Look out the window

Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
Jetlagged enough to sleep till 2 pm today, I am already back in the darkness and rain of Sweden. I've had a marvelous trip with my love to Utah for a week, and already I want to go back to the sunshine and the warmth. Host family visit, late night Denny's date, lots of driving, LOTS of turkey through three thanksgiving dinners, lots of Trevor's family and much shopping on Black Friday. Thanks everyone for giving me some sunshine to keep me sane till it finds its way back to Sweden (some time in April probably).

Trevor, me, Aryn and Zack hiking in Zion

Solveig and Matt with the gang at Denny's, around 1 am. Yes, she's hyper :)

Christmas decorations in Salt Lake City <3
Sadly Trevor's phone went missing somewhere between the flight to Minneapolis and the flight to Amsterdam... Probably it's laying around the Minneapolis airport somewhere so if anyone happens to find it near gate G4 or G5, let me know :P More importantly (in my opinion) most of our photos from the trip were lost with the phone and these are just the few that automatically uploaded to his Google+ account. Thank goodness not all were lost but sadly this is almost all the photos I have. Besides some silly travel photos from my phone that I might put up later. Peace out ^^
Let's all be Rockstars and Dance together
Enjoy, the Funkykidz show at the end of the fall semester. Visiting was Danny but the main attraction was of course the adorable kids who have worked so hard for 10 weks to learn these dances and I am SO proud!
I have 5 groups, aged 2-3, 4-5, 4-5, 6-7 and 7-8. Hence I did 5 dances, all in front of the group to guide them through the moves except for the 2-3-yearolds where both the parents and I were up on stage with them.
Age 4-5 Football Dance
(+ my assistant Elin up on stage)

Age 6-7 Neon Dance

Age 7-8 Dynamite Dance

After each number we thank the audience and I get up on stage with my Wonderful students. It's amazing to realise how much I mean to them and they mean to me. I hope many of them continue next semester because I sure will!

Thank you for this semester and the great times. Oh and btw, I high fived Danny. I'm cool ^_^

I've searched through every open door
This just makes me happy. I think every girl in the world probably wants to dance like this at some point.. Wonderful end scene to a really good old classic.
Today I worked at Explorius again, interviewing future exchange students. I'm loving it, it's such a fun and nice job and I really like helping the students and parents by answering their questions and give advice and information. Filling in with stories from my own year abroad doesn't hurt either.
Now the weekend starts for me and I can warm up for Saturday and Sunday... Funky Weekend here I come!
Remember November
The month of November makes everyone on my facebook page start a chain reaction of gratitude. It happened last year too, but then I paid little attention to it. Now I find it facinating to see what people are really thankful for, and to spend a few minutes myself each day coming up with something cleaver to post as what I'm thankful for today.
I think this is a great way of making something positive out of November, which is known to be the toughest, darkest, coldest and longest month of the year. At least that is a true statement if one's living in Sweden. The hours of sun every day go down to very few or none, and with the lack of vitamins and sunshine people become their worst versions of themselves.
So here's a post to the positive thinking that comes with Thankful November, and how I appreciate hearing what my friends are thankful for rather than what they like to complain and whine about this time of year.
I am the shadow on the moon at night
Halloween has come and gone, and though this year I didn't dress up for school (since I'm no longer enrolling in a school, at least not atm) and I didn't go to any Halloween parties, I had a great time. Trevor and I set up the decorations in the beginning of October because we figured we might as well get to see them for a while and enjoy the scary setting of the apartment for more than just a few days. Spiderwebs covering the ceiling, little spiders all over, a big spider in a nest of web in a corner, a black cat by a lantern, bats in the ceiling lights and a slug on the bathroom mirror. It was epic to put it all up and I'm dreading taking it down in a few days.
However, the Halloween Gettogether we had with some friends, and the Annual Family Halloween Dinner, both turned out nicely and we had so much fun making all the food and desserts and stuff ourselves!

I love you.
And by now all the Halloween food and candy is gone too, and I'm starting to get a tiny bit excited for Christmas to approach =D