
Hey, here I sit in my room doing homework (yes I actually am doing homework, being all good I already got all the swedish done ^^) and taking a break I thought I'd put this song up here. We watched it today in French class and well... it's pretty cool cause I understand all of it very well ;P And well just watch it and look at the face expressions and the clothes... yeah a picture says more than a thousand words so please watch ;) so worth it ^^

Foux Da Fa Fa



Today after school I went to the bibliotek and looked for Alice in Wonderland for Swedish class - we have to analyse books and I've decided to analyse and compare two kids books ^^ - and I really badly wanted to find it in English too cause well.. I'm still obsessed with that story after the play :P But the library didn't have Alice in Wonderland OR Through the Looking-glass! Got a little upset with them.. Really wanted those books :P

Btw, if anyone in the cast for Alice last spring reads this (I know some of you do) and has any way of getting hold of Courtney's mom Dina who filmed the show, I'd be forever thankful to anyone who could mail me a copy of the filming (I'll pay all expenses)... yeah just trying really hard to get a copy of it cause it would mean a lot to me to have :)

Tonight I'm going to see Veronica and drive some more with my dad so I can get my license soon.. Will still take forever, which makes me feel silly having friends so much younger than me in the US who already got theirs ;P Not fair ^^ But I will get it! Just need to get back in the habit of driving..

That's it for now. I'm frustrated at Trevor's internet being down cause I miss talking to him, but I guess that's just how it is. Maybe I should read some Alice in Wonderland in Swedish.. :D

Postat av: Elsa

älskar klippet, älskar alice <3

älskar dej mest <3

2010-09-22 @ 17:08:56
Postat av: Laura

Haha! Marie! the baguettes! Hurry up! Two plays in one! <3 miss you

2010-09-23 @ 01:28:39

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