Shattered heart
I'd gladly hit the road, get up and go
During PE the girls in my class played soccer, and it was Waaay fun. We all got really into it, and it was a great time. Felt really gross afterwards tho. Lucky people in Sweden actually do shower after PE, unlike people at HHS ;) heheh no offence ^^
So that was about an hour of running, and then after school (got out around 4.45 pm) I went to Louise's house and we were being all good and ran for a while (I have the hardest time running, cause I can't breath. Not like i get tired I just stop breathing and it's very unpleasant..) there and then we sat and talked and then I taught her some swing steps that I learnt in Social Dance at Hurricane. And we decided to have a leadership class for PE (gives us extra credit) and teach the class some simple swing steps :D Gonna be awesome ;)
Then I came home, had meatballs and came upstairs to say hi to Trevor before he left for class. Now I'm gonna go have a shower cause of all the movement I've done today ;P heheh oh I'm so out of shape and so unflexible. Silly american habits ^^ Bluah <3
You make my heart beat <3
and everything's fine
I'm certain, I know
you make my eyes shine
You make my world spin
first fast and then slow
a feeling within
you make my hair flow
You make my feet dance
the rules that I break
no one stands a chance
you make my hands shake
You make my cheeks red
from sweet things I hear
when you tilt your head
you make me feel near
You make my eyes wet
I hide near the heat
a hug and I let
you make my heart beat
And all the glaciers melted into puddles
As I melt too <3 Miss you so much
Life doesn't stop for late passengers
So, I've started my swedish High School again. First day (Monday) I got there early and nice, and found my old class were to be in the room next to my new class. Yeah that was sorta sad, I really felt like I belong with the seniors.. Ok so well, I got in the classroom with NV09C, but after about half an hour the teachers realised I was not on their list so they sent me to the Office and I found out they had moved me to NV09E.. So now I'm in that class, was a little confusing at first but well, Charlie from NV08G's in there, and some younger siblings of people I know, and nice people in general =) I'm really glad I met Louise the very first day, she's really sweet and well it's always super nice when someone comes up to you had say hi and introduce themselves, cause we'll I don't know anyone so.. yeah :P
Yesterday (Tuesday) was a looong and slooow day. I had so many classes, thought it'd never end! But it was still a nice day, met a lot of people from my class and got to know a bunch of really nice guys, cause I haven't really gotten to know many of the girls yet besides Louise and Cecilia, and ofc Catti and Linnea who I'd already met.
I got SO FREAKISHLY MUCH math homework yesterday that I spent all evening (literally from when I got home around 4.30 til late at night) studying what we had done in class and gotten to have done by Wednesday -.- Then I fell asleep without changing into PJs (Thanks Trevor for waking me up again O=) or at least for telling me to go change when I woke up hehe) and then woke up to take out the dogs - just like last night and the night before - cause they're sick, and so I slept quite a bit (alright, not too much or well but alright) but still I was so tired today..
Today (Wednesday) I met some more people, made some more friends, had more classes (seriously, who made our schedule?? Double class in math in the morning????? umm.. stupid^^) and drove home in the rain. I'm so tired I just want to sleep, but I made dinner and now I've done some homework (thanks again Trevor for helping me with that stuff I didn't know last night) in math and will probably go see veronica for a little bit. Gotta get to bed on time tho, Exhausted ;P
I wanna be this kitty. I really do.
Don't bother me with all of your reality

So I guess what I have to do today is get really ready for school so I will survive getting up in time tomorrow O.ô
Wish it could be that simple
Guess I could write what I've done today. I woke up around 8 after too few hours of sleep, spent a sleepy morning talking to Trevor, had breakfast (did I? hmm think so..) and worked a little on getting things ready for school starting, deciding what bag to use and stuff.. Had a shower and lunch, hung out with Sara some and showered Alfonz several times during the day cause he's sick again, and had some cake with mom and Sara, watched Wipeout instead of intended movie, woke up my adorable bf, had dinner and now I'm waiting for the 9 o'clock movie (War of the Worlds) to start. Bet I'll fall asleep before it's over, but I've seen it before so no big deal..
Still Preoccupied
I can think of 50 reasons

Enjoy the day :D
Hey soul sister

Sister fight with the awwwesome balloons xD

All the places we've gone... things we've done...
Oh we're so hot ;)
What would the world be like without us? Boooring ^^
Glöm inte vad vi ska göra på den där stranden en dag xP heheh
Oh we're so swedish ^^ heheh walking around Vegas in flower crowns... yeah ;)
Hahahah we look so horrible in all the other pics, that I just put this one of our feet up here and I know you will understand why a pic says more than a thousand words <3
Love you to death Solveig <3 Will forever be the most wonderful person I know
There were never such devoted sisters
Never had to have a chaperone "No, sir"
I'm there to keep my eye on her
Caring, Sharing
Every little thing that we are wearing
When a certain gentleman arrived from Rome
She wore the dress and I stayed home
All kinds of weather
We stick together
The same in the rain or sun
Two diff'rent faces
But in tight places
We think and we act as one AHAAA
Those who've
Seen us
Know that not a thing could come between us
Many men have tried to split us up but no one can
Lord help the mister
Who comes between me and my sister
And Lord help the sister
Who comes between me and my man
Jellyfish <3
Because two is better than one
So here's a post for Trevor. Trevor Trevor Trevor... ^^

Everything that you do for me, mean to me and how I can talk to you about absolutely everything. I miss you so much - I think you have a pretty good idea of just how much - and I can't wait to see you again sometime <3

No need for words. Tons of Hugs <3 PoK
Always <3
Sunshine Day
I do believe I have been changed for the better
For Good - Sung by us, graduating choir seniors and Chamber Choir =')
Sourwood mountain - Region Choir.. needless to say, it was kinda hard to memorize and hilerious to sing ^^ hahah <3 I think we sung "sourwood mountain" once in the beginning then only "bom", "plink", "doo", "plank" etc ;P
Do you hear what I hear - the Choir Trip to Salt Lake in Dec 09.. and us messing up the verses and having a great time up on the bus, and singing at that hospital for the kids.. Unforgettable <3
Build me up Buttercup - this version is cool, imagine that we sung the part that the guys sing here ^^ hehe love it that the guys get to sing "You could be the guy I adore" tho they changed it.. anyways <3
What'll I do - the one song where the Altos had the melody!! Woho ALTO POWER <3
St Louis Blues - Hahah I can totally see Laura performing it like this ^^ So much fun <3
Oh Shenandoah - I thought this was a very entertaining version of it ^^ Heheh
Laura dear I really think we should sing that version of For Good some times, it's sooo pretty and makes me cry every time I listen to it. Miss you lovely <3
Ny layout

Same same but different ^^
It actually turned out really nice. It was blonder, like this..

(what a horrible pic..)
and turned out something like this (I know it's blurry but well... it's something). Very much closer to the color I had last fall, in the US, first time I dyed my hair ever. I think it's pretty much the same as then =)

I like it =)
Sure that the sun's gonna rise

Loove this beatle thingy ^^ soo cool! Hanging on for dear life..

My wonderful parents <3

I know it's blurry but.. it's me ;)

It's crazy windy and the boat's leaning A LOT :D wohooo!

Loveli Alfonz got sick and fell asleep in Elsa's sleepingbag <3
Not sure when we're off again, picking up Sara from her scout camp tomorrow Monday, and then we'll see ^^