't care
03. American eagle or Hollister?
American Eagle ^^
04. Pumps or flats?
05. Skirts or pants?
Pants, though if it was shorts or skirts I'd choose skirts
06. Socks or leggings?
Both is nice
07. Hoodies or jackets?
Hoodies are comfy <3
08. Heels or sneakers?
09. Straight or curly hair?
Mine's both, depends on the day
10. Hoop or dangling earrings?
love dangling ones ^^
11. silence
12. silence
13. White or black?
14. Victoria's secret or bath and body works?
15. Smoothies or lattes
Smoothies rule the world <3
16. Diet or regular sodas?
17. Water or daiquiris?
18. Pearls or diamonds?
19. Why is it missing?
20. Mary-Kate or Ashley Olsen?
I think they look kinda the same xD
21. This one's gone, too....
22. iPod or cell phone?
Cell phone with music
23. Friends or family?
Can't choose.. they're important in different ways
24. Lip gloss or lip stick?
Never uses any of it
25. Manicure or pedicure?
Hahah lovely
27. Tank tops or beaters?
Tank tops are nice
28. Tiffany's or Chanel?
Doesn't mind either
29. love or peace?
Love will give peace
30. Sunglasses or purse?
Tries to avoid sunglasses, but they're soo nice!!
Funny or Serious?
Needs to be mixed, too much of one is very bad
Romantic or Daredevil?
Both, but romantic is so.. romantic
Dark Eyes or Light Eyes?
As long as they meet mine I don't care
Long Hair or Short Hair?
Not too short, but on second thought I don't mind either
Curly Hair or Straight Hair?
this too depends on the guy
Clean-cut or Rough?
rough ^^
Basketball Player or Football Player?
Aaww my two fav sports.. can't possibly pick
Smoker or Non-smoker?
What a question...
Drunk or Sober?
Druggie or Clean?
Clean, no question about it
Has a Motorcycle or Has a Sports car?
Loves motorcycles so...
Beard/Mustache or Clean-shaven?
Hahah as long as he's not santa
Player or Loyal?
What a question... loyal is obvious!
Ta da! I'm done!
Come on darlings, you know you have nothing better to do... <3
1. Do you sleep in your bra?
2. Do you enjoy drama?
Acting yes =)
3. There isn't one...but why? I WANNA KNOW!
eeeh what? O.o
4. why isn't there a number four either?
5. Are you a girly girl?
well kind of, I suppose
6. Who was the last person you hugged?
Ida or Agnes - not sure which one I hugged last - after our jogging this morning
7. Small or large purses?
No idea what that even means ^^
8. Are you short?
I'm kinda average, about 1,70
9. Do you like somebody?
Like like or just like? Well I'd say both..
11. Do you care if your socks are dirty?
Mostly, that depends on where I am though. In dirty shoes during summer I don't care actually =P
12. Why is there nothing here....?
I wonder too
13. Do you dress up on Halloween?
Heheh yep as the kid I am =P
14. Are you double jointed?
Not really..
15. Where is the weirdest place you have slept?
Hm.. Gotta be all the times I've slept in tents and on small boats.. or maybe the time when we arrived to the scout camp at 4 am and it was all dark and we just decided to sleep on the rock. Heheh
16. Has anyone touched/smacked your butt in the past 24 hours?
I'm not sure actually ^^
17. Is there any type of rumor going around about you?
Probably.. Not sure I wanna know though
18. Do you call anybody by their last name?
Not that I can think of... maybe if someone has a very common first name and I'll use the last name as a nick name
19. I really wonder what was supposed to be here...
20. How many guys will read this just because it says- Girl Confessions?
I bet Chris will.. No other guys though
[x] I do wear make up
[x] I have cried at a movie theater
[x] I can put mascara on without opening my mouth
[x] I get jealous
[ ] I think Johnny Depp is sexy
[x] I love to laugh
[ ] I like death/grind/black metal
[x] I like rap
[x] I like techno
[ ] I like country
[ ] I carry a purse
[x] I'd be lost without my computer.
[ ] I own a Spice Girls CD
[x - but I never listen to it, I swear! XD] I own a Britney Spears CD
[x] I own a boy band CD
[ ] I get bored watching football
[ ] I've never been called a spoiled brat
[x] Guys are confusing
[ I don't think so...] I've been called a bad influence
[ ] I have/had a piercing other then my ears
1. What color is your bra that your wearing?
2. Do you prefer light or dark haired guys?
Very different from one person to another...
3. Are you currently frustrated with a boy?
5. Do you have a best friend?
Yes <3
6. Have you ever had your heart broken?
Define "broken"
7. Have you ever thought of having plastic surgery?
Would never even think about it
8. Do you like your life?
Mostly it rocks
10. Has one of your friends ever stolen a boyfriend from you?
Define "boyfriend" xD heheh no not a boyfriend...
11. Have you ever jumped in the pool with your clothes on?
I'm sure I have
12. Do you have more friends that are girls or boys?
Mostly girls
13. How long have you had a facebook?
No idea, for quite long I think.. a few years?
14. Have you ever slapped a boy in the face?
Hahah no but I hit one with sticks yesterday
15. What are your biggest fears?
Losing friends and family, being locked up somewhere alone for long, and being with people who terrifies me
16. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
I think every girl has done that, including me
17. Have you ever not been able to get someone off of your mind?
Of course
18. Do you believe in the saying "once a cheater, always a cheater?"
People can change, but I think a person who has cheated once can do it again
19. Have you ever had a good feeling about something?
Luckily yes
20. Do you ever wish you were famous?
Duuh, who hasn't dreamed of being the next superstar?
21. Are you currently missing someone?
Very much
Cowboy or Gangster?
=P No idea
Preppy or Punk/Goth?
I aactually don't know
Face or Body?
Sweet or Sexy?
Both is nice, but sweet is better
Armani or Abercrombie?
Doesn't matter to me
Contacts or Glasses?
Depends on the guy. I'd wear contacts though
01. Eyeliner or Mascara?
Eyeliner's just messy
02. Louis vuitton or dooney & bourke?
don't care
03. American eagle or Hollister?
American Eagle ^^
04. Pumps or flats?
05. Skirts or pants?
Pants, though if it was shorts or skirts I'd choose skirts
06. Socks or leggings?
Both is nice
07. Hoodies or jackets?
Hoodies are comfy <3
08. Heels or sneakers?
09. Straight or curly hair?
Mine's both, depends on the day
10. Hoop or dangling earrings?
love dangling ones ^^
11. silence
12. silence
13. White or black?
14. Victoria's secret or bath and body works?
15. Smoothies or lattes
Smoothies rule the world <3
16. Diet or regular sodas?
17. Water or daiquiris?
18. Pearls or diamonds?
19. Why is it missing?
20. Mary-Kate or Ashley Olsen?
I think they look kinda the same xD
21. This one's gone, too....
22. iPod or cell phone?
Cell phone with music
23. Friends or family?
Can't choose.. they're important in different ways
24. Lip gloss or lip stick?
Never uses any of it
25. Manicure or pedicure?
Hahah lovely
27. Tank tops or beaters?
Tank tops are nice
28. Tiffany's or Chanel?
Doesn't mind either
29. love or peace?
Love will give peace
30. Sunglasses or purse?
Tries to avoid sunglasses, but they're soo nice!!
Funny or Serious?
Needs to be mixed, too much of one is very bad
Romantic or Daredevil?
Both, but romantic is so.. romantic
Dark Eyes or Light Eyes?
As long as they meet mine I don't care
Long Hair or Short Hair?
Not too short, but on second thought I don't mind either
Curly Hair or Straight Hair?
this too depends on the guy
Clean-cut or Rough?
rough ^^
Basketball Player or Football Player?
Aaww my two fav sports.. can't possibly pick
Smoker or Non-smoker?
What a question...
Drunk or Sober?
Druggie or Clean?
Clean, no question about it
Has a Motorcycle or Has a Sports car?
Loves motorcycles so...
Beard/Mustache or Clean-shaven?
Hahah as long as he's not santa
Player or Loyal?
What a question... loyal is obvious!
Ta da! I'm done!
Postat av: Laura
hahahaha snacka om "what to do..."
Postat av: Solveig
Haha, Lisa, what do you mean you're not sure if anyone's smacked your butt in the last 24 hours?! :P
By the way, a latte is a coffee drink made with hot milk. :)
Postat av: Lisa
This was a really random post, I can assure you ^^
And Solveig, thanks for reminding me. I do knnow what it is, I just didn't make the connection to the question, was kinda tired when I did this one. Love you all for reading and posting comments!!! <3 puss