Song of the year
I'm trying to decide on a song of the year (as in, The Song of 2009/10 that I spent in the US) and I have come up with a few Options, now I just want some Opinions... I'll be waiting ^^
So here we go...
Soo, which one is it? ^^ Also, there are so many that I wanted to put on here, but welll. can't go on forever ^^ Most of all, just really wanted to put "Me" from "Beauty and the Beast - The musical" up here cause I think it qualifies ;) But then Solveig might come all the way over here and slap me :P Second thoughts... maybe I should put it up here just so you come visit... :D <3
Geez I love these songs :')
I think I my mind pretty much set, but I still want opinions ^^ I love all of these songs :D
Yikes that's a tough one! =O I think we need four of them, like songs of the quarter. :P But I think I'm going to have to go with I Gotta Feeling. Soul Sister is close too, but it was just the last semester...whereas Gotta Feeling was our theme song for the entire year. Remember all those times we rolled down the window and belted it out? :P And it fit for so many occasions!
Solveig... you pretty much read my mind there ^^ <3
I know. :P And by the way, I'm going to come slap you for saying it. ^^
;D "I've been dreaming, just one dream, nearly all my liiiiife. Hoping scheming, just one dream, will you be a wiiiiife? Will you be some he man's property? Good news!!! That he man's MEEEEE!"
A slap is such a low price to have you here dearie <3 As long as there's not a stone wall next to me again ^^
Opinions opinions... I wish I would have know you sooner <3 Hard to give a "song of the year" for you when I really only started to get to know you the last few months. I do see where lots of these songs have meaning to you and how it would be hard to pick one ;)
My opinion... as cheesy as it is :P
"Just havn't met you yet" for the majority of the year, with the exception of the last few months which would be "Two is better than one" <3
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH! Käften käften käften käften!!!!!!! The pain, the PAIN!!!!!
....Love ya darlin'. ;)
Trevor, I think the only problem with your cheesiness is that it only really involves you...but a general "song of the year" should be more encompassing, and involve memories of more people, I think. There were tons of different occasions and different people involved with Gotta Feeling.
Solveig, See why I don't give opinions ;) There is no "problem" with my opinion, its my opinion ;) Yes I do see your point in involving more people of course, and I can agree there are plenty of other songs that involve more people. But if were to suggest other songs, it wouldn't be "my opinion."
While I see "Gotta Feeling" is a very good choice, I wouldn't consider that my opinion, cause as I mentioned early, I passed the opportunity to get to know Lisa better earlier in her year here.
In conclusion ;) Yes there are songs that have more people involved. I cannot give an accurate opinion for the whole year. But I gave my opinion because thats what Lisa asked ;) <3
You don't need to make this into that much of a debate, I assure you. I never said there was a problem with your opinion. But the way you said "my cheesy as it is" implied, simply by wording and punctuation etc, that people might think it silly or "wrong", as used here, that you're being so cheesy. So actually, my intention was more of to VALIDATE your opinion than anything else- saying that there's nothing wrong with being cheesy, but giving reasons why I thought that cheesiness didn't apply to a song for the entire year.
Alright makes sense ;) Kind of wrote that after a philosophy class ;) and a interpersonal communications class about philosophy... so yeah... Alright time to leave room for other people to post ;)
heej! här kommer din efterlängtadekomentar om låtarna!:
jag tycker att den sista: "dont stop beliving" är en av dom. men också: "just havent met u yet" "who is better then on boy like..." och "watcha say".
det är nog dom som jag tycker är de bästa. men om jag måste väja en så vet jag inte riktigt. jag gillar låtar som har ett gung i som tex "watcha say" eller någon av de andra här ovan. så... dom är bra allihop! ;D
LOVE U!!! =D ^^
You guys are silly ^^ Still love you both tho <3 thanks for commenting :-P
ooj sorry! jag skrv fel! jag menade "two is better then one!"
And sara ^^ loves to you too ;-) <3
You silly people. <3 Good thing i love you. Haha! Wow Lisa i love all of them and i can think of all of them applying. Haha I can't listen to TiK ToK without thinking of you. Love that song. I love 2 is better than 1 and just haven't met you yet. Love Don't stop believin, especially that version. :) and hey soul sister and definitely i gotta feelin. Love you dearie! <3