There's no combination of words
Today in Social Dance we were doing the Country Two-Step, and at the end there's a drop where the girl falls back and hangs from the guy's arms.. I got dropped by Josh haha it was not very nice I landed on the floor, but then I had fun during the rest of the class.. Even braided Mitch's hair into a french braid ;) it looked hilarious :P
After school I was convinced by Mitch (who found out this morning that I'd never been to Derangos where he works) and Trevor to go eat mexican food with them.. It was actually really good, though I couldn't finish it all, and I had an awesome afternoon with them before hanging out with Trevor once Mitch had to work, and now I'm back in Apple Valley for a slow evening..
Cheila's surprise party for her birthday is tonight, but I totally forgot about that.. So i guess since Solveig has to study for her final on Monday, I'll just spend the night with my computer (not even Trevor to talk to cause he's going to Cheila's party)... Movie time..alone... :/
Now I've gotta go water the pots outside.. Hope everyone else's having/had a fun Friday night.. Happy Weekend
Here's one of my cuties back home!! :D Selma my love <3 I miss "Vitsippor" (the white flowers on the pic.. they only grow in May around my birthday) ^^
After school I was convinced by Mitch (who found out this morning that I'd never been to Derangos where he works) and Trevor to go eat mexican food with them.. It was actually really good, though I couldn't finish it all, and I had an awesome afternoon with them before hanging out with Trevor once Mitch had to work, and now I'm back in Apple Valley for a slow evening..
Cheila's surprise party for her birthday is tonight, but I totally forgot about that.. So i guess since Solveig has to study for her final on Monday, I'll just spend the night with my computer (not even Trevor to talk to cause he's going to Cheila's party)... Movie time..alone... :/
Now I've gotta go water the pots outside.. Hope everyone else's having/had a fun Friday night.. Happy Weekend
Here's one of my cuties back home!! :D Selma my love <3 I miss "Vitsippor" (the white flowers on the pic.. they only grow in May around my birthday) ^^
After watering I went for a run around in Apple Valley, just like a short 20 min one, but still.. I need to motivate myself to do it, and it was really nice and pretty to run in the clear air while the sun set.. B-E-A-Utiful ;P