People come into our lives for a reason
The Graduation Cermony was actually pretty good, no superlong speeches, I got to sing with the Chamber Choir (For Good) and I forgot every single word of it cause I was so emotional so I just pretended and tried not to cry. At least we did better than the four boys who are like he best singers of the school who messed up their song completely cause they got emotional. I got to come up and walk through the big H and get my Diploma and shake hands with the principal and everything. And then we all moved our tassels to the right side and threw our caps into the air. It really really was just like a movie. I have lots of pics, and I will show them as soon as I get them off the camera.
This morning, Kayla, Solveig, Trevor and I went to breakfast at the Bear Paw, and they forced me to have the whole full stack of pancakes (remember, american thick dry pancakes) and I almost threw up hahah it took forever it was the biggest stack of pancakes i've ever seen. Krystal - I said I'd eat extra for you ;)
We then went and got that pink cowboy hat so I can bring it home with me hahah.. pretty cool :P And I have been told that I look good as a cowgirl, that it's almost sad how it suits me ;) hheeheh
Can wait to show all the awesome pics I got =) Thank you all who made it the awesome Graduation it was. Afterwards - after the Cermony - The family went to Chuck-a-Rama and their buffet and we had lunch there :) Yummy ^^
Can't help it, just have to put up this pic from the hike Tuesday with Trevor and Karissa. Isn't it a nice pic? ^^

If I could walk on water
Rachel and me
Me signing a yearbook :)
Went hiking to Weeping Rock with Solveig, then hung out in Zion with Solveig and Kayla. Such a pretty day :)
Smile when your heart is aching
Why does everything have to be so confusing and upsetting? I seriously feel like I'm a kid entering the rollercoaster of teenage years.. One moment I'm happy, complete, enjoying every minute of time and wanting it to last longer. The next moment I'm spending hours discussing things that should have been solved and that just keep bubbling up. It's like the box with old stuff never fully closes for some people. I wish it did. I really wish I things would stop hitting me in the face like that. I just hope that it can be solved so I can enjoy more of those happy moments, the highs of the roller coaster, before I have to leave.
Yesterday I went hiking in Zion with Trevor and Karissa and hiked "Hidden Canyon". Beautiful as all the other trails there, had a wonderful day. Trevor I know you're gonna read this (you always do.. and never comment.. hehe :P ) and I hope you know how much I enjoyed that hike :) Thank you <3
I was gonna go camping with Solveig but things got in the way and so we will have to do that some other night. But we will! <3
Time to go to wake solveig up, so we can go to school and sign yearbooks...
That's it for now. Have a nice day
As it passes the Sun
We went to the BBQ after school, and then Solveig, Kayla, Krystal and I went and had an awesome "We're out of high school-party" hehe as in driving to places like Laser Mania and Walmart and The City park in St George and played in the fountain :P it was way fun and now also we got ice cream and walked around all afternoon in animal masks xD That's how weird we are ^^ <3
Yesterday I went to hang out with Laura in the morning, and had an awesome time with her. She has such a wonderful yard and we went hiking up towards Three Falls because that's right behind her house. Then Solveig picked us up to go to the Alice Cast Party at the Washington Rec Center.. Well.. yeah we made some major mistakes and Laura and I got dropped off in St George, by the St George Rec Center instead of Washington.. And Solveig went to get Krystal (yeah she failed pretty much too heheh we were all kinda lost all day), and Laura and I sat there, wondering why no one else showed up... :P Finally we called Rich, and he came and picked us up after 50 min of waiting ^^ We felt pretty stupid. Got some nice tanning time though :D
Finally, making it to the Washington Rec Center about an hour late ;) we spent some hours there in the pool, then went to Ross quickly (resulted in some dress shopping, me finding a sweet pink cowboy hat that I didn't buy heheh and us being 1 hour behind schedule again..) before heading on to Cedric's 18th Birthday Party :D It was at the City Park in Hurricane, a water fight and nice people just hanging out :)
Nice pic huh? Tristan's in the background, he felt a little weird shopping for dresses with a bunch of older girls xP But he was all cool about it and didn't complain tho we took forever ;)
Got home around 8.30, and Solveig fell asleep on my shoulder in my bed so I carried her into her room.. poor thing so tired ^^ <3 Felt like her mom hahah ;) Just like little Laura falling asleep on my shoulder in the car between one party and another
H-Day Checkout
I know not all of you read my blog, but I do know some of you do. I want to thank you all. Wonderful as this year has been, couldn't have done it without you all <3
So, today we have short classes (40 min) and then the assembly, barbeque at the school and then we're officially checked out of High School. Just gotta get the last signatures from the teachers, locker checked out and then we're out. Wow. Deep breaths. Crap, I'm gonna miss it so much..
Got our Alice shirts yesterday, and the Cast party's on Saturday :) Tomorrow...
I'm wearing mine today.
Video clip
Go to this clip. Ask me in an email for the username and password to my fb and just go look at this video once ^^ you have to see it through :D hehehe love you <3
Everyone else, go watch it ;) it's very very cute... heheh
Night :D
A little time, and I'll make you happy
Yesterday was the Drama & Debate awards, and I got 9 varsity letters for what I've done this past year. Really nice, but sort of boring and "close to tears" cermony..
After it, we went to DQ and hung out there, most of the cast and drama people... very nice ^^
Wednesday was the last Vasa Meeting in Vegas. The sweet old ladies had brought a cake for my birthday, and we had a nice time and it was sort of sad to leave them, after all..
Tomorrow I'm hanging out with Solveig all day before bowling with her and the asians from colorado city.
I don't wanna miss a single thing you do.. Tonight
What comes after Good, Better, Best......? It was my 18th Birthday yesterday and I can't believe how wonderful it's been. Crazy good day that ended in an awesome surprise-Moulin Rouge Party!!! ^^
Short version:
Woke up at Krystal's house
Got ready
Went down to Trevor's house
Went to meet Mitch
Went to Snow Caps and got Snow cones
Went back to Trevor's house
Went to Red Robin in St George (the four of us)
My Awesome Friends had them bring in Ice Cream for me and balloons :) it was great, I have always wanted that to happen to me. Also got to try their really good milkshake, and had onion rings for the first time ;)
Went back to Trevor's house to finish the movie, Mitch went to work.
Went to somewhere we didn't know yet, Krystal and I blindfolded...
After a change of drivers and with quiet secret passangers alongside us, we were brought outside to get changed into long lonhskirts and stuff, and then they undressed and dressed us and did our hair and makeup at stuff.. Hahah it was a little weird.. :P
We were driven by different drivers and there were 2 people in the backseat with Krytal and we had no idea who they were at all.. just silent people.. And then having your clothes changed and stuff without knowing who helped hahah.. Turns out it was Cheryl though :P
I had an awesome party, surprised and happy as we entered the room with Moulin Rouge Dressed people ;) heheh It was absolutely fabulous and they are soooo great ;) Lots lots lots of love to the wonderful people who helped with the surprise party.. Stevie, Michelle, Stephen, Myrna.. you all who helped clean up and then of course wonderful wonderful Solveig and Kayla.. <3 You planned it all and made it awesomest ever :D love you so much for it :D
We danced a ton, sung karaoke, danced lots more, played ninja, ate cake and sweet stuff, opened presents and then watched Moulin Rouge and it was all just so wonderful :D

Thank you for the best Birthday Ever, now I'm 18 and I couldn't have celebrated it in a better way <3
No Words for This
Crap I can only listen to the first two words and I'm already holding back the tears.. Ok I hope this is the right version of this song, but as tired as I am right now I'm not even gonna listen to it. Can't right now. Waiting for a better moment to do so. Laura - For Good - for you <3 For everyone that I've met during the past months who have changed my life so much, changed me "for the better" (ok I listened to it and updated this sentence heh). You all mean so much to me and I thank you for being part of my life.
To make me feel a little better now, I'm gonna put this awesome song that Solveig showed me today, from European Song Contest - Germany's choice.
Today has been a beautiful day. It was very nice outside, not too hot but like Swedish summer pretty much :) After school I had a snow cone with Trevor while waiting for Solveig and Krystal to get back from St George, and then went home with the plan to go gocarting with Solveig.. didn't work out cause Myrna and Steve weren't home til too late to help us fix the gocarts, but we will try again some time soon.
Tomorrow I have Courtney's Surprise Party to go to, and then Sleepover at Krystal's house before hanging out with her on Saturday til the Birthday Surprise Whatever Thingy that Solveig and Kayla are planning (and have been doing so for months) for me and Krystal :D
Good Night World.. Tomorrow's my last day before I'm an adult. Freaks me out. But it's pretty cool to ^^ Love
Shortness is it
Yesterday I had a really fun afternoon :D Went to the Park with some friends and had a water fight, then hung out with Trevor for a while :)
My Birthday's in Two days :D woho hahah night! <3
Ain't no Sunshine when she's gone
Glad I got a chance to talk on Skype today and wish her happy birthday. Thanks to Anna, (my neighbor) who got on msn where I could ask her to call my house and tell them to get on skype ^^
Today is also Morgan's 20th Birthday, and we are having dinner in a while. Earlier today Morgan, Myrna and I went to St George's Movie Theater and watched "How to train your dragon". It was actually very cute and worth seeing. Also, it was full of vikings with cute accents, and colorful dragons ^^ heheh And what Swede would I be to not see a movie full of vikings? O_O Hahah

Stand with you on a mountain
The last part you have to climb up the rocks with cliffs on both sides.. ooh
From the very top, the view of Zion Canyon is amazing
One week left...
It's true. It's scary. It's fun. It's wonderful. It's awesome. It's intimidating. It's cool. It's next Saturday. Woho
There's no combination of words
After school I was convinced by Mitch (who found out this morning that I'd never been to Derangos where he works) and Trevor to go eat mexican food with them.. It was actually really good, though I couldn't finish it all, and I had an awesome afternoon with them before hanging out with Trevor once Mitch had to work, and now I'm back in Apple Valley for a slow evening..
Cheila's surprise party for her birthday is tonight, but I totally forgot about that.. So i guess since Solveig has to study for her final on Monday, I'll just spend the night with my computer (not even Trevor to talk to cause he's going to Cheila's party)... Movie time..alone... :/
Now I've gotta go water the pots outside.. Hope everyone else's having/had a fun Friday night.. Happy Weekend
Here's one of my cuties back home!! :D Selma my love <3 I miss "Vitsippor" (the white flowers on the pic.. they only grow in May around my birthday) ^^
After watering I went for a run around in Apple Valley, just like a short 20 min one, but still.. I need to motivate myself to do it, and it was really nice and pretty to run in the clear air while the sun set.. B-E-A-Utiful ;P