Our song is the way you laugh
Me, Sabi, her cute daughter Abby held by Courtney, and Jenny
After the Dance Company Final Show at the school <3
Me having my very first snow cone ever!!! Ah geez I miss that stuff!! It's awesome xP
Me trying on a pretty dress in a store.. that dressing room was HUGE! And the couch was nice ^^
Aww I miss our fun times girls!! Miss you so much <3
And here are some newer ones :)
My name day cake this year ^^
My design and making for Sara's birthday cake :P
Making waffles for lunch with Louise :D
Axel, Sebastian and Louise in Mårten Trotsigs Gränd in Old Town today with the class ;P (click to see larger..)
Think that's it for today. Hope you comment! <3
oh and P.S. Solveig thanks for sending my flashdrive and those sweets ^^ love ya <3
Hung upon your wall for the world to see
That's it for me tonight. Just a random thought added. Sleep well :D
P.S. Laura! Miss you girl, need is big to skype agaaain!!! Loves and goodnight.. morning.. lunchtime.. Good whatever! ^^ <3
P.S (P.S) Please don't hate me for putting this picture up here ^^ I adore it so much and well,,, if you do hate me for it then let me know and I'll take it away, but it's awesome and real you =) So yeah, just letting you know I didn't put it up here to tease you ;) I really like it *blowing kisses* <3
Don't really know all the names of all the guys yet :P Feel sorta bad about that but well they look very similar and some of them just don't seemed to care enough to say hi the first day, which is fine, but then they can't really expect that people learn their names very fast, can they? ^^
Anyways, I can at least give you the front row =) Amanda, Linnea, Catti, Sara, Vanessa, Cecilia, MEEE, Louise
Now I'm off to bed after a very exhausting day, think it's this cold/cough that's still making me so tired. Tomorrow we're writing an english essay and then we're off to a medival museum... yaaay xP hah silly
Night <3
Running through my mind all day
The rest of the weekend has pretty much been homework. Have to read two books for swedish and english, and do maths and physics and read history and learn english vocab words and read about essays in english and read about global warming.. that is, those are all for monday, tuesday or wednesday this coming week. And people keep telling me to do other stuff and gaah I just wanna cuddle up in my bed with a movie and fall asleep... O=)
Found this, and well it's pretty much awesome. Would be a shame if anyone out there didn't see it ;) enjoy!
Let's go party
Cheerleader Version ;P
Football Players Version x'D
It's just awesome. Come on Sweden, we've got something to learn about spirit here!!!! ;P
Raindrops are falling on my head
So yesterday was my nameday. The only person who remembered it was my PE teacher, but well I barely did myself so no hard feelings ^^ My family did remember today tho, and made a cake :) Yummy!
I'm still waay frustrated at Trevor's internet being dead since Sunday, but yeah hope it will be back on soon. Miss talking to him ;P
Today after school I went to the bibliotek and looked for Alice in Wonderland for Swedish class - we have to analyse books and I've decided to analyse and compare two kids books ^^ - and I really badly wanted to find it in English too cause well.. I'm still obsessed with that story after the play :P But the library didn't have Alice in Wonderland OR Through the Looking-glass! Got a little upset with them.. Really wanted those books :P
Btw, if anyone in the cast for Alice last spring reads this (I know some of you do) and has any way of getting hold of Courtney's mom Dina who filmed the show, I'd be forever thankful to anyone who could mail me a copy of the filming (I'll pay all expenses)... yeah just trying really hard to get a copy of it cause it would mean a lot to me to have :)
Tonight I'm going to see Veronica and drive some more with my dad so I can get my license soon.. Will still take forever, which makes me feel silly having friends so much younger than me in the US who already got theirs ;P Not fair ^^ But I will get it! Just need to get back in the habit of driving..
That's it for now. I'm frustrated at Trevor's internet being down cause I miss talking to him, but I guess that's just how it is. Maybe I should read some Alice in Wonderland in Swedish.. :D

The lights will inspire you
Good morning good afternoon and hi :)
I'm about to go meet Louise who's coming here in a little bit, and some friends are coming over so we can all be waaay nerdy and watch all the LotR movies hahaha yes we're silly but it's gonna be a blast ;) I know at least three people from Utah I'd loove to have here tonight too, and you three know who you are ;) And yes, you three are like the only ones reading my blog anyways so well.. heheh yay you three xP
I have this song stuck in my head, it's really a good one, and I thought I'd share it with you.
If I put all the songs I have stuck in my head and like up here, this would be a "music only blog" ;) but well some I just can't help putting up here :P Enjoy!
Blue is the colour
Today after school I've been hanging out with Veronica, nice to see her again, having a great girly time just being silly and fun, then made dinner together and watched a movie while having dessert that she made yesterday (she's soo good at cooking, so awesome!) and had some more silly fun :P Always good to see her.

This is the movie we watched ^^ it never gets boring, such a silly weird awkward awesome movie ;P
Now I'm home, still coughing but I've taken some medicin so I can sleep. Hopefully Trevor will log on so I get to talk to him for a bit, or (if I'm right and he's busy doing something else..) someone else who is willing to take up a little bit of my evening time tonight..? :)
Tired and sick. Time to count the sheep - and go to sleep. I'm off to bed. Soon :P Loves <3
Sara's Cupcakes
Hold me without touch - like a melody in my head
I listen to this over and over again when I do math =) So pretty
Had PE and English, and been home cleaning my room etc since :) I like Mondays, now that I no longer go til 4.40 pm ;P
Time for some homework and then dinner and hopefully I'll get to bed in time and get rid off this cough soooon! =)
I shouldn't put this many songs up here cause no one will listen to them anyways, but I just wanna share them cause theese are both stuck on my mind all the time :P Good ones :) Enjoy ^^
Welcome to Hurricane Heat
Do I miss Utah, the people, the awesome school and classes, my wonderful hostfamily..?
Yes ofc I do.
Do I miss the heat?
I hook you up with some poetry
So yeah we went there right after school cause it had been predicted to be lots of people, and we got there fairly early. Ofc the guys had to be all cool and go ride Extreme first, but then we had Ben&Jerry's for dinner and found a table and sat there for long cause it started raining, and once the concert started we got up and joined the crowd :) Good times, good times ^^
So, I had never heard of Hoomaestro before, but they were pretty good. Not my typical kind of music but I liked a few songs. Mostly they were upbeat ones, but there was a nice ballad in there too... I'll put some of the best ones up here :) Enjoy!
The one song that we sorta knew already ^^ Fun fun
The opening song, which was pretty good too.. in the rain.. heheh
The slow one that I liked, tho the lyrics are sorta weird I like the chorus a lot :)
Today I'm staying inside with a big scarf and a warm sweater, hoping I won't have to wake up in the middle of the night again tonight cause I'm caughing my lungs out :P
Go Crazy from Happiness... Check √
14 weeks.
Can't wait.
For my own
I gotta say what's on my mind
Enjoy :P Shelly and me ready to become the March Hare and the Queen of Hearts ^^ Gosh I miss acting..

Energy! Fight! Focus! Scatter! <3
Stay Safe
Don't stab me with a pencil, plz
I really miss Rich's Speech and Debate class. So sponganeous, so fun and soo much nicer people in that class.. I bet lots of people in my speech class now are nice, but everyone's like shy and I don't know anyone really. I miss Michaela, Rachel, Cedric, Jessie, LuEllen, Gareth, Harry, Tess, Sharissa, Braden and all you guys.. Oh wow I miss HHS debate..
Just took a little break cause I found this cute quote on a friend's fb and wanted to put it up here. Enjoy ^^
Song of the year
I'm trying to decide on a song of the year (as in, The Song of 2009/10 that I spent in the US) and I have come up with a few Options, now I just want some Opinions... I'll be waiting ^^
So here we go...
Soo, which one is it? ^^ Also, there are so many that I wanted to put on here, but welll. can't go on forever ^^ Most of all, just really wanted to put "Me" from "Beauty and the Beast - The musical" up here cause I think it qualifies ;) But then Solveig might come all the way over here and slap me :P Second thoughts... maybe I should put it up here just so you come visit... :D <3
Geez I love these songs :')
Could really use a wish right now
And so I just had to put this one up here too, because it makes me cry and smile at the same time. I hope everyone who took part of my life from somewhere last fall til pretty much this summer know how incredibly much they mean to me <3 I'll never forget :')
No matter what I say or do
So it's pretty late, but I can still be up because guess what...? I'm out of school tomorrow!! ;D Yay free day - full of tons of homework and stuff I need to do..! Yay.. :P
So I found this song.. Took me forever to figure out what it was called, I had forgotten heheh though now I remember how Jenny and I would sit by the player in the gym and go through the iPods and find this song for Madison's dance for the Dance Company Concert in May.. Awh I might not have enjoyed the dancing in that class that much, but I surely miss everything that reminds me of Utah. And Madison's dance for those girls.. it was after all beautiful :)
So Yeah I like this song a lot, Just cause it's pretty. It's sweet and I really like the wording in some places.
Today I have basically been in school. Realised today how Wednesdays I have no classes with my whole class. I have speech with like 2 people from my class, double math hours with barely anyone from my class, lunch, chemistry with half of them, physics with the same half, french with no one from my class :P So yeah a pretty fast day for being so filled with boring subjects.
So now I'm gonna introduce you to Louise, the sweet girl who came up and talked to me first out of everyone in the class (well - I did talk to Anton first, but I didn't know him then) during my first day, and she's my first friend in this new class of new people :P She's adorable and so sweet, so curious about my year abroad and a great partner in chemistry and physics ^^
Yeah she's sneaking in between the cupboards in the corner to measure the size of the classroom ;) Couldn't help but take a picture of her :P She looked so hidden away <3
Now I think I'll turn on some music and try to fall asleep. Tho I'm not tired at all. Oh and yeah another little PS.. Solveig I wanna see your fishie!! I'm excited to meet him and I want a proper introduction! <3
PS number 2. Thanks Trevor for living through my babbling this afternoon. Once I get going, I never stop. That's what she said. Heheh ^^