The distance from A to where you B
I found this cute little list of things guys should know about girls.. It's so sweet and true that I just had to put it in here. Heheh
Well yesterday (Friday) was quite nice. Rehearsal was in costumes for our IEs, and though we spent the first half of rehearsal listening to Rich's peptalk, and the rest warming up and practising energy, and barely got half an hour actually working with our scripts, it was a good rehearsal. Morgan came to watch which always makes me happy. He's so nice and the Best (with capital B!) at cheering me up at all times :)
After rehearsal I had an awsome moment with Shelly when we teamed up as girls do and told... well Tessa told Mitch the other day (right in front of me) that I had called him a player. He (carefully) asked me about it after rehearsal and I said "Yeah you are." He's still sweet and a wonderful guy, but yeah he's been acting like a player. Shelly joined me and we felt so powerful and girly haha it's was chicks before dicks and girlpower all the way hahaha ;D
Then I went to Krystal's house and we had an awsome movie night watching Blades of Glory (never before noticed the Swedish flag that is everywhere in that movie.. hm) and I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry. It was hilarious. Then we started watching Sweeney Todd but I fell asleep so Krystal changed it to Milk and we fell asleep to that.
Today we had to get up and go down to hurricane for dress rehearsal at 9. I was going to hang out with Mitch after that (it went til 2 pm) as we had planned, but he was invited to Zoey's birthday party and though he asked her if I could come too, and said he wanted to me come too, Zoey didn't. Whatever, I've had a nice afternoon and evening with Morgan and Myrna. Tomorrow I will finish choreoghraphing (I hate that word, hardest ever to spell!!) my dance and maybe hang out some with Sabrina :)
Good night ^^
For Guys to Read
•Girls love it when guys say their name
•DON'T CHEAT ON US. It may seem foolproof, but girls tell each other everything about everything. Trust me, we WILL find out
•You don't have PMS; so don't act like you know what it's like. Don't try to understand...believe me you never will. Don't give advice, just give chocolate.
•We love it when you make eye contact with us while we talk.
•If we flirt with you, it’s a complement. If you're not interested, accept it but don’t flirt back.
•We travel in groups for one of two reasons 1) because we want to share some form of gossip with each other or get advice on something 2) B/c we don't want to get caught by ourselves with you because we won't know what to say and are afraid we'll make a fool of ourselves
•Almost every girl has ONE nickname that they just love to be called
•Most girls like a guy that will willingly dance with them, even if he doesn't know how to
•Usually, when a girl is sarcastically mean to you, it means they're attracted to you, but are afraid that they'll be showing too much
•When a guy says something really sentimental, girls will remember it forever
•WE HATE BEING LED ON! Don’t make us believe you like us if you don’t. We will never forgive it.
•Don't be obsessive. Major turn-off.
•Call sometimes, just to say hi, not for a certain reason. When we see your number on caller ID, our heart always skips a beat.
•We love a guy who will cook for us.
•We like it when you hold us when we're crying. It's good to feel loved and safe.
•If you like us, ask us out!!!! We hate waiting. Hate it…
•Don't be a player. We hate that more than anything
•We like our hands to be held and our waists to be touched.
•We love it when you smell good. We will show you somehow that we like it, so let us sit close.
•Do chivalrous things when we least expect it, like opening the door for us. Just don’t overdo it. No bows, please.
•We LOVE it when you get nervous around us. It's adorable! Don't think you have to be Mr. Cool Guy all the time.
•Don't play hard to get. It makes you sort of hard to get.
•We lose interest quickly if you lead us on but never take action.
•When a girl likes a guy, she subconsciously gives him a song that makes her think of him every time she hears it.
•Play with our hair without being like a gay hairstylist.
•We get really happy when you show any sign of interest. We get tired of being the one starting the conversation all the time
•Keep up the conversation! Don't be awkward and don’t just answer with one word!! That means online too…
•If a girl blushes when you talk to her, she either likes you or she's embarrassed by what you're saying.
•Every time you smile at us, it may mean only a little to you, but it means the world to us.
Well yesterday (Friday) was quite nice. Rehearsal was in costumes for our IEs, and though we spent the first half of rehearsal listening to Rich's peptalk, and the rest warming up and practising energy, and barely got half an hour actually working with our scripts, it was a good rehearsal. Morgan came to watch which always makes me happy. He's so nice and the Best (with capital B!) at cheering me up at all times :)
After rehearsal I had an awsome moment with Shelly when we teamed up as girls do and told... well Tessa told Mitch the other day (right in front of me) that I had called him a player. He (carefully) asked me about it after rehearsal and I said "Yeah you are." He's still sweet and a wonderful guy, but yeah he's been acting like a player. Shelly joined me and we felt so powerful and girly haha it's was chicks before dicks and girlpower all the way hahaha ;D
Then I went to Krystal's house and we had an awsome movie night watching Blades of Glory (never before noticed the Swedish flag that is everywhere in that movie.. hm) and I now pronounce you Chuck and Larry. It was hilarious. Then we started watching Sweeney Todd but I fell asleep so Krystal changed it to Milk and we fell asleep to that.
Today we had to get up and go down to hurricane for dress rehearsal at 9. I was going to hang out with Mitch after that (it went til 2 pm) as we had planned, but he was invited to Zoey's birthday party and though he asked her if I could come too, and said he wanted to me come too, Zoey didn't. Whatever, I've had a nice afternoon and evening with Morgan and Myrna. Tomorrow I will finish choreoghraphing (I hate that word, hardest ever to spell!!) my dance and maybe hang out some with Sabrina :)
Good night ^^
Postat av: to the best freind
haha lisa i love you!!! =DD
Postat av: Elsa
poor mitch!! LISA!! ska inte ni typ dansa? (A)
Postat av: Anonym
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