What's upeth?
...And then the fairy godmother had to go to her jousting practise, and leave the prince to make his own decision. Should he marry the princess and go against the will of her evil stepmother? To be continued...

Hahah I don't think anyone but Laura, Krystal and Trevor would get this one.. x'D

Hahah I don't think anyone but Laura, Krystal and Trevor would get this one.. x'D
Confessions of a Shopaholic
Oh Lazy Saturday...
...I talked to Mom, Dad, Sara, Elsa (short), Alfonz, Laura and Vivvi today. Oh wonderful day of skype... Then I went to the college in St George with Solveig and waited while she took her test. We stopped at Ross and I got a last-minute-dress for the Success Academy (Solveig's college program for High School students) Dance a week from now. It's blue-greenish - I have discovered that I look really good in those colours - and also a short white dress with black/blue roses and stuff in the pattern.. Will try to take some pics later.
During the day I spent like 2 hours - while talking to Vivvi - choosing pics for my photo album on Facebook from the San Francisco-Santa Barbara Trip, and they took forever to upload, and then they all just didn't show up. Bluah, I will have to try again whenever I have time. Sorry about that, I know I promised they'd be up by today but well..
Spring is finally here for real! Oh how wonderful it is to wake up to sunshine and the birds singing (in their cages in the house, yes, but still birds!).. Just wish I had some green grass to sit on outside while eating breakfast, but well you can't have everything.. ^^

Later today I'm going with Solveig to Kayla's house to watch movies and have a sleepover, and then tomorrow it's back to school again and a week full of shows of Alice in Wonderland!! Wohoo xD

...I talked to Mom, Dad, Sara, Elsa (short), Alfonz, Laura and Vivvi today. Oh wonderful day of skype... Then I went to the college in St George with Solveig and waited while she took her test. We stopped at Ross and I got a last-minute-dress for the Success Academy (Solveig's college program for High School students) Dance a week from now. It's blue-greenish - I have discovered that I look really good in those colours - and also a short white dress with black/blue roses and stuff in the pattern.. Will try to take some pics later.
During the day I spent like 2 hours - while talking to Vivvi - choosing pics for my photo album on Facebook from the San Francisco-Santa Barbara Trip, and they took forever to upload, and then they all just didn't show up. Bluah, I will have to try again whenever I have time. Sorry about that, I know I promised they'd be up by today but well..
Spring is finally here for real! Oh how wonderful it is to wake up to sunshine and the birds singing (in their cages in the house, yes, but still birds!).. Just wish I had some green grass to sit on outside while eating breakfast, but well you can't have everything.. ^^

Later today I'm going with Solveig to Kayla's house to watch movies and have a sleepover, and then tomorrow it's back to school again and a week full of shows of Alice in Wonderland!! Wohoo xD

Tik Tok on my Clock - Preference
Finally I got the pics from Cheryl from Shelly's house before preference! Here they are, enjoy! (click to enlarge)

Look inside your heart
Today I got my gown and hat thingy for Graduation! I know it's a crappy picture, but it's taken with my webcam because my camera/swedish cellphone is still gone. It's been a week now and they still don't have anything at the office in school and I haven't found it anywhere. Sad sad, I really miss having my camera and my music player (which are both my phone).

I've had an ok day, went to Glee in the morning (=another short night) and actually managed to bring Trevor there at 7 am when he didn't have class til after lunch!
I hung out with Trevor most of the day, and he was in an extremely good mood all day.
Also, I finally talked to Mitch about everything and sort of cleared things, so I feel like today turned out better than it seemed.
I had my foxtrot test with Gareth, my State-Capital-test in History, a crazy sub in Financial Literacy and then speech and rehearsal. Next week we open the show for the public!!! :D
Now I'm going to bed to catch up on some sleep from this week. Good night <3

I've had an ok day, went to Glee in the morning (=another short night) and actually managed to bring Trevor there at 7 am when he didn't have class til after lunch!
I hung out with Trevor most of the day, and he was in an extremely good mood all day.
Also, I finally talked to Mitch about everything and sort of cleared things, so I feel like today turned out better than it seemed.
I had my foxtrot test with Gareth, my State-Capital-test in History, a crazy sub in Financial Literacy and then speech and rehearsal. Next week we open the show for the public!!! :D
Now I'm going to bed to catch up on some sleep from this week. Good night <3
På en regnig perrong
I sit here and randomly happened to come across a bunch of youtube videos of old summer hits performed on "Allsång på Skansen". Old ones that just make me think Summer Summer SUMMER!!! Oh how I am totally taking Solveig there this summer, we're gonna go there and be in the front and scream all night :D Hahah awsome ^^
I mean, how much more Swedish summer does it get than this? xD It's even sort of rainy - like always - on the video. And oh oh oh how Swedish summer rocks! <3
Åhåå vad Svenskt och Somrigt. Jag som varit lite orolig för att lämna allt här och träffa alla igen efter ett helt år. Men iiih vad glad sånt här gör mig ^-^ Svensk Sommar Slår Allt <3
I mean, how much more Swedish summer does it get than this? xD It's even sort of rainy - like always - on the video. And oh oh oh how Swedish summer rocks! <3
Åhåå vad Svenskt och Somrigt. Jag som varit lite orolig för att lämna allt här och träffa alla igen efter ett helt år. Men iiih vad glad sånt här gör mig ^-^ Svensk Sommar Slår Allt <3
Skriv det här i tidningen
I love the songs of Håkan Hellström, one of my favourite swedish singers, and I'm really in the mood to listen to his songs right now. They're actually really good, and worth listening through and actually hearing the lyrics.. Enjoy!
Seriously, such awsome lyrics though they're in swedish.. Really random and great :) Love it <3
Seriously, such awsome lyrics though they're in swedish.. Really random and great :) Love it <3
Det verkar som solen aldrig når
Miss you my angel ❤
But she still shine
I just got back from hanging out with Michaela all day at her house, having brunch, playing soccer in the park, and we also went swimming in the Virgin River and checked out an old pioneer house...!

It was great meeting Tim (her boyfriend who lives with them) and her mom, who was really sweet. Then we had a really good dinner and watched Saw 3 til I got picked up. Tomorrow's school again. But I've had the best weekend in forever!! xD
I just got back from hanging out with Michaela all day at her house, having brunch, playing soccer in the park, and we also went swimming in the Virgin River and checked out an old pioneer house...!

It was great meeting Tim (her boyfriend who lives with them) and her mom, who was really sweet. Then we had a really good dinner and watched Saw 3 til I got picked up. Tomorrow's school again. But I've had the best weekend in forever!! xD
Down, down, do your dance
As soon as I get the pictures from Shelly of us before Preference I will post them here. Til then, I will just say that it was a fun dance and I had an awsome time with Shelly, Trevor and Mitch. We also met Iisha, Taya and Hanna there, so it was all fun.
Before the dance today, I went with Solveig and Krystal to Springdale for the St Patrick's Day Parade. Mitch was supposed to be in it but he spent the day with Sara, so we saw Laura and Jon in it and they did great :)
We got candy and went to the bridge of awsomeness (a falling apart used-to-be-bridge over a river) and went across it on adventure. We then picked up Mitch and went to the movies to meet Shelly and Trevor there and we saw Alice in Wonderland which was wonderful as expected. Half the theater was filled with people from the play, because some more of them were there, and so we all started going on about how funny "our" character behaved and stuff. My character in the movie has beheaded the king for example (Cedric) to fall in love with the Knave of Hearts (Mitchel). Oh the irony. Ha Ha Ha.
We got pizza to Shelly's house and then ate and once we all gathered at her house again by nine, Krystal and Solveig left to go hang out in Hurricane instead of going to the dance. The four of us (the rest of us) went and I think it was all fun :) Me and Mitch got changes to dance Waltz, Foxtrot and Swing, and we looked all professional and stuff since we've done them all in class before ^^ Fun fun ;)
Now I'm really tired and since we stayed til past midnight and just got back to Apple Valley like 40 mins ago, I will sleep now. Good night <3
Before the dance today, I went with Solveig and Krystal to Springdale for the St Patrick's Day Parade. Mitch was supposed to be in it but he spent the day with Sara, so we saw Laura and Jon in it and they did great :)
We got candy and went to the bridge of awsomeness (a falling apart used-to-be-bridge over a river) and went across it on adventure. We then picked up Mitch and went to the movies to meet Shelly and Trevor there and we saw Alice in Wonderland which was wonderful as expected. Half the theater was filled with people from the play, because some more of them were there, and so we all started going on about how funny "our" character behaved and stuff. My character in the movie has beheaded the king for example (Cedric) to fall in love with the Knave of Hearts (Mitchel). Oh the irony. Ha Ha Ha.
We got pizza to Shelly's house and then ate and once we all gathered at her house again by nine, Krystal and Solveig left to go hang out in Hurricane instead of going to the dance. The four of us (the rest of us) went and I think it was all fun :) Me and Mitch got changes to dance Waltz, Foxtrot and Swing, and we looked all professional and stuff since we've done them all in class before ^^ Fun fun ;)
Now I'm really tired and since we stayed til past midnight and just got back to Apple Valley like 40 mins ago, I will sleep now. Good night <3
Region Drama Festival and Competition
Oh My Gosh.
Yesterday I had the most amazing day in forever! I woke up thinking it would be all horrible, but it turned out very nice! First hour I got to spend helping the new guy, teaching him the Waltz and the Foxtrot. Then we all learned some Tango which was fun!
At lunch I got my Drama Council Jacket, and then we had rehearsal for a few hours before the bus came and brought us to the High School where the Region Spring Drama Festival and Competition was.
At first things were a little confused, but then we got organised into our rounds. In all three rounds Solveig actually slapped me for real instead of our fake slap (by mistake) which did hurt, but at least it was real :P In one round we got 100% superiors (highest rating) and in all three rounds we got overall Superiors for our IE! So the IEs were great and everyone on the team qualified for STATE!!! But, we have to not send one of the dramatic monologues cause each school can only send at the most four in each event but all five of our DMs qualified.

After all rounds, as we waited for the judges to make the lists of who made it to state (region is after all a qualification step for state) our team serously had the most fun in the lobby. Some people performed their IEs for everyone, Taya got her colourful amazing cake (that she used in her scene) smashed in her face and laughing, we all ate it. We formed a big Hurricane-circle and sung at the top of our lungs, we did penguin sliding on the floor etc etc. Oh my gosh how I love this team. Never met better people in my life, lots of love to all of them!!!
They told us all the state-competators in their auditorium, and that our Alice-One Act made it to State, and we all started screaming like crazy and jumping around and it was FUN FUN FUUUUN!!! On the way back to Hurricane we stopped and had McDo Food, and the busride was so fun!! Oh wow It was amazing. I wish I had been able to take pics but (I think I mentioned this before, right?) my swedish phone - which is also my camera - is missing. I hope to just have lost it somewhere in the house, but I can't find it at the moment so.. well.

I just woke up - Saturday morning - feeling a little more hopeful about today than I did yesterday morning. Though Shelly is now sick (she missed competition yesterday) and will probably not come to the dance today, I told Trevor to come anyway. And I'm trying to make Solveig and Krystal join us to see Alice in Wonderland (the movie) at 4.30 with me and Mitch and Trevor. And Taya should come too, and Sabi! But everything's very confusing so far. Hahah it will be a very confusing day overall. But if Trevor's there I should be ok. It feels great to have a friend there and not have to hang out alone with Mitch there. Well I dunno I like hanging out with him sometimes, but after I talked to Iisha and Hanna the other day I feel like just going to the dance with them haha. That's why I'm glad I'm going to Prom (April 10th) with Solveig, Krystal and Kayla. Girl's have more fun heheh ^^
Yesterday I had the most amazing day in forever! I woke up thinking it would be all horrible, but it turned out very nice! First hour I got to spend helping the new guy, teaching him the Waltz and the Foxtrot. Then we all learned some Tango which was fun!
At lunch I got my Drama Council Jacket, and then we had rehearsal for a few hours before the bus came and brought us to the High School where the Region Spring Drama Festival and Competition was.
At first things were a little confused, but then we got organised into our rounds. In all three rounds Solveig actually slapped me for real instead of our fake slap (by mistake) which did hurt, but at least it was real :P In one round we got 100% superiors (highest rating) and in all three rounds we got overall Superiors for our IE! So the IEs were great and everyone on the team qualified for STATE!!! But, we have to not send one of the dramatic monologues cause each school can only send at the most four in each event but all five of our DMs qualified.

After all rounds, as we waited for the judges to make the lists of who made it to state (region is after all a qualification step for state) our team serously had the most fun in the lobby. Some people performed their IEs for everyone, Taya got her colourful amazing cake (that she used in her scene) smashed in her face and laughing, we all ate it. We formed a big Hurricane-circle and sung at the top of our lungs, we did penguin sliding on the floor etc etc. Oh my gosh how I love this team. Never met better people in my life, lots of love to all of them!!!
They told us all the state-competators in their auditorium, and that our Alice-One Act made it to State, and we all started screaming like crazy and jumping around and it was FUN FUN FUUUUN!!! On the way back to Hurricane we stopped and had McDo Food, and the busride was so fun!! Oh wow It was amazing. I wish I had been able to take pics but (I think I mentioned this before, right?) my swedish phone - which is also my camera - is missing. I hope to just have lost it somewhere in the house, but I can't find it at the moment so.. well.

I just woke up - Saturday morning - feeling a little more hopeful about today than I did yesterday morning. Though Shelly is now sick (she missed competition yesterday) and will probably not come to the dance today, I told Trevor to come anyway. And I'm trying to make Solveig and Krystal join us to see Alice in Wonderland (the movie) at 4.30 with me and Mitch and Trevor. And Taya should come too, and Sabi! But everything's very confusing so far. Hahah it will be a very confusing day overall. But if Trevor's there I should be ok. It feels great to have a friend there and not have to hang out alone with Mitch there. Well I dunno I like hanging out with him sometimes, but after I talked to Iisha and Hanna the other day I feel like just going to the dance with them haha. That's why I'm glad I'm going to Prom (April 10th) with Solveig, Krystal and Kayla. Girl's have more fun heheh ^^
They say I'm goin' crazy
This morning we got up super early, as I said we would, but it was worth it because singing Somebody to Love and Higher Love was awsome. Here are the real ones, but we sung this arrangement (SATB) for the first one and I thought we sounded preetty awsome.
Somebody to Love
This one we only sung for like the last 10 minutes but it was cool too so I'll put it up here. Just imagine it with only like 10 people and not the moveing around ^^ Enjoy!
Higher Love
Something that definately added some coolness to the whole thing was the fact that we were only 2-3 people on each part (Sophranos, Altos and Basses, we had no Tenors today so Mr Mo sung that part some times). Also, with the two guys playing instruments as well as Mr Mo on the piano, you can tell how cool these songs are. I really enjoyed trying it :)
Good night!!
Somebody to Love
This one we only sung for like the last 10 minutes but it was cool too so I'll put it up here. Just imagine it with only like 10 people and not the moveing around ^^ Enjoy!
Higher Love
Something that definately added some coolness to the whole thing was the fact that we were only 2-3 people on each part (Sophranos, Altos and Basses, we had no Tenors today so Mr Mo sung that part some times). Also, with the two guys playing instruments as well as Mr Mo on the piano, you can tell how cool these songs are. I really enjoyed trying it :)
Good night!!
Can barely stand on my feet
My day has been sort of horrible except some small little things to brighten it up. At the end of the schoolday I wasn't that sure how preference was going to turn out after all, because Mitch has been walking around all day (all of a sudden) holding hands with Sara. And even though we would just go as friends by now, it still felt a little weird. But at least my problems were sort of solved this evening when I found out that Trevor said yes to Shelly (using fish line on her house with a note saying "you caught me", how adorable is that??!!) so I'm going to plan our Saturday with Shelly tomorrow :) Awsome!!
Guess what the theme of the dance is? Alice in Wonderland! Hah

Now I'm off to bed because I have lots of important stuff going on tomorrow! First we're leaving at 6.30 am to go to Glee Club at 7 in school. Glee is a TV-series here, very popular, (info for swedish readers) and they've created a Glee Club at school now that get together and sing awsome songs in cool arrangements. Tomorrow they're singing "Somebody to love" and we're gonna go and see if it's fun. Then at 8.15 I have rolecall for Region Drama One Act (Alice) that we're performing @ HHS @ 1 pm. But we're gonna have a runthrough first. A bunch of other schools will be there too, and we're excused from classes all day to watch the other schools. Anyways, goodnight! :D
Guess what the theme of the dance is? Alice in Wonderland! Hah

Now I'm off to bed because I have lots of important stuff going on tomorrow! First we're leaving at 6.30 am to go to Glee Club at 7 in school. Glee is a TV-series here, very popular, (info for swedish readers) and they've created a Glee Club at school now that get together and sing awsome songs in cool arrangements. Tomorrow they're singing "Somebody to love" and we're gonna go and see if it's fun. Then at 8.15 I have rolecall for Region Drama One Act (Alice) that we're performing @ HHS @ 1 pm. But we're gonna have a runthrough first. A bunch of other schools will be there too, and we're excused from classes all day to watch the other schools. Anyways, goodnight! :D
I'm Sittin' on Top of the World
Today's been the worst and the best day in forever. It's worth reading, tho it's long!
My morning started out just fine. After a first hour (dance company) with a sub, I had racket and we were going to start going outside and play tennis now that the 4th Quarter has begun. But today Mr Jurca had a surprise. A rock-climbing-wall thingy had arrived with the army guys on a truck. Yay for climbing 30 feet (ca 12 m) up in the air...! Not.
I didn't want to do it, I was scared, yes, but Morgan talked me into it anyways, and he promised to help me find where to put my feet and stuff. He did, and I reached the top (applause for me, thanks) but then I was stuck. I looked down and freaked out about letting go of the firm grip I had with both my hands. After a while Morgan managed to talk me into letting my right hand go, to be lowered, but the second I breathed out and let go, the right side of my belt thingy broke. I couldn't possibly fall, I was stuck with the other leg and around my waist, but it still freaked me out completely and I held on to the wall for all that I was worth and did not want to let go. I just couldn't. Anyways, I was terrified and started crying about how silly I was, until finally one of the army guys climbed up on the thing next to me and helped me out of the petrified state of crampingly holding on to the wall that I was in. The guy helped me let go and once I was on the ground everyone told me how brave I had been going up there tho I was scared, and my arms were shaking for about an hour. Still I'm glad I did it, but I never will again :P
This is Morgan btw, don't kno if I'v shown any pics of him. He's one of my best guy friends here, since we had Government together and now have racket. He's freaking awsome at always making me smile, so today's awsomenessprize goes to him (for not giving up on helping me down.. hehe)
In these pics it shows his face, and then what he painted on his eyes (or someone did for him, obviously) in the green room during the show. CREEPY!!! x) (click to enlarge)

Then we played some tennis in the sun, and Kyrsten and I are going to be such an amazing team haha we're great :D The day continued with lunch with Krystal and Shelly, then drama council meeting and Theater and Choir. In AT (advanced theater) we did a bunch of improv. things and worked our IEs for competition on Friday. In choir we worked on songs for the choir festival. You can tell all these competative hobbies are getting closer to competitions!
Then, after school, Solveig and Krystal stayed with Trevor at school (rehearsal didn't start til 4) as me, Shelly and kayla went to his house and filled his room with Swedish Fish (the candy, not real fish hehe) and a note with Shelly asking him to preference. There's a rumor that he's been asked already, but we wanted to give it a try. I really hope she can go with him, because I want her to go and it would be a great way for me to go to my first dance with a guy - with a friend (Shelly) and her date too. Well, we'll see tomorrow what he answered, if he has yet.
Anyways then we had some trouble having him go home before rehearsal to see it, and so Kayla called him an made up a story about a calculator, but he wouldn't go home for that. Then Shelly had her older sister (Cheryl, one of the costume-awsomeness-people we have) call him and ask him to come to his house where she could try a costume on him before rehearsal. Yet he didn't go. But I'm anxiously waiting for a call from shelly now...
Then we had rehearsal and the preview of the show which was fun and great. We did pretty well for being the first show, so I'm excited about competition on Thursday :D Also, I have the coolest makeup ever! It's all Shannon, Cheryl and Courtney who do it, and here are some pics of me later this evening... (click to enlarge)
Isn't my makeup cool? Imagine a big crown and an awsome black and red dress too, and there's the queen! I spend most of my time on stage as the second pic, screaming at people.. Heheh and the black thing by my mouth is a heart, sort of deformed after I played around on stage after the show and stuff.. but well :P
randomly, here's a pic of us in the little town of Kingsburg, the Swedish town in Cali!! Woho it was so cute and they had swedish stuff everywhere! Loved it :)

Good night! <3
My morning started out just fine. After a first hour (dance company) with a sub, I had racket and we were going to start going outside and play tennis now that the 4th Quarter has begun. But today Mr Jurca had a surprise. A rock-climbing-wall thingy had arrived with the army guys on a truck. Yay for climbing 30 feet (ca 12 m) up in the air...! Not.
I didn't want to do it, I was scared, yes, but Morgan talked me into it anyways, and he promised to help me find where to put my feet and stuff. He did, and I reached the top (applause for me, thanks) but then I was stuck. I looked down and freaked out about letting go of the firm grip I had with both my hands. After a while Morgan managed to talk me into letting my right hand go, to be lowered, but the second I breathed out and let go, the right side of my belt thingy broke. I couldn't possibly fall, I was stuck with the other leg and around my waist, but it still freaked me out completely and I held on to the wall for all that I was worth and did not want to let go. I just couldn't. Anyways, I was terrified and started crying about how silly I was, until finally one of the army guys climbed up on the thing next to me and helped me out of the petrified state of crampingly holding on to the wall that I was in. The guy helped me let go and once I was on the ground everyone told me how brave I had been going up there tho I was scared, and my arms were shaking for about an hour. Still I'm glad I did it, but I never will again :P
This is Morgan btw, don't kno if I'v shown any pics of him. He's one of my best guy friends here, since we had Government together and now have racket. He's freaking awsome at always making me smile, so today's awsomenessprize goes to him (for not giving up on helping me down.. hehe)
In these pics it shows his face, and then what he painted on his eyes (or someone did for him, obviously) in the green room during the show. CREEPY!!! x) (click to enlarge)

Then we played some tennis in the sun, and Kyrsten and I are going to be such an amazing team haha we're great :D The day continued with lunch with Krystal and Shelly, then drama council meeting and Theater and Choir. In AT (advanced theater) we did a bunch of improv. things and worked our IEs for competition on Friday. In choir we worked on songs for the choir festival. You can tell all these competative hobbies are getting closer to competitions!
Then, after school, Solveig and Krystal stayed with Trevor at school (rehearsal didn't start til 4) as me, Shelly and kayla went to his house and filled his room with Swedish Fish (the candy, not real fish hehe) and a note with Shelly asking him to preference. There's a rumor that he's been asked already, but we wanted to give it a try. I really hope she can go with him, because I want her to go and it would be a great way for me to go to my first dance with a guy - with a friend (Shelly) and her date too. Well, we'll see tomorrow what he answered, if he has yet.
Anyways then we had some trouble having him go home before rehearsal to see it, and so Kayla called him an made up a story about a calculator, but he wouldn't go home for that. Then Shelly had her older sister (Cheryl, one of the costume-awsomeness-people we have) call him and ask him to come to his house where she could try a costume on him before rehearsal. Yet he didn't go. But I'm anxiously waiting for a call from shelly now...
Then we had rehearsal and the preview of the show which was fun and great. We did pretty well for being the first show, so I'm excited about competition on Thursday :D Also, I have the coolest makeup ever! It's all Shannon, Cheryl and Courtney who do it, and here are some pics of me later this evening... (click to enlarge)

Isn't my makeup cool? Imagine a big crown and an awsome black and red dress too, and there's the queen! I spend most of my time on stage as the second pic, screaming at people.. Heheh and the black thing by my mouth is a heart, sort of deformed after I played around on stage after the show and stuff.. but well :P
randomly, here's a pic of us in the little town of Kingsburg, the Swedish town in Cali!! Woho it was so cute and they had swedish stuff everywhere! Loved it :)

Good night! <3
The Swedish Boredom
Can't sleep and found this on Maddie's blog (my exchangestudent-friend from NY who's now in Oklahoma for a year). It's in swedish tho but well..
Nämn något som gjorde dig glad igår: jag läste ut en bok och började på en annan, och kom tillbaka från resan!
Vad gjorde du kl 08 imorse: hämtade Krystal för att åka till St George
Vad gjorde du för 15 min sedan: bestämde mig för att gå och lägga mig.. hm
Det sista du sa högt: "you silly, well good night" till Solveig
Det senaste någon sa till dig: "I gotta finish my stuff now. Good night" from Solveig
Vad har du druckit idag: vatten.. en klunk hallon-läsk från Krystal :P
Vad var det senaste du åt: En yoghurt
Vad var det senaste du köpte: svarta skor till dansen.. fast sen betalade jag $1 till Cheryl för pizza om det räknas ^^
Vad är det för färg på din ytterdörr: vit här, brun hemma
Vad är det för väder hos dig nu: svensk sommar i Mars ;)
Godaste glassmaken: rocky road, strawberry cheesecake, mango sherbet & triple chocolate
Tror du på kärlek vid första ögonkastet: ja
Sover du tungt: oftast
Drömmer du mardrömmar: vanligtvis inte, men jag hade en jätteknäpp dröm nyligen om att ja och en kille i min klass höll på och byggde en lila gummabåt.. knäppt ja vet
Trivs du med ditt jobb: senaste jag hade var VOR, vilket var superkul och varmt och najsigt ^^ så jao
Favoritklädsel: skinny jeans/stora mjukisbyxor och linne
Favoritlåt just nu: på sekunden? Hm, Trouble - Never shout never
Vad ser du om du tittar till höger: Mitt element, fotänden på min säng, en hög med kläder som behöver vikas :P
Vem var den senaste du fick SMS av: Sabi
Vad ska du göra härnäst: Sova
Höger eller vänsterhänt: H
Humör just nu: irriterad på att mina sovvanor är knas, kommer vara så död imorron...
Favoritgodis: Svensk choklad och skittles
Kläder just nu: svarta mjukisar och ett vitt linne.. ska byta till PJs dock
Sommarplaner: visa Solveig runt i Sverige, gå på Grönan och träffa alla kompisar igen <3 Och kanske resa med familjen. Och segla såklart :D
Hur många kuddar sover du med: Två små och stödjer upp den riktiga ^^
Spelar du något instrument: piano och gitarr
Morgon eller nattmänniska: natt, som sagt jag är vaken...
Vad är viktigast för dig: kärlek, familj, vänner, respekt, galenskaper och skratt
Är du kittlig: blir till ett monster som försvarar mitt liv med klor och tänder... ô.O
Vem ringde du senast: Shelly
Stjärntecken: Oxen
Äckligaste insekten: Bärfis! Hahah eller myror är sjukt äckliga också
Stökigt eller välstädat: föredrar städat, har alltid stökigt.. hm
Längtar du mest efter just nu: sömn.
Nämn något som gjorde dig glad igår: jag läste ut en bok och började på en annan, och kom tillbaka från resan!
Vad gjorde du kl 08 imorse: hämtade Krystal för att åka till St George
Vad gjorde du för 15 min sedan: bestämde mig för att gå och lägga mig.. hm
Det sista du sa högt: "you silly, well good night" till Solveig
Det senaste någon sa till dig: "I gotta finish my stuff now. Good night" from Solveig
Vad har du druckit idag: vatten.. en klunk hallon-läsk från Krystal :P
Vad var det senaste du åt: En yoghurt
Vad var det senaste du köpte: svarta skor till dansen.. fast sen betalade jag $1 till Cheryl för pizza om det räknas ^^
Vad är det för färg på din ytterdörr: vit här, brun hemma
Vad är det för väder hos dig nu: svensk sommar i Mars ;)
Godaste glassmaken: rocky road, strawberry cheesecake, mango sherbet & triple chocolate
Tror du på kärlek vid första ögonkastet: ja
Sover du tungt: oftast
Drömmer du mardrömmar: vanligtvis inte, men jag hade en jätteknäpp dröm nyligen om att ja och en kille i min klass höll på och byggde en lila gummabåt.. knäppt ja vet
Trivs du med ditt jobb: senaste jag hade var VOR, vilket var superkul och varmt och najsigt ^^ så jao
Favoritklädsel: skinny jeans/stora mjukisbyxor och linne
Favoritlåt just nu: på sekunden? Hm, Trouble - Never shout never
Vad ser du om du tittar till höger: Mitt element, fotänden på min säng, en hög med kläder som behöver vikas :P
Vem var den senaste du fick SMS av: Sabi
Vad ska du göra härnäst: Sova
Höger eller vänsterhänt: H
Humör just nu: irriterad på att mina sovvanor är knas, kommer vara så död imorron...
Favoritgodis: Svensk choklad och skittles
Kläder just nu: svarta mjukisar och ett vitt linne.. ska byta till PJs dock
Sommarplaner: visa Solveig runt i Sverige, gå på Grönan och träffa alla kompisar igen <3 Och kanske resa med familjen. Och segla såklart :D
Hur många kuddar sover du med: Två små och stödjer upp den riktiga ^^
Spelar du något instrument: piano och gitarr
Morgon eller nattmänniska: natt, som sagt jag är vaken...
Vad är viktigast för dig: kärlek, familj, vänner, respekt, galenskaper och skratt
Är du kittlig: blir till ett monster som försvarar mitt liv med klor och tänder... ô.O
Vem ringde du senast: Shelly
Stjärntecken: Oxen
Äckligaste insekten: Bärfis! Hahah eller myror är sjukt äckliga också
Stökigt eller välstädat: föredrar städat, har alltid stökigt.. hm
Längtar du mest efter just nu: sömn.
My heart tied in a knot and my stomach in a whirl
Ok I know I should put up pics here but it's too late and I'm still not done going through them and deleting all the (not duplets but) billions of copies that Solveig took of each object we saw. Well well.
So, this week is going to be absolutely fabulous (i hate it when people say things are fabulous, it sounds so fake. But I can't help it, it feels like the right word to use here..)
Here's me and Solveig in the Muir Forest with all those gigantic Redwood Trees!

Today, I overslept and had to shower in superspeed for 3 mins (impressed Solveig quite a bit^^) and grab breakfast to-go. The car was frozen, but once we'd finally picked up Krystal and Kayla, we dropped Solveig off at the college for her classes and (since we didn't have school today jippie) me and Krystal joined Kayla to her weekly Biolife-donation. Krystal and I took a walk, explored some playgrounds, found some blossoms and then watched Coraline on her iPod. All four together again, we went shopping! We got Kayla a white dress for our Prom-Project, ribbon for Krystal's dress and such stuff. Then also I found black shoes to wear for Preference, which is on Saturday of this week!!! :D
Then we had rehearsal for Alice. It was quite fun, and great to see everyone again after the break!
Here is Jon to the left, me/Cheila in the middle (they combined our charactes in the movie) and Laura to the right :P or our characters at least ^^

Tomorrow I have school again and then rehearsal and the Preview show of the shortened Alice for the public. Wednesday, we have rehearsal again, and then on Thursday we spend all of the schoolday getting the Auditorium ready for the schools who come and visit to compete in Region Drama One Act. That's where we're performing Alice.
On Friday we're going to Cedar to compete with our IE Scenes in Region Drama IEs. Then on Saturday is the dance, as I said, and well I just think this week is going to be fabulous! It better be.
Good night with love!
P.S: I need to see Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland in theaters!! It's been said to be awsome :D
So, this week is going to be absolutely fabulous (i hate it when people say things are fabulous, it sounds so fake. But I can't help it, it feels like the right word to use here..)
Here's me and Solveig in the Muir Forest with all those gigantic Redwood Trees!

Today, I overslept and had to shower in superspeed for 3 mins (impressed Solveig quite a bit^^) and grab breakfast to-go. The car was frozen, but once we'd finally picked up Krystal and Kayla, we dropped Solveig off at the college for her classes and (since we didn't have school today jippie) me and Krystal joined Kayla to her weekly Biolife-donation. Krystal and I took a walk, explored some playgrounds, found some blossoms and then watched Coraline on her iPod. All four together again, we went shopping! We got Kayla a white dress for our Prom-Project, ribbon for Krystal's dress and such stuff. Then also I found black shoes to wear for Preference, which is on Saturday of this week!!! :D
Then we had rehearsal for Alice. It was quite fun, and great to see everyone again after the break!
Here is Jon to the left, me/Cheila in the middle (they combined our charactes in the movie) and Laura to the right :P or our characters at least ^^

Tomorrow I have school again and then rehearsal and the Preview show of the shortened Alice for the public. Wednesday, we have rehearsal again, and then on Thursday we spend all of the schoolday getting the Auditorium ready for the schools who come and visit to compete in Region Drama One Act. That's where we're performing Alice.
On Friday we're going to Cedar to compete with our IE Scenes in Region Drama IEs. Then on Saturday is the dance, as I said, and well I just think this week is going to be fabulous! It better be.
Good night with love!
P.S: I need to see Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland in theaters!! It's been said to be awsome :D
Well of course you did
I'm back in utah among the red rocks and the sand. California was AMAZING. San Francisco, the new city of my dreams. And the coast was pretty but very windy, and then we stayed in places like Monterey, Santa Cruz and Santa Barbara. Last day (yesterday, saturday) we had a great beach day, and so now my face is all red haha well I am working on getting the pictures off the camera so there will be no pics today, sorry, but sooner or later :D
Tomorrow we have NO SCHOOL!!
I'm leaving early anyway (7.45am) with Solveig to go to St George with her, Kayla and Krystal and hang out all day. Solveig has college in the morning tho but well. And then we have the last rehearsal before opening night of the short version (for competition) of Alice in Wonderland, that opens on Tuesday!
Anyways, I'm getting up early and that's the reason that I'm going to BED and SLEEP now! Or maybe I'll do some reading.. I read all of Dear John and Cat among the pigeons on this trip, both in english, so now I've started 1222 över havet. Seems good so far. In swedish tho ^^ So Goodnight everyone.
I've had the chorus stuck in my head all day.. The girl part, that is. Heard it in a gas station this morning and then it was stuck :P
Tomorrow we have NO SCHOOL!!
I'm leaving early anyway (7.45am) with Solveig to go to St George with her, Kayla and Krystal and hang out all day. Solveig has college in the morning tho but well. And then we have the last rehearsal before opening night of the short version (for competition) of Alice in Wonderland, that opens on Tuesday!
Anyways, I'm getting up early and that's the reason that I'm going to BED and SLEEP now! Or maybe I'll do some reading.. I read all of Dear John and Cat among the pigeons on this trip, both in english, so now I've started 1222 över havet. Seems good so far. In swedish tho ^^ So Goodnight everyone.
I've had the chorus stuck in my head all day.. The girl part, that is. Heard it in a gas station this morning and then it was stuck :P
You loved me 'cause I'm fragile
I dunno how much I should write about the last two days. All that's going on right now is that we're leaving tomorrow morning for San Francisco!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I should mention though that we didn't have rehearsal today so me, Solveig and Kayla went to Barisa's and got yummie ice cream and pie. It was pretty sweet to sit in the sunlight and the barely noticing wind
"See ya in another life, brother"... Hahah remember when everyone walkd around saying that line.. ;P
I'm off to the coast of California:D
GoOd NiGhT <3
I think I should mention though that we didn't have rehearsal today so me, Solveig and Kayla went to Barisa's and got yummie ice cream and pie. It was pretty sweet to sit in the sunlight and the barely noticing wind
"See ya in another life, brother"... Hahah remember when everyone walkd around saying that line.. ;P
I'm off to the coast of California:D
GoOd NiGhT <3
T'was brillig and the slighty toves did gyre and gimble in the wabe...
I am so excited for the week after spring break when we will have the preview of Alice... and Region Drama for the short version of the play as well as our IEs. Then we have the public performance with the whole play. I just love rehearsal because there are so many people in the cast that I love being around and theater has never made me this happy. Gotta love American Drama People <3

So, this week has passed really fast so far. I had my Swing Test in Social Dance on Monday, and it went just fine. Tomorrow there is a Talent Showcase for the best singers and instrument-players in the school, and I'm required to go watch it. Then it's Friday with no rehearsal (sort of sad..) and then Spring Break begins! Guess what I'm doing for the break..?
I'm going to San Francisco! And then we're going to drive down the coast of California almost all the way to LA, and back to Utah. It's going to be fun fun fun. I wish I had some time to hang out with friends too, but this is such an awsome thing to do while I'm here (in the US), isn't it? Wow :D

Have a nice evening :)

So, this week has passed really fast so far. I had my Swing Test in Social Dance on Monday, and it went just fine. Tomorrow there is a Talent Showcase for the best singers and instrument-players in the school, and I'm required to go watch it. Then it's Friday with no rehearsal (sort of sad..) and then Spring Break begins! Guess what I'm doing for the break..?
I'm going to San Francisco! And then we're going to drive down the coast of California almost all the way to LA, and back to Utah. It's going to be fun fun fun. I wish I had some time to hang out with friends too, but this is such an awsome thing to do while I'm here (in the US), isn't it? Wow :D

Have a nice evening :)
Everything I had done design wise with my blog disappeared. Duah. Bluah. Well.. Made a new header and changed some things.. Hope you like it :)
Isn't this so cute..?

Dress for success
Here's my dress for Preference! :D

Now I just gotta find some nice shoes to wear with it...

Now I just gotta find some nice shoes to wear with it...
Feb 28th