You loved me 'cause I'm fragile
I dunno how much I should write about the last two days. All that's going on right now is that we're leaving tomorrow morning for San Francisco!!!!!!!!!!!
I think I should mention though that we didn't have rehearsal today so me, Solveig and Kayla went to Barisa's and got yummie ice cream and pie. It was pretty sweet to sit in the sunlight and the barely noticing wind
"See ya in another life, brother"... Hahah remember when everyone walkd around saying that line.. ;P
I'm off to the coast of California:D
GoOd NiGhT <3
I think I should mention though that we didn't have rehearsal today so me, Solveig and Kayla went to Barisa's and got yummie ice cream and pie. It was pretty sweet to sit in the sunlight and the barely noticing wind
"See ya in another life, brother"... Hahah remember when everyone walkd around saying that line.. ;P
I'm off to the coast of California:D
GoOd NiGhT <3
Postat av: Josefine
Hej, jag ska på intevju med explorius nästa fredag. Så jag undrar vad frågoar dom egentligen på intervjun och vad tycker du om dom som organisation?
Postat av: Malin B
wow, i really like ow you´re write and your blogg :)
And I love your team at Facebook about people born in the late 90 century !! :)
A big hug!
Postat av: Elsa
bää I miss uu!! <3
Postat av: mamma
kom tillbaka snart så vi får höra!
Postat av: jojjo
hej :D din fb grupp är sjukt bra! blev på sånt himla bra humör när jag läste det. du är riktigt cool ju! utbytesstudent och fb celebritet vettja ;) ta hand om dig och tack ännu en gång ! :)