Going to bed now, crazy day. Results of the Auditions will be up on Monday, so I'll just focus on Midsummernight's Dream til then (and on monday too of course, we open Monday!!!) and hope that I make the play as something more than a fork. You never know.
One good thing is that I don't have any homework for tomorrow. Some light at least :)
Good night
P.S. Hey what's happened to my readers? Haven't heard from you in long now...
PJ Day
Today's been Pj Day in school, which meant most people walked around in Pjamases ^^ It was supercute, all the soft and cosy clothes people wore. And how messy some people's hair was... Like Jessie and Gareth, hahah they actually looked like they'd just got out of bed ;P
Ok so I'm gonna be a total smochentoch (that's what Amber calls it) and post "Today's outfit".... Haha I know.. but well anyway, here's my outfit for the day:
And yes, it says "Pink Cookie" on my shorts ^^ cute huh? And there are tiny skulls on them and dots, and they're super soft :)
Soo, less important stuff today: I had a Gov test and got 88%, which was at the very top results of the class again. I had dance and spent the whole class being confused or tired of leaps... I hate leaps. Especially the side ones.. geeeuuuaaashhh
Also I had theater and Choir, and then rehearsal which was fun as always.
This week and the next arae gonna be awsome!
Ok so it's spirit week all week
It's homecoming on saturday
It's drama rehearsals every day, longer than usual, and saturday mid-day
We're gonna go se Footlose on Wednesday
A.M.D has opening night on Monday
And another show on Tuesday so we miss choir rehearsal
Choir Consert on Wednesday, we'll miss dressrehearsal for Shakespeare Competition
Friday and Saturday we go to competition in Cedar City with the Team :D
Doesn't it sound awsome?! It sure does to me x)
I'm gonna learn how to fly
What an adventurous weekend it's been so far! I want to write everything about it but I will totally not remember everything and besides no one is gonna read the whole thing anyway if it's too long... Oh and all the pics will get bigger for you to see if you click on them :)
So, Friday after practise me and Solveig hung out with Rachel for a while before we went home and had a nice evening at home watching the old version of Fame so we can go see the new one some day.
Saturday we woke up freakishly school-early and drove to Lake Powell which was beautiful and huge. The boat trip we went on took us to where the lake turns into Colorado River, and through this wonderful canyon where the bottom of it was water so we were going through like a labyrint of stone... it was awsome. Pics:
Then, at about lunchtime, we got back and went to the town Page to join a group of people going down the Colorado River on rafts. On the way down the canyon to where we started, we had to wear helmets haha :P Then we went on a boat with a guide and IT WAS AWSOME. I have never done anything like it, ever before. It was undescibable Pics:
So we stopped at this one place and me and Solveig went swimming in the Colorado River!!!!!!! And it was 9 degrees Celsius/46 degrees Fahreneit in the water!!!!!!!!!!! x) Pics:
Everybody took pictures of us, and they all watched us screamingly swim.. Or at least I swam and got my head under. It was painful ;P but fun!
Being soaked we left in bikinis, and then after a while we got to borrow some hoodies from Matt (the guide who drove the boat) and also we resqued some people who's canoe had falled over as they hit the rocks and they were stuck there..
This random line in the wall of the canyon on the pic above, it was sand dunes on the age of when the dinosaurs first appeared... inpressive right? And the other pic is of me in Matt's huge hoodie ^^
Arriving back home at about 10 pm, I was crazily tired and fell asleep at once. I slept for about ten hours and then today we went rollerskating in our usual park, me Solveig and Krystal. Adorable they are, my lovely friends ^^
During the Peace Garden metting, a duet sung and the girl was Swedish! She'd been living in the US for about three years and she was originally from Stockholm!! So, I talked some with her before we went shopping some dresses (found an adorable blueish one for homecoming) and went home. Planning to do Teater homework, aka work on our caracters, IEs and ensamble lines, we ended up being lazy. It's Sunday after all... ^^
Oh and I also talked to HW on msn just now, which was nice :) She's in Florida for the year. And today I got the scanned pic of my former class (NV08G) from Elin <3 How I miss you guys..!
That's all for now :D
In the style of Shakespeare
wrote this lovely letter to Ida today, and it's both in english and swedish (mostly swedish). Guess I've gone too much into Shakespeare Mode to stop writing as he did, with unfinished sentences and weird rhymes.. Gotta love the badger, I have no idea how he got in there...
:) Enjoy!! ©
Yo Idahoo det är lisa som skriver
haha ne ja bara driver
är inget bra på rim och sånt där
Men du ska veta att ja trivs här
Maten är bra fasten det är mycket cheese
och i skolan betalas allt med fees
Fast vissa klasser är helt gratis you see
som politik, speech och US history
Många glada vänner har ja hittat nu
Inte lika fantastiska, såklart, som du
Men syrran min hon gav mig direkt ett gäng
Vi träffades en grupp i parken en sväng
Sen dess har det bara blivit mera
Så nu kan jag med många vänner stoltsera
Men varför är det alltid så att lilla jag
inte ses av snygga seniors en enda dag?
När knäppa små juniors, de är mest en börda
frågar om ja vill se på bio på lörda'
En galen kille som bjöd ut mig häromdan
Skröt sen om marujana, lät som ett barn
på julafton när alla paket ska öppnas och se
Varför han röker, ja vem vet de?
Iallafall, jag tappar bort mig lite grann
Juste, ja snackade om seniors och han...
Typ alla killar som går sista året
Och som inte har ett kilo vax i håret
De hittade sin flickvän som juniors, it's true
Så ingen senior care about you.
Min värdfamilj är underbart snäll och rar
Två söta värdsystrar jag nu har..
Sen är det lektionerna, så lätta är de
att jag som foreign lätt klarar mig från ett D
Har faktiskt A i alla klasser utom Körsång
för jag övar inte tillräckligt gång på gång
Och US History är helt enkelt en galen klass
För jag blir överöst med ett lass
argument om varför Sverige är kommunister
Och jag måste ju försvara oss från dessa ligister
som inte förstår vår politik
bara för att de tror deras är unik
Sen har vi de underbara eftermiddagarna som
räddar mig dag efter sega klasserna, dom
härliga människor jag omger mig med, you see
Är folk jag vill ta med hem with me.
För varje dag med Shakespeare Team
övar vi för A Midsummernight's Dream
Pjäsen är fortfarande kaos och oreda men
vi hoppas att det ska bli bättre sen
eller snarare nu för premiären är snart
om en vecka måste allt vara klart
Sen har vi show och tvådagars tävling
Och samma vecka är det kör-konsert (grävling)
Fast vet du vad som är coolt, tycker jag at least
På tisdag är det auditions för Beauty and the Beast
japp vi gör musikalen nu tills jul
Och det ska bli helt galet kul
Antar att nån underbar sångröst blir Belle
Men hoppas kan man alltid, väl?
Det här blir en sjukt lång sång/dikt
btw, vet inte om ja gått upp i vikt
har inte hittat nån våg och vill inte heller
man lever bara en gång, och här de ställer
krav på att äta alla onyttigheter de har
och utan sport stannar kilona kvar
Kan iallafall lätt ha alla gamla kläder än
så ja antar att det är lugnt, men...
Och shit vet du vad som hände häromdan då?
En kille leddes ut ur skolan med handfängsel på
tydligen (detta hörde jag från amber) hade han, vilket snille,
skagit av käken på en annan kille
Vet inte om det är sant men det ryktet har ja hört
Stackarn för honom är det nog ganska kört
Så igår slapp ja skolan för de som vill
kunde åka buss till
ett berg och sitta hela dagen
och rita av fåren i hagen
eller nåt annat trams
eller krimskrams.
Jobbar på med kläder för oss till halloween
ja ska va tingeling, kayla "The Alice-in-wonderland Queen"
Underbara Krystal med vit liten hand
hon ska vara självaste Alice in Wonderland
Solveigs mål är att hinna i denna tid av spänning
sy som hon Giselle, i Förtrollad, en klänning
Söta lilla Solveig, hon spelar Titania i pjäsen
regissören Rich satte bra roller, var kräsen
Han är en helt fantastisk regissör, enligt mig
Energy! Radiate! Focus! Man skärper sig
Och aldrig har jag känt mig så som en del
Teater här får mig att känna mig hel
Så annorlunda från där hemma det är
Alla är så inne i det, som en familj man håller kär
Nu är det sent och om vi hinner
Efter en väldigt sen men god dinner
ska vi se den gamla versionen av Fame
och nån gång den nya, se om den är "the same"
Sen imorgon bär det av hela allihopa
dock inte så långt som till Europa
Men Lake Powell imorgon vi ser
och sen vi med båt, Colorado River ner
Och nästa vecka, helt galet snart
är det Homecoming Week med en rivig start
Måndag är Pyjamas/Hat Day so we
will dress up and hopefully see
a school full of sleepy students, oh yes
That will be a sleepy mess
Also, today in rehearsal we finally got
our team t-shirts, we all look so hot^^
Men men alldeles för långt denna dikt
Hoppas att du har det bra, utan bikt
Saknar dig min gullunge, visst är det så
Men ett litet år ska det nog gå.
Skriver snart mer, puss på dej
Hej hej Leverpastej <3
Sweet Dreams...
Butterfly fly away
Here's for you my lovely dear... Because you love this song as much as I do :)
Can anyone be more adorable? Hardly <3
Tomorrow morning I'm going to school at 7 am because of the Art Field Trip to Cedar Mountain. Gonna post pics from it later :)
Also, tonight was the contest for the Homecoming Queen, since homecoming is next weekend (3rd of October). These were the results:
2009 HHS Homecoming Royalty
Jenessa Fisher, Homecoming Queen
Madison Barney, 1st Attendant
Shanon Singleton, 2nd Attendant
Kelly Webb, Homecoming Princess
Dacie Elison, Miss Congeniality
"Once Upon A Dream"
Presidents driving me nuts
Anyway, I was wondering which of these two very annoying songs that you think is the best when learning the names. I don't need to know any facts, just the names, so that's what we're looking for. The lyrics of the first one is in the video, but the second one's are under it. Please tell me what you think! :)
Lyrics: Ben Jackson
MC: "Kazuo"
Producer: The Arcitype
Verse I
Memorizing presidents is gonna take some effort
We'll start with George Washington, Adams, and Thomas Jefferson
Then James Madison and James Monroe
Then John Quincy Adams like his father before
Next up we've got some interesting folks
Named Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, Tyler, and Polk
The next four presidents that we'll examine
Are Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, and Buchanan
44 Presidents, White House residents
From the Revolution to the age of the Internet
Verse II
Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves
Then we got Johnson, Grant, and Rutherford Hayes
James Garfield, Chester Arthur
Cleveland and Harrison; let's keep going farther
Next up, we got Cleveland again
Then McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson
The next four, yeah you know who they are, it's
Harding, Coolidge, Hoover, and FDR
Verse III
No presidents are from Wisconsin
Not Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, or Johnson
We're getting near the end, but its not getting harder
Its Nixon, Ford, then Jimmy Carter
Last few, we're almost done
Weve just got Regan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush the Son
Obama's in the White House now
So hail to the chief and stand up proud!
Started out with nothing and I still got most of it left
Started today sunday with getting up, feeling sick, not going roller skating as planned but sleeping for another two hours (thanks wonderful Solveig and Krystal who didn't complain about not leaving as planned) and then went to Peace Gardens. Hadn't had much sleep so the hour-long talk from an old lady about Lucid Dreaming was veeery long... and dreamy ^^
Went to "Donken" and got some french fries for lunch (oh yes we did this once, hello american life hahah) and a milkshake. I had a small milkshake and a medium fries, and they were both like big in Sweden... Me and Solveig then washed the car which turned out to be slightly impossible and we were both panicking about homework and stuff so finally we managed to scrub, wash and dry it at once and get it kinda clean. It was hard. We were only two people after all.
Tonight my adorable hostfamily made me a chocolate cake for my nameday (aren't they the best?) and I'm gonna try and get a pic up here. Will update this post in that case. It was yummie tasty with strawberries on and it said "Happy Nameday Lisa" and Solveig I could totally read it at once it was so pretty <3
Tomorrow it's back to school. Going on to last two weeks of rehearsal now, aaaaah panic!
Btw Solveig found these really funny singing versions of the play haha cute :P
v: some pics of me, Solveig and Kayla from the Grand Canyon Trip
P.S. The title is from a poster that I saw at the subway once in Stockholm and I just liked it so much that I wrote it down and it's been stuck in my head ever since
Update (namedaycake):
Lisa Day
Solveig scared the crap out of me and Krystal in the car in the dark after we watched Coraline which was really a very scary movie... I'm serious.
Kayla left at about ten after the movie was over and the three of us watched Across the Universe and now Krystal's asleep on my floor :P
Also, I forgot to mention, it is my nameday today sunday, the Lisa Day :D
Much love,
Alkoholiserade Igelkottar
I love americans
Ok so I got come complaint about how what I'd written apparently made it seem like I think americans are stupid. I do not think so. I love the americans I've met so far and my friends here are just wonderful. Some americans are very narrow minded, but mostly I've just met big interest, facination, love and smiles. And even the narrow minded people are interested and slightly facinated by how Sweden is so different.
People here are so open to talking to others, and they never seem to hesitate to talk to you. People can instantly tell if you're feeling low (even people I've spoken to like once) and they will make you feel better.
So what I'm trying to say is that I don't think americans are stupid. I love them for how they are, and I'm so glad that I came here to make such great friends as I've found inbetween these mountains of southern Utah.
And Solveig, I know I've used the title from the song "Don't wanna be an american idiot" before, but I think it's funny ^^
I hope no one took offence in what I wrote, I just love you guys for being so curious and interested, it gives me the opportunity to be proud of my country and tell you about it. And I don't know everything about american culture either and you guys laugh at me when I totally mispronounciate something or just don't have a clue what I'm doing.. So I hope that you don't seriously think I've got a single thing against americans!
Love you people who make my american experience awsome, and you who are just happy parts of my day :D
Now to less serious things. I'm going to sleep NOW, because I recently came home from hanging out at Rachel's house with Krystal, Louellen and Rachel. Solveig didn't come because she was tired from loss of sleep this week. I understand her, I got so tired in the middle of playing Monopoly that I totally lost the game to Rachel...
Tomorrow is the Drama Swim Party at Quill Lake (however it's spelled, it sounds like Quill..) and we're all gonna be there, right?! It's gonna be awsome :D
Oh and btw I heard that Tigers beat the other football team tonight just barely. Our team is so amazing, just great! Too bad we didn't go to the game, but we are going to Homecoming!! It's a part of the american experience :)
Good night, I'm falling asleep noo... ZzzZzzZzzZzz
No people like show people
Until little past 3, when drama rehearsal started. I just gotta say, I admire all the wonderful actors that are participating, as well as wonderful assistant directors as Rachel and the tech people. My smile came back after a while, and I had two fun hours. How come drama people are just pure wonderful? I dunno, maybe because they sense the surroundings and aren't afraid of giving you a hug or joke around. Thanks to people like Solveig, Rachel, Krystal, Tyler etc, I left school in a better mood. Love you guys ^^
It's been said before, but it requires a repetition..
There's no people like show people
They smile when they are low
Don't wanna be an american idiot
I get the weirdest and funniest comments some times. Americans are adorable and I love them, but they have their weird habits. Here are some examples of things that I find strange and funny about them:
* They truly DO have melted chocolate and melted cheese on EVERYTHING
* I have found the weirdest ice cream flavors, like bubblegum and cinnemon
* Surprisingly, there's cinnemon in EVERYTHING. Candy, Ice cream... you name it - it's in cinnemon flavor
* All americans think it's weird to put your milk in before your cereal
* Some think that the capital of Sweden is Holland.. O.o
* What's the language? Swedenish? Can you seriously speak it?!
* Do you have things like candy and coke?
* Are you north or south of the US? In Europe? Wooow!
* It is illegal to touch anyones mailbox, and I find that hileriously funny
* Is the M of McDonald's yellow in Sweden too?
* Americans don't walk ANYWHERE. I will never forget Kayla and Solveig's faces when I complained about us getting in the car on the parking, just to drive across the parking lot to a spot about 50 m away and get out to go to another store.. heheh
* Most americans think they're unique in driving on the right side of the road.. Europeans obviously drive on the left side like the brittish.. right?
* A teacher asked me if it was true that Sweden is south of Germany...
* Another teacher thinks that Sweden is becoming a communist country, replacing Sovjet... kinda O.o
* Americans in Southern Utah are surprised at how Un-religious Swedes are
* EVERYONE is impressed by the fact that education is free and you can drink earlier than in the US where the age limit is much higher
* But they are shocked by the driver's license limit of 18
* I have been asked if we have electricity and cars in Sweden... Woh
Swedes are not behind the US in anything. We're in front hahaha ;P
They are lovely people, but not very well education about the rest of the world... ^^
I'm feeling fine
Today's been an ok day, quite fun. I had the Ballet Test this morning and I think I did fine, not great but I'll pass I hope :)
Also, we brought costumes for rehearsal today and I have to pick what to wear as a courtier too and bring tomorrow. But my blue fairy dress that I posted a picture of earlier was appriciated ^^
My stomach's aching now, gonna go see if dinner's ready. Kayla's staying the night btw, which will be fun :D And another thing, yesterday I was watering the pots with Solveig outside when a huge tarantella (however it's spelled in english, that's the swedish word) was suddenly there being all in attack position! Aaaaaah scary O.o
Hihi Kayla just brought grapes from the garden so we're eating them while waiting for dinner ^^ Yummie!
Words can't bring me down
You're so cute sweet Solveig <3
Today's been a great day, but now I'm going to bed after spending the evening helping solveig make a dress for Titania. Me and the sewing machine, we got issues... It's a hate-love relationship.
Goodnite sweet people =)
Philomel with melody
Found some pretty pics that made me think, thought you'd like to see them...
I'm headed to bed now, it's so late. Gotta work on Ballet Termology tomorrow for the test, and practise my fouette turns.... If anyone knows what that is..
Sweet dreams <3
Seas would rise when I gave the word
Friday was just me, Solveig and Morgan watching "Ever After" which was a cute movie and Solveig fell asleep..
Saturday we pretty much spent cleaning and taking care of weeds and watering the trees. Doesn't it sound like fun? Hehe well the fun part of the weekend is yet to come. Saturday evening we went to Trevor's house for a barbeque with some friends and it was great fun hehe
Some pics from that night:
Sunday, oh sunny day ^^
Started with Roller skating in out usual park in Washington, the same old trio. Then off to Peace Gardens and "The Healing of Human Touch". Cookies, hugs and massage, and then off to the mall. Found a cute green dress that might outdo the other one as Tinkerbell-dress. Anyway, it fit so I wouldn't have to fix it. Gotta start working on Solveig's...
Anyway, then on to Sand Hollow (man-made lake) where we met the rest of the family to go boating. It's still hot enough outside that you don't freeze in the wind, and it was wonderful. Went swimming with Solveig and Krystal, some of us made huge progress (wiiiie) hehe
Took us a long time to get back on the boat since it kept floating away from us. So we were stuck in the huge waves for quite some time.. And once we got Solveig on the boat, me and Krystal were hanging on to a lifewest in the waves, and it felt like we were in the middle of titanic or something..
Anyway, arriving back to the house I've had dinner and am now watching youtube clips of balletmoves to make sure I've got them all right for the test on Wednesday.
Hope everyone's had a lovely weekend :D
Hos dig är jag underbar
Hos Dig är jag stark
Hos Dig är jag underbar
Hos Dig har jag allt
Där vågar jag stanna kvar
Men när Du inte ser
När Du inte rör mig
Kan Du ha hittat nån annan
Säg nu hur Du ser mig
Jag undrar om Du
Hade kraft o ge Dig av
Eller mod o stanna kvar
Vågat bygga på nåt nytt
Jag undrar om Du
Har kunnat ge och kunnat ta
Kunnat öppna Dig som jag
Vågat vara här och nu
För allt jag kräver är ett svar
Trick or Treat - Smell my feet
Hahahahahaha so freakin hilerious!!!! xD
From the Swedish tv-show Idol, the auditions.. The thing is that these guys are acting really scared and nervously haha and they manage to fool the judges and I just love it when the guy is running into the door haha ^^
Hahahah *_*
We don't need no Education
Ok so I've been a little bad at updating.. Here's what's happened in the past few days
Tuesday went nicely. A-day with dance, Government, Theater and Choir. Then on wednesday after school and rehearsal (we actually had to leave rehearsal early), me Solveig Myrna and Steve went to the Vasa Orden meeting in Las Vegas! Here are some awsome pics from when we drove along the Strip, the main street in Las Vegas with all the famous casinos and hotels...
Recognize some of them? I also played at a casino, one dollar ^^ Haha mostly just to be able to say I've done it :P
After trying hard to study once I got home from Vegas (at about 1 am) I fell asleep on the floor and decided that Government tests are idiotic and that I shouldn't care anyway.. Well... O.o
Anyway, I studied this morning on the bus to school (Solveig left early as always on thursdays to be at college by 7.30) and after an interesting and fun dance class where we got to come up with our own combinations in five short minutes, I took the US Gov test. Woow was it easy or what? Just clicking on one of the alternatives on the computer.. Wow. Returning to the classroom people started asking what everyone scored, and everyone seemed very shocked when I told them I got 92%. A-
Most people failed or got like Ds.. And the second best result was somewhere around 70%.. Haha Mr Pearson thought it was rather funny that I, as the only one in the class not being an american citizen, outnumbered them all in US politics.. Hah!
School's been kidna easy lately. Apart from dance of course where splits and leaps and turns and pirouettes and pliées etc makes classes a challenge. But in both US History and US Gov I so far got 100% on everything I've done, and I've done everything.. Apart from the test that was 92% but weeh it's great huh? 12th grade here's kinda like 8th or maybe 9th grade back home in Sweden.. Weird. It makes americans awkward to hear that they are as smart as an eightgrader in Sweden haha ^^ Cute
Don't know what's gonna happen tomorron, it's friday and the first week of September has passed by without me even noticing it. Really gotta start working on mine and Solveig's halloween costumes soon..
Now I have to do the CPE 3 for History class, and then clean my room. Some people are gonna see the house (not selling it, just some evaluation thing I dunno) so it's gotta be clean. There is a risk I will just put everything in the wardrobe x)
Love to the people back home, and hey Pauline started a blog! Go read it at :D
You're so pretty you're so fine Mickey you are on my mind hey Mickey...
Haha a girl was singing that today in the locker room after dance and I almost told her how the original song is Swedish.. But she doesn't really seem like the kind of girl who cares. Well, anyway cute pic huh? People say we look alike, and they actally think we might be sisters for real <3
Blå blå himlar och hav
So... Grand Canyon was amazing. Pure Awesomeness ^^
Me, Solveig and Kayla had so much fun. Driving there, pine cone fight with the guys, lunch and walking aroung... The scary restroom hand drying at the gas station.. etc the list is long.
Here's a pic that pretty much says it all. Enjoy!
Then Kayla stayed the night with us in Apple Valley and we were all pretty tired today in school. Also, I got to be one of the randomly picked people who were phtographed in the school yard today with numers on my hands.. Weird ^^
Thursday I have a test on Government in the US, and he asks again after a minute. Then next week on wednesday I have the huge Ballet Test with movements and arms :D
Good night, for it's almost fairytime O.o
1 thing 2 do 3 words 4 you
Youuuuu Aaaaare Sooooo Sweeeeet
Then we went to Washington (not the state, not the capital but the little town between St George and Hurricane) and our very own ant park to roller skate :D It was fun, but hot because the sun was burning so bad.. It was like trying to do anything physical in an owen. So we ended up having picnic lunch on the grass (hyper Krystal kept practising skating of course hehe she's good at it)
Back home me and Solveig were supposed to study, but we both went to our rooms to do so and both fell asleep x) Finishing off homework and having dinner, I ended up with Morgan and Solveig watching "The Prince of Egypt" :) Now I'm going to bed and GUESS what happens tomorrow???? Here's a clue...
Still don't get it? Well here's another one...
If you don't get where we're going by now, you better start thinking about reading a book once in a while or go google some about the south west canyons in the US... ^^
Also, something great happened in Sweden yesterday apparently. Not that I ever watch football/soccer at home either, but this is kinda big because one gets very patriotic from debating the good things about Sweden against Mr Parker all the time :P
Anyway, quite impressive right? Goal for Sweden 5 seconds before the whistle (before the end of the game) that determined the victory of Sweden! :D
Congrats to Sweden for being awsome ^_^
Goodnight! <3
Pêche Pomme Poire Apricot
I've had a total and all-through american day ^^
Started by going to the Peach Day Parade with Solveig in the morning. It was early but fun, and the vehicles passing threw candy to all the kids so I got to try some new Salt Water... whatever they were called x)
Then relaxing at home for the day I got some theater homework done and then at about 6.30 we left to go to the Hurricane Peach Day Rodeo!!! It was awsome, so much fun! Kinda slow to just sit there watching them, but I've always wanted to see the bullriders and it was great! But kinda scary that they had small kids younger than 10 ride the animals (not the biggest bulls but still..) But overall the day has been american and wonderful ^^ Thanks thanks thanks to lovely Solveig for standing to go see the parade and the rodeo, I know you'd rather been sleeping <3
Picures will come here soon, as soon as I have the patience to load them from my phone to the computer. And Frida - I will put a pic of the house here too soon :)
Love and good night =)
Third Word
Four Day Weekend has started and it's sooo nice to know that you have days to spend just relaxing and stuff ahead.. :)
I started yesterday by having Kayla and Krystal over with me and Solveig for a sleepover, and we watched "The Princess Bride" and "Labyrint" which were two good movies. Krystal slept in Solveig's room, and Solveig herself had to get up really early (ordinary time) to go to college. So Kayla and I stayed up til little after three just talking which was great.
Instead of going to school like I would have any other Friday, me and Kayla woke up at about 8.30 and had some breakfast before leaving to St George to get Solveig from College. Halfway there she called, asking if Krystal was with us because she'd left her sleeping this morning!! It turned out though that Krystal had left before we even woke up.. But we were worried for a while that we just had missed her and left her sleeping in Apple Valley... hihi
The day's been incredibly hot and long, but it was fun ^^ Visiting a lot of stores in St George the three of us found the most amazing things. Shopping, in other words. This is what I've bought (click to enlarge):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Silvery high heels that match my dress
2. Beige heels that were just so adorable I couldn't not buy them
3. Red American Eagle Shoes on sale ^^
4. Sive t-shirt with nice pattern that I'm gonna use for dance class
5. Green dress that isn't the nicest thing but I'm gonna turn it into a Tinkerbell dress for Halloween when we're all going Disney-ish :D
6. Pink shorts that I'm gonna use for dance class too =)
7. My Prom Dress!!! Wiiiie
8. The water fairy dress ^^
Also, we ate lunch at the best pasta place I've ever been too, The Olive Garden :) Such a wonderful place and their pastas were the best ever ^^ We got really good tasty bread and sallad with the best vinegrette ever (except the one we make at home in Sweden hehe) and then when we were almost full already we got our delicious plates of pasta and chicken etc, and then we shared a piece of chocolate mousse cake xP Pics:
Gonna go watch another version of A midsummer night's dream now, we have seen an older one but this is Brian's copy of a newer one :) byee <3
Wondering what dress to wear now
2. How do you like your steak? Wow random question. It's nice if it's tasty ;)
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Julie&Julia
4. What are your favorite TV shows? Don't watch any this year but in Sweden I like House, Medium etc
5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? On one of the islands in the Swedish archipelago or in London
6. What did you have for breakfast? Can't remember, I was half asleep
7. What is your favorite cuisine? Can't choose, I like almost everything!
8. What foods do you dislike? Tuna and Carrots
9. Favorite Place to Eat? Home
10. Favorite dressing? As in dressing on salad? Wooh the one dad makes :P yummie
11.What kind of vehicle do you drive? Wish I got to drive a car yet!! For now, I catch a ride everyday
12. What are your favorite clothes? Shorts and a short dress
13. Where would you visit if you had the chance? Guinea-Bissau where I lived for five years...
14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? 1/2 full, definately
15. Where would you want to retire? Somewhere hot, or in the archipelago on a huge sailboat
16. Favorite time of day? Right after dinner
17. Where were you born? Råsunda, Sweden
18. What is your favorite sport to watch? Dancing or maybe soccer I guess...
19. What is your dream car? A car would be nice
20. When was the last time you cried? Today when we were visualising a person we love in Theater class.. I miss my bff so much <3
21. Who are you most curious about their responses to this? Solveig or Chris, I know you guys always comment ^^
22. Bird watcher? Naah, I don't have the patience
23. Are you a morning person or a night person? My brain definately likes mornings better, but my body tells me to stay asleep so I guess I'm a night person
24. Do you have any pets? Dog Selma and her son Alfonz <3
25. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? I'm in the US for this year!!! wohoo
26. What did you want to be when you were little? Author, actress, princess, singer, superstar.. the usual
27. What is your best childhood memory? What I like the bes is that I can remember anything at all from my childhood
28. Are you a cat or dog person? Dogs rule cats drool
29. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I would be really flexible
30. Always wear your seat belt? Always
31. Been in a car accident? No and I hope I never will
32. Any pet peeves? Being Swedish I don't understand that question and I can't be bothered to look up the words.. It's far too late for that
33. Favorite Pizza Toppings? Cheese, Salami, shrimps, ham... etc
34. Favorite Flower? Lilies
35. Favorite ice cream? Anything chocolate
36. Favorite fast food restaurant? McDo
37. What would you rather be doing right now? Sleep
38. From whom did you get your last email? Facebook, telling me Vivvi commented on my pic
39. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Forever 21 hehe
40. Do anything spontaneous lately? I do the goog goog goog thingy in Theather rehearsal every day, does that count?
41. Like your job? Don't have one right now.. not allowed to work in the US
42. Broccoli? Yum if it's boiled
43. What was your favorite vacation? Driving through Europe with my family for weeks and staying in Italy for a week in the middle
44. Last person you went out to dinner with? Define "went out"
45. What are you listening to right now? The sounds of Solveig getting ready in the bathroom after showering
46. What is your favorite color? Light Green and Blue, and Yellow
47. How many tattoos do you have? None but I like tattoos
48. Favorite Musical Artist? Wooaah hard question that overcomes my intellect
49. What's something people don't know about you? My subconscious me is called Labolina :)
50. Coffee Drinker? Absolutely not, eeww
Good night =)
Can't wait for the 4daysweekend start!! ^^
There's no combinaton of words
Gaby covered in Korean candy at Selena's party <3
Beautiful Selena with her cake :)
My fortune cookie that said "Seek friendship and you will find it" hihi
The road towards Hurricane from Apple Valley
The mountain thingy on the right side fo the car ^^
My crazy mess of Gaduation ordering papers that need to be filled in tonight... About getting the clothes and hat and tassel and all the senior stuff that you can order that is crazyily expensive. Seniors 2010 wohooo
Krystal and introducing (haven't had pics of him earlier here) Brian, and in the background one can see Gareth and Emeliee (haven't been portrayed here earlier either) This is where we have lunch every day :)
You wanna know what we did today after school and rehearsal? Went to Arizona and had some ice cream at this village place where people were dressed up as if they were still living in the late 1800s... hehe and then we got back to Utah and I'm spending the evening now filling out graduation oderpapers (as the pic above shows). It's expensive to graduate, like everything about school in the US.. Just our Shakespeare Team that goes on til middle of October costs 70 dollars O.o And for Choir we have to buy dresses for 90 dollars *o*
But well at least the cap and gawn aren't that expensive. It's just all these status things like shirts and shorts and jewlery and (especially) the class rings. Wooh talk about expensive *faint*
Gonna practise drama with solveig now,
Good night :)
Don't let me get me
In Government we continued watching the movie 1776, since we're studying the Declaration of Independence. Please just watch this ironic and funny clip of the song (the film's a musical) about who should write the declaration.. It's weird and geez I love it when the three men in old clothes start singing together haha ^^ And "Hell no", "Damn you" etc which they say a lot and I guess the mormons in my class didn't exactly like that..
During Drama Rehearsal I climbed the huge ladders to above the stage and though I mostly manage my fear of hights I got all scared and my arms were shaking like crazy.. Embarrasing but well we were just walking on this metal floor with holes in it through which you could tell how far above the stage you were..
I hope the evening turns out better, and I'll start it now by doing some homework and practise Ballet Words.. Guaash
Love to you all <3