What's in your heart
I'll be off to school soon, today's a really long day and I have to remember to bring an extra helmet for Vivvi since I'll drive her home from theater/drama class. This long day includes french, english, "mentortime" (I just love the way Gen pronounced that), 2 hours of boring computer science and then math, followed by drama. I'll be home around 6.30 pm...
About the US then; I have been officially placed in the Rundquist family in south west Utah =) I'll go to Hurricane High School for a year, and the term starts on August 13th. That means that teknically I have to leave Sweden on the 4th, but mum and dad are discussing with Explorius whether I can leave on the 11th instead and then just spend 2 days in New York instead of three and arrive to Utah on the 12th.. I'll see how it turns out in the end ^^
Speaking of nothing, I found this very cute quote online:
"When I say I love you, it's not because I want you or because I can't have you. That has nothing to do with me. I've seen your strenght, I've seen your weakness, and I know exactly what you are. You are my everything"
Now I have to get ready for school, y'know, brush my teeth and everything. Oh btw, on the 5th my blog celebrates one year of writing!!! =D I can't believe I've kept going all this time! Amazing. And also, if someone had missed that, it's my 17th birthday on the 8th of May!!!!! ^^
Keep on swimming

Tomorrow is the big Social Studies Test in Economics, and I've been studying all afternoon with Sofia, Ida and Linn. Agnes was also with us on the school yard for about an hours after we'd ended, but then the four of us went to the Island's only library and sat there for some time. I hope I know it all by now, because I can't bare to study more for the stupid test. It starts at 8.45 tomorrow so tecnically I have a sleepin for about half an hour, but I'm gonna meet up with Laura in school earlier and just take a walk and relax before the test, get some fresh air. Lovely
See you all <3 love
Hey diddle dee dee
Finally it's saturday, very nice indeed ^^
Yesterday evening me and Vivvi vere both exhausted and just hung out for a while to watch a movie (pinocchio) and chat some. Then when I got home I was so tired, I think my late night are finally catching up with me. I mean, I'm tired already and it's not even 6 pm!
Here's the Swedish version of my favourite song from the entire Pinocchio movie, I just loove it when "Ärlige John" (John the honest one?) is singing this one. hahaha wonderful, and reminds me of so many things from when I was small ^^
I love it how the silent cat has a whole hammer inside his clothes ^^
Today me and some friends were supposed to meet at seven am (gaaaah earlyyy) and jog.. I wasn't going, and apparently no one else either because I couldn't reach them with my phone until Ida answered at about 7.15 am. We decided to meet at eight instead, and so I finally reached Agnes too, and the three of us met and jogged at this place that's like a big field/nature management area (=naturvårdsområde, coolt att vi har ett ord för det medan engelskan behöver tre ord för att förklara det hihih). We stopped by the lake near where I live and just sat there in the sun with the water forever, veeery nice =)
Then I've been studying economics and math with Vivvi at my place, eating Ben & Jerry's Bohemian Raspberry ice cream. Yum =P It's weird how they can sell those ice creams for so much money, but they are extremely good, seriously.
When I left her house later, I ran out of gas for my scooter and just stood there in the middle of the road hahaha But my wonderful dad came and picked me up and we drove to buy some new gas, and then back to the scooter and then home. To my defence I have to day that the gasoline level gage (=bensinmätaren, ännu en gång ett ord för tre ^^) on my scooter sucks because it shows that I have no gas from the moment I've filled it, and til it's empty. So I can't trust it to show me when it's time to buy more. I felt kinda silly, standing there on the road after the scooter just stopped all of a sudden.
And Vivvi, in case you read this because I know you barely ever read blogs at all, it was NOT your fault! I wouldn't have made it to the gas station anyway and better for the scooter to just die on my way home on a saturday than on my was to school on monday!!! Stop blaming yourself!
Now I'm gonna continue with the economics, and I have to finish that stupid book for Swedish class, Tristan & Isolde. Very boring, and I'm on page 20 out of 150.. it's supposed to be done on monday because then I have a test on it. Think I can make it? (A)
Thanks for reading and commenting!
Love you all
Pick up all the broken glass
I'll get back to Tristan and Isolde soon, but I just gotta tell you about this really funny thing that happened at Jujutsu today. we had just been doing physical workout and we were stretching, everybody sitting quietly in a circle. Suddenly the emergency exit door opens and a woman enters with a dog in a leash. She looked like she hadn't showered for a week or more (she probably hadn't) and just started walking around on the carpets with the dog. Everyone just looked at each other, expecting someone to stand up and say something like "Hey mum, let's go" or just whoever was a relative to this woman should get her out of there! I mean the dog was walking around us.. But she just kept talking until Stefan decided to tell her to get off the carpet because she was wearing shoes. I don't think she understood what he was saying, until Pontus lead her into the women's dressroom and tried to make her leave the building, but she just kept talking about her dog and her cat and lalala... And everyone inside the hall burst out laughing =)
Then as I left later to go home, she was still wandering around on the school yard and stopped at every door to try it, then knocked on it and the windows, shouting "Hello? Is there anyone here? Will you please let me in!"
She was probably not quite sane. But we had a hard time not laughing for the last part of practise =P
Now I'm gonna keep reading and writing. Thanks for comments <3
Bästa vänner så som vänner känner
Yesterday I had quite a full evening. I went to Laura's house at about halv past five - so I didn't eat dinner before that because it was too early - and hung out with her. It's always nice talking to Laura, because she can talk about anything and she's not uncomfortable around people who don't babble that much (like myself, though I do babble sometimes). She just fills the quietness, or whatever it's called, with her own thoughts. It's also nice to know that she's always around (When she's not with Hampus heheh)
Then after enjoying a very nice chocolate creamy cake with her I drove to Sofia's house which is like the farthest away from where I and Laura live possibly without leaving the island. It was about eight in the evening and I was reeeally cold! Then I had a nice chat with my friends (We did some swedish HW too!) and drank tea =) Driving home was just as cold and freezing.
Today I didn't have time for dinner either because of my two dance classes. But tomorrow me and Vivvi are making dinner for me and my sisters =P Yum
I'm going to bed soon, but Just wanna tell everyone how much I apprichiate you reading this!
Today's special congrats goes to Roey: Wish I could join you to prom!! <3
And that is all
Yesterday evening me and Veronica had a movienight at my house and watched Wall-e. It's gotta be the cutest movie ever, and there isn't even any talking in the first half an hour - at all! Anyway, we had a great time. Wish I could have joined my friends to "Lidingö Rock" but I was needed elsewhere.
Today we're having lunch guests, so I'd better get up and get dressed and go down stairs to help with the lunch. But I accidentally found this inscredibly funny clip from "Talang 2009" that I didn't watch this friday since I was at Sofia's party. It's like "America's got Talent", but swedish version. These guys are dancing "Knäckebröddansen" (translated "Swedish Crispbread Dance") Enjoy!
Talang - Knäckabröddansen
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker
Hellu, it's been a busy week and that's why I haven't been able to post in a while. I had a biology presentation on friday about spiders and scorpions and such, and it went fine but I was all stressed out the night before because I had barely started writing before I went to jujutsu and I had to stay up laaate and finish it.
Yesterday I was at Sofia's 17th birthday party with the theme "You'll never see me like this again" and there were about 20 people there. I knew almost everyone, and it was great fun =) Somepeople took photos and I'd really like to get my hands on those, especially the one that was taken in the beginning of everyone together!
Anyway, I took some as well =) And some of myself when I came home because I just had to save some proof of the incredible change that Vivvi did to me yesterday (it took hours!)
My costume:
¤Black jeans that Vivvi brought to school and had her friends tear apart (they know this stuff) in the best way
¤Black t-shirt with buttons that I bought in a punk rocker-kinda-shop
¤Purple tie that came with the t-shirt
¤A lot of bracelets and rings
¤Vivvi's incredible makeup (took about an hour)
¤Vivvi's incredible hair-fix-thingy (took about another hour)
In my hair I had so much hairspray it was like glue, and a whole can of black hair spray colour ^^ And I got a really nice hair colour, I really liked it. Might go colour my hair black now, or at least darker brown =)
The weird thing is that EVERYBODY told me I fit as a punk rocker, that it looked great on me o.O Don't know whether I should take that as a compliment or an insult.. heheh I liked it too though =P
Polis-Vickan i soffan och Emo-jag
Redo att åka...
Majas Elin och Elins Maja ^^ Sötisar <3
Gulliga Cowboy-Hanna och Farliga jag
Kramgoa Hiphop-Magdalena och jag
What do you think, is it the new me? ^^
I've missed you quite terribly
The sweetest song ever, love it and listen to it a lot. please read the lyrics, they're awsome ^^ The video's a bit weird, but I was only looking for one with the right remix of it. Whatever, it's great =) love
Here in your arms - Hellogoodbye
I like where we are,
When we drive, in your car
I like where we are.... Here
Cause our lips, can touch
And our cheeks, can brush
Our lips can touch here
Well you are the one, the one that lies close to me
Whisper's "Hello, I've missed you quite terribly"
I fell in love, in love with you suddenly
Now there's no place else I could be but here in your arms
I like where you sleep,
When you sleep, next to me.
I like where you sleep... here
Our lips, can touch
And our cheeks, can brush
Our lips can touch here
Well you are the one, the one that lies close to me
Whisper's "Hello, I've missed you quite terribly"
I fell in love, in love with you suddenly
Now there's no place else I could be but here in your arms
Our lips, can touch
Our lips, can touch...here
You are the one the one that lies close to me
Whisper's "Hello, I've missed you quite terribly"
I fell in love, in love with you suddenly
Now there's no place else I could be but here in your
You are the one the one that lies close to me
Whisper's hello I miss you, I miss you
I fell in love, in love with you suddenly
Now there's no place else I could be but here in your arms
Here in your arms.
Here in your arms.
Let the sunshine in
Watch this video and the second part of it as well, it's great. It's even better if you've seen the movie "The Good Son", but it's still fun (I think).. Hope you're all having a great Easter!!! ^^ xoxo
One in a zillion
I've also cut my sister's hair today, which went just fine and she was really happy about the way it turned out.
Now I've just watched "Hjälp! Jag är med i en japansk TV-show!"... Omg what a stupid program, but it was so funny because the host and the judge and the audience just kept screaming in japanese and the swedish celebrities that were competing didn't understand a thing. And the crazy judge.. haha funny ^^ And weird competitions, kinda like "Wipeout" if anyone's seen that.
Here's a nice song that I found. Enjoy!
I hear it everyday
I hear it all the time
I'm never gonna amount to much
But they're never gonna change my mind, oh
Tell me, tell me, tell me something I don't know
Something I don't know, something I don't know
Tell me, tell me, tell me something I don't know
Something I don't know, something I don't know
How many inches in a mile
What it takes to make you smile
Getcha not to treat me like a child, baby
Everybody tells me
I don't know what I'm doing
This life I'm pursuing
The odds I'll be losing
Everybody tells me that
It's one in a million
More like one in billion or
one in a zillion <3
Into eternity
Found this song on my phone and listened to it on the way to jujutsu practise.. It's quite nice actually, and listen to the lyrics, they're nice..
It's you and me moving at the speed of light into eternity,
Tonight is the night to join me in the middle of ecstasy.
Feel the melody in the rhythm of the music around you, around you...
It's a long way down,
We're so high off the ground,
Sending for an angel to bring me your heart
Girl, where did you come from?
Got me so undone,
Gazing in your eyes got me singing what a beautiful lady
No "if"s, "and"s or "maybe"s
I'm releasing my heart and it's feeling amazing
There's no one else that matters
you love me and I won't let you fall girl ^^
Like a shooting star that shines
Yesterday I had a SHOPPING DAY with Veronica =) It was really nice, just walking around in town and go from shop to shop... I don't wanna think about all the money I spent, so don't ask about that.. hehe But I bought a lot of nice stuff, for example some black leggings from Gina Tricot, a t-shirt from Zara, a cute summer dress from H&M and a lot of ear rings.. Long live Shopping heheh

Today's been busy, me and my sister did some things to help around the house (such as painted the new chairs with oil) before eating lunch with my sister. Then she (Elsa, cause Sara's been away for a few days and only just came home today) and me and Laura (who we met up with as she came from the train) took a walk with the dogs by the water. Now I'm about to eat some pancakes that dad's making (yummie!) and then go to the jujutsi practise. I usually go on thursdays there's no practise this thursday because of easter so... Might as well go see if I can be there today instead.. ^^

It's something unpredictable
I want summer!!! It was so warm yesterday, almost like summer, or spring at least. I spent the day having a nice Picknick by the water in the sun with friends. Very nice ^^
Underbar dag ^^
Today I've been cleaning and taking care of the dogs, then I met up with Veronica and just hanged out with her.. talking girl talk ^^ heheheh
Tonight my brother's coming here because we're celebrating his birthday =) And later I'm gonna watch Van Veeteren with Fredrik. Then tomorrow... it's monday and still no school because it's spring break!!!! =D Oh happy days lalala
Have a nice sunday evening guys <3
Within a morning star
Slappar i solen idag, eftersom det äntligen är våååårväder!!!! Så glad man blir, ja tror faktiskt att man blir gladare av sol, så det är därför så många är glada på våren, många är kära, många blir hoppfulla.. Det är sooolen som gör allt =)
Nu måste ja ge mig av till Jujutsin, ska bara äta lite snabbmellismiddag först.. Det blir tåget dit idag, hehe för ovanlighetens skull =P Sen måste ja läsa 29 sidor till dubbeltimmen i svenska imorron, om antik litteratur.. roligare kan man ju ha =$
Skriver mer ikväll, hinner inte nu.. <3
English part of post:
Thanks for reading again Solveig, I hope you're doing great. And of course everyone else too <3 I had a big math test yesterday that didn't exactly go great, but whatever.. Big thing right now is that tomorrow's the last day before Spring Break, or as the translation should be if you wanna know the swedish name, Easter Break!!! I hope to hear from you all soon again, love and lots of hugs =)
Jag har slitit ut så många skor
Idag har ja haft en riktigt najsig dag. Hade visserligen matteprov mellan 8 och 11 vilket gick sådär, men sen har dagen varit underbar. Slutade efter provet då tvåorna hade matteprov 12-15 och treorna Uppsatsskrivning 13-18.. Stackarna ;P
Efter att ha åkt hem i solen och tagit ut hundarna gjorde ja milkshake och slappade. Sen vid tre åkte ja in till stan och mötte Vivvi. Vi handlade lite mellis i Centrum och landade på Saga. Hahah så himla kul asså, ja blev "fjortis-frisyrad" av Vivvi och skulle spela fjortis.. Lovely <3
Innan teatern hade jag och Vivsan reunion med vår gamla brandtrappa. Gamla traditioner, picknick på brandtrappan i solen =D heheh supermysigt ^^ Kommer sakna det sjukt mycket..
Åkte hem till Vivvi (hade sällskap med Pauline också på tåget) och vi hade kul där också, fortsatte på fjortistemat en aning =P Nu sitter jag och väntar på att datorn ska ladda klart bilderna från mobilen så ja kan lägga upp lite foton från idag. Det blir najs.. återkommer med bilder... fast ja lägger nog dom i det här inlägget också =)
Ok, här kommer lite "Catch Up Photos"

Vivvi och ja gör middag i fredags - supergodaste pajen ^^

Vi gjorde mumsiga blåbärsmuffins också =P

Earth Hour Vandring med levande ljus - Sötis Ida

Älskade Vivvi idag när vi satt och hade picknick <3
Övriga bilder är inte till allmän beskådan hehe ;P kanske en annan gång ^^
Ha de bäst, pusspuss
P.S. När ja satt hos Vivvi ikväll och smsade fick ja plötsligt ett sms där det stod såhär (man kan ju bara läsa lite i taget, och ja kollade inte innan ja börja läsa vem det va ifrån, så ja fick värsta chocken);
"Vad är det för jävla skit du sagt till alla om mig? Ja trodde såna saker var givna att man inte säger till någon! :S Jag är sjukt besviken på dig, nästa gång du pratar om mig till någon annan kan du ju säga hur snygg jag är istället för hur bra jag är på allt! ;) skicka detta smset till alla du vill skrämma skiten ur! MOHAHA April april din dumma sill ^^ Jag kan lura dig var jag vill :D"
Shiiiit vad rädd ja blev asså, och Vivvi satt bara bredvid och skrattade... <3 hahah bra aprilskämt, seriöst, och kul att det var från henne och ja fatta noll.. satt där och bara "vaa men vem har ja sagt nått dumt om?? Vem kan vara besviken på mej? Aaa... hahaha D.S.