I've got a feeling

The distance from A to where you B
Well yesterday (Friday) was quite nice. Rehearsal was in costumes for our IEs, and though we spent the first half of rehearsal listening to Rich's peptalk, and the rest warming up and practising energy, and barely got half an hour actually working with our scripts, it was a good rehearsal. Morgan came to watch which always makes me happy. He's so nice and the Best (with capital B!) at cheering me up at all times :)
After rehearsal I had an awsome moment with Shelly when we teamed up as girls do and told... well Tessa told Mitch the other day (right in front of me) that I had called him a player. He (carefully) asked me about it after rehearsal and I said "Yeah you are." He's still sweet and a wonderful guy, but yeah he's been acting like a player. Shelly joined me and we felt so powerful and girly haha it's was chicks before dicks and girlpower all the way hahaha ;D
Then I went to Krystal's house and we had an awsome movie night watching Blades of Glory (never before noticed the Swedish flag that is everywhere in that movie.. hm) and I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry. It was hilarious. Then we started watching Sweeney Todd but I fell asleep so Krystal changed it to Milk and we fell asleep to that.
Today we had to get up and go down to hurricane for dress rehearsal at 9. I was going to hang out with Mitch after that (it went til 2 pm) as we had planned, but he was invited to Zoey's birthday party and though he asked her if I could come too, and said he wanted to me come too, Zoey didn't. Whatever, I've had a nice afternoon and evening with Morgan and Myrna. Tomorrow I will finish choreoghraphing (I hate that word, hardest ever to spell!!) my dance and maybe hang out some with Sabrina :)
Good night ^^
When she smiles
I've had a great day today. I can't really put my finger on what went well today, but the day had a very good feeling about it. Even when we totally failed in Solo/Ensamble auditions for Region in singing, we could laugh about it. Tomorrow I have a dress rehearsal for IEs and then I'm sleeping over at Krystal's house. Solveig leaves tomorrow morning (after college) to go up North to SLC for her audition to University of Utah. GOOD LUCK DEAR!!! <3
Good night :)
If you like it then you should've put a ring on it
Tomorrow I'm totally getting a battle-shirt. Pink ones for the girls say "Guys are just like Bathroom Stalls. Either taken or full of crap" on the back hahah.. the guys' ones are blue but I don't get the quote on them.. it's weird. Not as fun as ours!!
Between 3rd and 4th period we had an assembly in the main gym, like before all big sports events. Tomorrow the Tigers are playing Juan Diego up North and the Spirit Bus is leaving early in the morning I think to bring up fans and students (same thing..).
At lunch, me and Krystal witnessed the brutality that followes Battle of the Sexes Week in the Parking lot behind the school.. hahah and the before the assembly the texts were spreading about how all the girls were gathering before to enter in a group.. we filled a whole hallway.
The assembly was so much fun! The boys had found the Spirit Stick (a piece of a tree.. or something like that.. with paint on it) last night so they got 100 points for that. The girls were dressed up in pink better than the boys in blue = 100 points to us. Then there were competitions like eating donuts with a rubber band pulling you back (boys won), put make-up on teachers from behind (girls won, of course!), passing a student across the gym and back on everyone's heads (boys won..), what team had bought most preference tickets through the week (girls won.. hahah), basketball shots (boys won) and a texting competition that the girls won. We ended equally on 400 points each :P
Rehearsal was great, we blocked the Final Trial Scene, and I got to yell A LOT. Tomorrow I'm trying on my Queen of Hearts Dress which will be exciting I hope :D
Now I'm off to bed. I need to practise our scene with Solveig, but well I'm really tired. Tomorrow's Solo and Ensamble Preformance!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ô.O
The party don't start til I walk in
It's Minivibe dancing to Tik Tok. Choreographed by Celina Ryden :)
Dance on the pieces
I have had a very tiring day today and I just feel sort of powerless and tired overall today.
BUT, in Speech I got to sit on the stool of embarassment for Rich to spotlight me and tell the class why I am awsome ^^ I got some really nice comments from him and the class, and spent the rest of the period in the recliner of cool (the soft puffy chair in front) watching a movie and eating some candy with the others who helped us win region!!
In the beginning of March I am going to state in LD with the team :D Awsome but scary..
This is how I want to feel today... like this very awsome song :)
But I feel more like this actually... This is the song that we are dancing foxtrot to in Social dance
Region Debate
Guess what guess what guess what???!!!
I had the region debate tournament yesterday and now I'm going to tell you all about it.
I got there at 6.45 am and we set up everything. The other schools arrived and EXTEMP started as the first IE of today. Extemp has 3 rounds, and in each round you get three topics (randomly picked) and you choose one (did I describe this already?) and hope that you have evidence in our extemp box for that topic, and write a speech about it. It has to follow a structure and be 7 min long and completely memorized. You have half an hour to write it and it has to include at least 2 sources cited in the text. Then you go to your judge and hold your speech and hope for the best. It was my first time and I was terrified. Luckily I had awsome ppl like Cedric, Sharissa and Braiden to help me not freak out.
My topics for the three rounds were something like (1) Will the airline industry face big losses during the next year? (2) Can't even remember the topic but I sort of screwed up that one a bit. It was something about the proposed health care reform and (3) was about "How is the increased number of women in the american workforce affecting the american labor.
I thought I did pretty ok in Extemp, considering how I'd never done it before.
After about 5 hours in school we had lunch and then the debate rounds started. LD has three rounds too, but I got a Bye at the first round which means I didn't have to compete in it. So I went with Trevor and watched him argue against Snow Canyon's debate president. LD takes forever, but finally I got to round two which was against Trevor but he was affirmative this time and negative when I listened.
I beat him, and we had an awsome judge who was really nice and talked to us afterwards. Then I had to wait forever until I had mu second round against the guy I went against last time who totally crushed me then and did the same thing this time...
The last round ended around 6ish I think, but the awards cermony wasn't until 8.. So I hung out with Taya, Tess and Sharissa til then. The basketball game playoffs were in the gym, and the Miss Hurricane Pageant was in the auditorium so we had to have the awards cermony in Rich's room..
After the awards, we took a picture with the Hurricane Tigers Debate Team, and our trophy that the school got, and then me, Taya, Alissa and Rachel went to McDo and got their weekend deal of 50 chicken nuggets for $10 :D Celebration!! They dropped me and Taya off at her house, where we watched "My life in ruins" and hung out til about midnight when Solveig picked me up there as she came down from Springdale where she'd been with Paige all evening. It started to snow when we pulled into Apple Valley, and today we have about 5 cm of wet snow outside :P hehe Solveig's so excited!
Later added:
Hahaha guess what? It's so funny really, I apparently forgot to tell you how I did in the tournament! Heheh
Soo, in Extemp I finished 3rd!!!!!!!!!! Amazing, right?! I've never done it before and I'm not even american and the only two that beat me were Cedric and Braiden from our school..
And in LD.... I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!! I took first place and thereby beat even the two really good and experienced LD debaters Cedric and Rachel from HHS, and everyone else and I felt so freaking good about it and it was absolutely amazing!!!! I can't understand how, because I won one round and lost the other, but well it was great and today (Monday) in the morning announcements they said everyone who placed in debate this weekend, and I got congrats from so many people :D
Heheh thanks dad for reminding me to tell how it went ^^
Maybe surrounded by a million people
I am sitting in my room, Friday night, doing homework. Pathetic. But yes. Going to be in school at 6.45 tomorrow for the whole day debate tournament. I am not very happy with my Negative case for LD, so I hope I get to be affirmative more than negative. I am terrified about Extemp. Isch I got to do it for Rachel today and I was SCARED.
Extemp btw is when you get a topic given to you right there, then you have half an hour to write a speech (pursuasive) and it most include at least 2 sources/quotes etc to back it up, and you find them in articles that we've spent the week gathering and put in our gigantic extemp boxes that we bring because you can't use a computer so it's just pray and hope that we have the right evidence to write speeches. Then it has to be memorized, and you go up there in front of the judge and speak from memory and try to quote and remember arguments and sites and follow your short fast outline and it's Scary! Well we'll see how it goes.
Today in Social Dance we kept working on the Swing (I love that dance, SO MUCH FUN!) and started Foxtrot. It is not my favourite, but at least a lot better than waltz... And Melanie had us dance to Michael Buble's "Home" which is such a pretty song.. :) Then we ended with some waltz and cha cha. I love Social Dance and I am going to miss it so much when i go back..
At the moment, me and Solveig are making "Semlor" aka Swedish Fat Tuesday Buns :D A little late I know but well we didn't have time this week so they are getting ready to go into the owen soon :) Nice, very nice...
Ok that's it. I'll write about the tournament and whether our Saturday evening plans with Paige, Mitch, Krystal and Kayla turn into anything or if I will simply go to sleep after the tournament. We'll see we'll see :)
In peace and honesty
Anyways, Friday and Saturday were fun (as I said earlier) but Sunday (valentine's day) was sort of lame. I went and saw "When in Rome" and "Valentine's Day" in Hurricane, and then me and Solveig had ice cream and watched Star Wars.. Yup that's as exciting as my valentine's day got.
Monday.. What did I even do? Practised some "solo and ensamble" for the region tryout with Solveig, Laura and Michelle (we're singing Nella Fantasia) and then I guess I tried to do homework.
Today is Fat Tuesday and that's worth celebrating! Wohoo go Fat Tuesday, the best holiday in Sweden during all year Hahahh no it can't beat Christmas but well..
Happy Fat Tuesday! <3

The Smell of You in Every Single Dream I Dream
Friday was great. After school and rehersal (which Morgan came and watched, great to see him again) there was the Mad Tea Party and we played fun games and had cookies and tea ;) At the same time, there was the big basketball game between HHS and Desert Hills. Of course we went there for a few minutes, just to see Countney and Mitch (who are in the cast and also in band) playing their trash can piece with the other drummers, and Laura was in band and so we sort of went back and forth. Then me, Solveig and Krystal met up with David and his brother and sister, and went with them to a party with some guys from our school. It was way fun too.
Krystal spent the night, and then today Solveig and I picked up Trevor and Mitch and went to Dairy Queen because it's Trevor's 18th birthday!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TREVOR!! :D
He went back home, and the three of us went to St George to go shopping. I haven't been to the mall in forever so I got a new pair of shoes and a dress for Preference. it's way cute ^^
We picked up Kayla and went to Springdale up in the mountains to Paige's appartment where we met Alex, her boyfriend from California. We had dinner at her place with them, and watched "Grandma's boy". Heheh they are fun people and I had a great time. Then the 6 of us got into the car (Paige on top of us in the back seat) and we drove about a block. Americans do not walk ;) We tried at a lot of local hotels, but they were all closed, so finally we went to a place and used their hot tub in the dark and it was awsome and tons of fun. I really haven't had so much fun in quite a while.
Unfortunately, we didn't keep an eye on the clock so we got home a little later than we were supposed to. We also had to drop off Kayla and Mitch in Hurricane so Stephen wasn't too happy with us once we got back... We'll see how he feels about it tomorrow...
It was totally worth is though, and the fact that we went in shorts and bikinis outside in FEBRUARY, and into a hot tub, and then back across the parking lot in wet bikinis and shorts... wow. It Was Awsome.
Now I'm going to sleep, because it's already 1.30 am since I stayed up for a while talking to Solveig once we got home and made some hot chocolate... GOod NiGhT ^_^
Oh, P.S. Today in the car we've heard "Hey soul sister" on the radio at least 5 times.. Heheh
The drum beats out of time
I had a pretty nice rehearsal today, but now I have to finish up my homework (after helping Elsa write about FLDS for school) because of everything that's due tomorrow... Isch.
Good Night! <3
If you fall I will catch you
Let's see, what else has been going on lately...? Well, Not much I think. Hopefully I will spend Saturday with Solveig, Paige, Alex and Mitch in Springdale, and then on Monday there's no school because it's President's Day. And Sunday is Valentine's day. And Tuesday is Fat Tuesday ^^
On Friday we're having the Mad Tea Party with the cast of Alice, and then I might hang out with friends after that too. Tomorrow's going to be school, rehearsal, homework. Bluah. At least I did my walz test today in Social Dance. The dancing itself went pretty well, but I totally screwed up the lift at the end (for extra credit). Luckily Mitch didn't drop me :P
We got a call today from my area rep, Camille, since she suddenly knew that I had a boyfriend (?) and wanted to make sure Stephen and Myrna knew about it. I don't have a boyfriend, and how on earth would she know about it in that case? Mitch is just a friend, and even though I really like him, he's not my boyfriend. It was so strange. I wonder if she has seen me walk around in school with him (what would she be doing in school)...? Or her son maybe, I think he is in my High School... Well, it was sort of strange.
Now I have to sleep. Enjoy this wonderful song, here sung by Ronan Keating. Beautiful =)
Some guys just can't hold their arsenic
I'm telling Germany!

What a wonderful world
Today, Solveig and Kayla didn't have first hours, so I skipped mine too (it was just reviewing walz in Social Dance) and we went to Walgreens and got a big poster and markers and dried cranberries. Then the car keys were stuck inside the car, but luckily we got our hands on the extra ones heheh... After school had started, we went to Mitchel's house (because he wasn't there since he was in school, obviously) and his mom let us in to his room and we wrote on the poster and outlined all the letters with cranberries ^^ We wrote:
He loves dried cranberries, so that's why...
I barely made it to second hour, and then I went with Krystal and him to his house during lunch, and it was sort of nervous because I was scared he'd find it while I was there with Krystal... But he didn't, he went home during last hour just like planned and then came back for practise. It was all very well planned, because he'd need his script for rehearsal, and it was on his bed just by the poster...
We used a TON of cranberries to write everything...

Anyways, in rehersal I got a note that he'd written and translated to swedish (soo cute!) saying he'd love to go with me. I'm so happy because I'm going to my very first real High School Dance with a guy! I went to homecoming, but that was with all my girl friends, so well it was a dance but you know what I mean...
Well, the dance isn't til March so we'll see how things turn out.
Oh and guess what? This is a day of wonderful surprises, because me and Krystal dyed our hair again. She made hers go dark dark dark dark brown (blackish) and mine's now a darker version of my original color, a darker/medium brown. I like it a lot, it matches my eyes :D
Wihoo I also have a walz test next B day. Then we're going to learn Swing.. ^_^ I've heard tons of great stuff about that dance, so we'll see... I'm just worried about the lift in the walz, because last class I was there (I missed today) we barely tried it, and I was partnered up with only the small guys in the class who have like no muscles. I guess I wasn't the best at jumping up and lifting myself on one arm either...
Good nite! <3
You'll feel it when the dance gets hot
Heheheh ^-^
It's a Caucus Race, that means everybody wins!
Stackars lilla du, önskar du kunde åka på skidresan! Men då är vi två utan snö imorgon ^^ Puss <3
Today we continued blocking Alice, and got past the scene where she cries and makes an ocean of tears.. Next on the list = The Caucus Race! Hahah we had to practise the first scene, where she falls down the hole, and geez was it tireing or what?? Rich forgot to stop the music or something because we ran around and around forever, spinning and jumping and in character screaming things, around and around and around.. All sweaty and gross, or that's how I felt at least.

My dance class today was quite hilarious. Though it's so freakin annoying when people decide your teaching time is not worth their focus, and so they talk in the back, that really pisses me off! But it was forgotten when I saw some of the tigerettes try to do street dance.. Wow. I'd say, stick to the lyrical jazz. That's what they'd tell me, and therefore I'm not insulting anyone (not mentioning any names, or saying they all did bad, because some were great). I'm pretty sure they're not too impressed with my lyrical jazz skills heheh :P
In choir I had an awsome time with Laura, and woh am I gonna miss her and that class??? Don't think about it yet. No.
Now I'm gonna enjoy my no-homework-evening, go to bed early (or at least in time) and be well rested tomorrow :D yay
Yesterday I went ice skating with Mo and John, the other exchange students with ASSE, and then waited at the college while Solveig took a test. Today I've mostly talked to Swedes and been super lazy. Slow weekend, in other words.