Turn the pages over

When one finally thought spring was coming around, and the air was clear and the sun was bright enough to spread some warmth, I wake up to snow. All day today those evil flakes have been falling. We're more than halfway through March and I feel less envigorated and enthusiastic for spring when I can't even see the ground. 
Today I finally got ahold of my last book for the pre-law course I'm taking, starting April 2nd. I'm excited yet scared, because for this 2 month course I have more litterature to read than for my entire senior year (at least it feels like it). And the book "Swedish Law" is not any less intimidating, being thicker than THREE of my largest Harry Potter books put together! Crazy... 
It's been a stressful weekend, but when is it not nowadays.. Extra work, to ensure that I can be off for Easter Eve, as well as dance classes and the annual easter loppis that the sea scouts arrange. Sunday it was so nice and warm outside that Trevor and I went and bought ice cream. Looking out the window today I can only sigh at the thought of ice cream.
But at least I have had this nice day to do all the things I never have time for, like blogging. Hope someone read it. Over and out. 

Waiting for the buds of spring

I think I can surely assume that it warms everyone's heart to see the snow finally beginning to melt away and the ground peeking out. At least it makes me really happy to know that spring just might be around the corner, though it is not yet here. Nothing is green and there is still ice covering the streets, making them a dangerous hazard to all us uncareful pedestrians. 
The best part of all is that the sun is up when I leave for work in the early morning. The worst part is that "up with the sun" can no longer justify a late morning and sleeping in. It is in any case nice to wake up on this one day that I have off work after working 7 days straight, with 7 workdays ahead of me, and realise it's late enough that the sun is breaking through the bedroom window and telling me it's time to get up.
I am counting down to many exciting things right now. In three weeks easter will surely bring some green and maybe even some spring flowers. Three weeks away is also the beginning of my course in Law Overviewing, which will help me decide if Law is the major I want to go for in college in the fall. Three weeks is also the time until April Fools, which is always a positive thing to look forward to. Basically, I can take three weeks of this grey half-spring weather with a hint of ice, because after that I am sure even spring can't wait any longer!
 This is what I remember from Easter time last year <3 Paris with Louise

Frozen berries in the smoothie

Almost a month, crazy how time flies when one has no time at all. Thanks Elsa for reminding me to blog some :)
Lots of things have happened, and really nothing at the same time. Just found out yesterday that my beloved Soso will be moving to Sweden in the end of May! That's way exciting news, wasn't expecting her until end of summer. She also got a job and since I know she reads this blog sometimes - Congrats!
So, a little update on the winter in this cold, northern land...
Grövelsjön, norwegian border
I have been on sports break, though I am not sure it's still called a break if it's just be taking time off of work. However, I packed away my three jobs for a week and went up north with the family, including Trevor. Spent a week in "our" old cabins up in Grövelsjön, where I have gone for sportsbreak basically every year for my whole life. It was good to be back and I loved showing Trevor all the fun we have up there. Cross country skiing, slalom, sledding, going shopping with "the kick", millions of stars at night and jumping in the snow after a sauna. I'm not sure he appreciated the långfil, but the rest seemed to be as much of an adventure for him as it was for me. 
We be cold and snowy :D

Love on a Wednesday

Happy 21 Birthday to the special person who lights up my every day. 
(Utah, May 2010 - we had dated for a week)
I love you more than ever <3
Thanks for a wonderful day Trevor, and for appreciating all the effort I went through to make your day special, and for making me smile. 

Overworked och Underbar

Tired early morning. Late enoguh that the sun is up and early enough that I haven't had breakfast yet. Can't make myself study dances for work or do anything productive at the moment.. My body still hurts from this weekend. Worked all of it and had no time for anything else pretty much. However four hours of it consisted of dancing through the choreographed dances for this spring semester of Funkykidz. Tiring but so much fun. About 100 adults (instructors) in a big gym, all crawling around pretending to be dogs... Entertaining I'm sure. Would have been fun to watch from above. The last dance was with golden hats that left a somewhat (completely) golden face and hair. Headed straight for ICA and spent 5 hours in the checkout answering that "Yes I have glittery hair because I'm a dance teacher for 4-year-olds". Fun sunday :P
Woke up Monday morning and could barely move. That's what not dancing for two months and suddenly giving it you all does to you. or to me really. Just to pour salt into the wounds I went to try out my Bellydance class at Layali, and stretched out my aching arms and legs. It's been since last May, and still I remembered most of the steps and caught on really quickly. So much fun, would gladly continue for another semester if that group wasn't full already. Sad day.
Good old times. Missed my dance girls yesterday, would have been so much fun to dance with you all again <3

Another Day Belongs to You and Me

Who doesn't need a little Christmas Break every now and then? Well here I am, back and writing. Might also be a result of me spending more time home alone during the fall, and now I work three jobs and my schedule is way busier. I'm actually heading to work in just a little bit, but figured I should at least post some pictures and updates real quick. 
Well I wrote right after Christmas, I believe, so here's New Year's Eve:
Compliments to my little sister who made great and pretty drinks at my parents'!
The evening then continued with a bunch of friends coming over to the apartment to celebrate the strike of midnight on our balcony. Sadly I took no pictures of the night, but let's just said I had fun and didn't have the time :)

Hello 2013! First year since 1987 where all four numbers are different. Strange as always to have a new year. Well it's started out great, got another six months in our apartment ahead of us, and I've signed up for an overview Law course in April-May at the Stockholm University. Considering Law for next fall, we'll see. 
I work more than ever, even if all three jobs are just part time, and fill up the remaining time hanging out with friends, and being with Trevor. 
Ice skating on the frozen lake
Elsa and mom

From the bottom of my Heart

Christmas Eve - with all its magic and traditions - was as great as always. Thank you my wonderful family for being everything I could wish for on Christmas <3
With Christmas Love
Elsa and me
Sara and me
me and Trevor

Mayan Dooms Day

Feels like whatever I do I hurt someone's feelings nowadays. Serious attitude change needed on my part. How about I make some new year's resolutions right away? That means they start right away too. 
Hopefully today will continue as it is, and the Mayan Dooms Day won't come here. But in case it does.. hah just kidding I don't even believe in that stuff... right?

Making footprints in the snow

View from the balcony in the afternoon.
Marsipan candies in chocolate
Me with the Knäck!
Yummy Christmas baking!

The greatest adventure is what lies ahead

At the midnight premiere in a theater full of elves and hobbits, Trevor and I found ourselves a minute before the clock showed 12, on Dec 12th, 2012. It was epic :D

All I want for Christmas

Have spent a wonderful evening decorating the apartment for Christmas. So extremely excited now that most of the decorations are up, and the Christmas feeling is starting to spread through the rooms. Even got wrapped gifts under the tree heheh :D

It still amazes me how lucky I am to get to spend another magical Christmas with you. 
And - as if this wasn't exciting enough, guess what's sitting on our fridge....
Notice the titel. Notice the time. Notice the date. Feel the envy ^_^

Forwards and Backwards and UpSideDown

Sleepy Friday and just exhausted, I sit here suddenly feeling "homesick". After visiting Utah last week for Thanksgiving I realised how much I enjoy the climate, the people and the whole American approach overall. I just got done working for Explorius for two whole days at "Career Days" and it makes me think back to my year  in Hurricane and how much it meant for me in so many ways. Besides all the friendships and love that came out of my year, I also changed a lot as a person. I think back of who I was before and I can't imagine where I'd be at today if I hadn't gone abroad in 2009 and found myself. 
Just a little backflash.. I'm allowed to be nostalgic, am I not? ^_^

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone

Jetlagged enough to sleep till 2 pm today, I am already back in the darkness and rain of Sweden. I've had a marvelous trip with my love to Utah for a week, and already I want to go back to the sunshine and the warmth. Host family visit, late night Denny's date, lots of driving, LOTS of turkey through three thanksgiving dinners, lots of Trevor's family and much shopping on Black Friday. Thanks everyone for giving me some sunshine to keep me sane till it finds its way back to Sweden (some time in April probably).
Trevor, me, Aryn and Zack hiking in Zion
Solveig and Matt with the gang at Denny's, around 1 am. Yes, she's hyper :)
Christmas decorations in Salt Lake City <3
Sadly Trevor's phone went missing somewhere between the flight to Minneapolis and the flight to Amsterdam... Probably it's laying around the Minneapolis airport somewhere so if anyone happens to find it near gate G4 or G5, let me know :P More importantly (in my opinion) most of our photos from the trip were lost with the phone and these are just the few that automatically uploaded to his Google+ account. Thank goodness not all were lost but sadly this is almost all the photos I have. Besides some silly travel photos from my phone that I might put up later. Peace out ^^

Let's all be Rockstars and Dance together

Enjoy, the Funkykidz show at the end of the fall semester. Visiting was Danny but the main attraction was of course the adorable kids who have worked so hard for 10 weks to learn these dances and I am SO proud! 
I have 5 groups, aged 2-3, 4-5, 4-5, 6-7 and 7-8. Hence I did 5 dances, all in front of the group to guide them through the moves except for the 2-3-yearolds where both the parents and I were up on stage with them. 
Age 4-5 Football Dance
(+ my assistant Elin up on stage)
Age 6-7 Neon Dance
Age 7-8 Dynamite Dance
After each number we thank the audience and I get up on stage with my Wonderful students. It's amazing to realise how much I mean to them and they mean to me. I hope many of them continue next semester because I sure will!
Thank you for this semester and the great times. Oh and btw, I high fived Danny. I'm cool ^_^

I've searched through every open door

 This just makes me happy. I think every girl in the world probably wants to dance like this at some point.. Wonderful end scene to a really good old classic.
Today I worked at Explorius again, interviewing future exchange students. I'm loving it, it's such a fun and nice job and I really like helping the students and parents by answering their questions and give advice and information. Filling in with stories from my own year abroad doesn't hurt either. 
Now the weekend starts for me and I can warm up for Saturday and Sunday... Funky Weekend here I come!

Remember November

“How do you spell 'love'?" - Piglet
"You don't spell it...you feel it." - Pooh” 
― A.A. Milne
The month of November makes everyone on my facebook page start a chain reaction of gratitude. It happened last year too, but then I paid little attention to it. Now I find it facinating to see what people are really thankful for, and to spend a few minutes myself each day coming up with something cleaver to post as what I'm thankful for today. 
I think this is a great way of making something positive out of November, which is known to be the toughest, darkest, coldest and longest month of the year. At least that is a true statement if one's living in Sweden. The hours of sun every day go down to very few or none, and with the lack of vitamins and sunshine people become their worst versions of themselves. 
So here's a post to the positive thinking that comes with Thankful November, and how I appreciate hearing what my friends are thankful for rather than what they like to complain and whine about this time of year. 

I am the shadow on the moon at night

Halloween has come and gone, and though this year I didn't dress up for school (since I'm no longer enrolling in a school, at least not atm) and I didn't go to any Halloween parties, I had a great time. Trevor and I set up the decorations in the beginning of October because we figured we might as well get to see them for a while and enjoy the scary setting of the apartment for more than just a few days. Spiderwebs covering the ceiling, little spiders all over, a big spider in a nest of web in a corner, a black cat by a lantern, bats in the ceiling lights and a slug on the bathroom mirror. It was epic to put it all up and I'm dreading taking it down in a few days. 
However, the Halloween Gettogether we had with some friends, and the Annual Family Halloween Dinner, both turned out nicely and we had so much fun making all the food and desserts and stuff ourselves!
I love you.
And by now all the Halloween food and candy is gone too, and I'm starting to get a tiny bit excited for Christmas to approach =D

it's the most wonderful time

It's snowing it's snowing it's already snowing!! How exciting, that there has already been some snow on the ground, and it's still October!
Can it be that today is just the kind of day that no one expects and then it turns out great? I think so. Payday today (wihooo!) as well as first snow of the season. Also had Pauline over for lunch which is always nice, and spent the evening with my parents talking trips and plans. Dad made a fire in the fireplace when we realised the garden was getting whiter by the minute, and I ran out with the dogs to check it out. Had tea and stayed till it was completely dark. Lovely evening, for sure. 

I guess the only downside to this day would be the dental visit I had to endure this morning at 7.50 am :S First off, I don't like dentists. Second, I dislike my dentist even more. Third, I came home with my teeth hurting a ton more than they did when I woke up (which was nothing at all). 

Remember to let her into your heart

FINALLY this weekend is over. I honestly don't know how I'd get through these weekends where all I do is work work work (or so it feels to me), without all the support I get. Everything from my parents lending out their van, to Trevor picking me up and dropping me off everywhere, cooking for me and hugging me when I'm tired. I keep thinking of how lucky I am, to have friends who will switch my shifts with me to assure I can make it on time, and to have three part time jobs that make it possible for me to save up just a little bit every month and hope to travel and see the world some day soon.
At least I had a fabulous friday with the girls, including Solveig who has been visiting for a week, and Pauline's two best friends Felicia and Emelie. It was great having some girly time, and the cheesecake with frozen raspberries I brought for dessert was quite the success. There was only a little bit left for me to bring home to Trevor ;)
Today has been a day to repose. Not that I could sleep much, because once you have tasted some pure pineapple juice at 7 am there is no going back to bed. As a matter of fact I doubt anyone could sleep right after breakfast. At least it is impossible for me, so I spent the morning in a state of relaxation. Then at lunch I walked to Centrum and met up with Louise, wandered back to my apartment and had some lunch and tea. To continue my day, I travelled to town to meet up with my brother and help him with his two adorable daughters as the older one (age 4) had gymnastics and needed someone to come to that with her, and the younger one (age 1.5) needed her dad's attention. So there I found myself between 4 and 5 pm, helping little kinds jump obstacles, balance and do handstands. I was a proud aunt =D
Also, it had been pouring and as an aunt.. ofc I jumped some puddles with my niece. It is great fun, the rain. I wish I wasn't so boring and felt more like going out in it to dance (Soso I miss our epic rain dance). Although it would probably risk my health more than it's actually worth, since my weekend also resulted in a dry voice and coughing. I'm terrified I will loose my voice again, like this past spring AND fall... so I'm staying as quiet as I can, keeping my cold and throat under observation, and hope to still be able to play in the rain sooner than later.
This song has been stuck in my head all day and it makes me think of great memories from the Cavern Club in Liverpool about a year ago where Louise and I acted the part as Beatles fans in front of the crowd while an imitation band played. So much fun..! Old music is really the best.
Other than that, the focus of today has been on the releasing of "Riders of Rohan" for LOTRO, which Trevor has been anticipating for months. Finally he can shoot a bow from horseback and compete to see who gets to lvl 85 first. I find it silly, yet the excitement is kind of rubbing off on me.. At least I'm happy to see him so excited =)
But all the same, it's a silly game ^_^

Pictures on your wall

So I guess Funkykidz decided to update their website and fill it with the pictures they took of us instructors during the kick-off in August... Can't say it's the most charming photo of moi, but hey I look happy and that's all that the kids who will see this care about :) So that's all that matters. 
Other than that, my life is slowly falling into some sort of habit where I live in this apartment, visit my parents once or twice a week for dinner, work 2-3 days a week at ICA, spend my Sundays dancing with little kids and try to catch a glimpse of every moment I get to spend with Trevor. Also trying to fit my dear friends into the equation, which equals strangely little time to do nothing. One might think that me taking a year off before college, taking a year to work and figure out what I want to study and where the path of career will lead me... one might think that I have whole days to do nothing at all. You couldn't be more wrong. I have filled my days with things that I want to do, and also I have gone from interviews to auditions to work to birthday celebrations to dance practise to girls night to doing dishes to just taking the time to breath and write blog posts like this. My life is as full and lively as ever, and I hope have enough time to make the big decisions I am working on for next year. Time will tell. 

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