It's a Caucus Race, that means everybody wins!
My computer is apparently going crazy, so my comment on Elsa's blog won't work, so I'm posting it here. It's for the post "God Natt" and here it is:
Stackars lilla du, önskar du kunde åka på skidresan! Men då är vi två utan snö imorgon ^^ Puss <3
Today we continued blocking Alice, and got past the scene where she cries and makes an ocean of tears.. Next on the list = The Caucus Race! Hahah we had to practise the first scene, where she falls down the hole, and geez was it tireing or what?? Rich forgot to stop the music or something because we ran around and around forever, spinning and jumping and in character screaming things, around and around and around.. All sweaty and gross, or that's how I felt at least.

My dance class today was quite hilarious. Though it's so freakin annoying when people decide your teaching time is not worth their focus, and so they talk in the back, that really pisses me off! But it was forgotten when I saw some of the tigerettes try to do street dance.. Wow. I'd say, stick to the lyrical jazz. That's what they'd tell me, and therefore I'm not insulting anyone (not mentioning any names, or saying they all did bad, because some were great). I'm pretty sure they're not too impressed with my lyrical jazz skills heheh :P
In choir I had an awsome time with Laura, and woh am I gonna miss her and that class??? Don't think about it yet. No.
Now I'm gonna enjoy my no-homework-evening, go to bed early (or at least in time) and be well rested tomorrow :D yay
Stackars lilla du, önskar du kunde åka på skidresan! Men då är vi två utan snö imorgon ^^ Puss <3
Today we continued blocking Alice, and got past the scene where she cries and makes an ocean of tears.. Next on the list = The Caucus Race! Hahah we had to practise the first scene, where she falls down the hole, and geez was it tireing or what?? Rich forgot to stop the music or something because we ran around and around forever, spinning and jumping and in character screaming things, around and around and around.. All sweaty and gross, or that's how I felt at least.

My dance class today was quite hilarious. Though it's so freakin annoying when people decide your teaching time is not worth their focus, and so they talk in the back, that really pisses me off! But it was forgotten when I saw some of the tigerettes try to do street dance.. Wow. I'd say, stick to the lyrical jazz. That's what they'd tell me, and therefore I'm not insulting anyone (not mentioning any names, or saying they all did bad, because some were great). I'm pretty sure they're not too impressed with my lyrical jazz skills heheh :P
In choir I had an awsome time with Laura, and woh am I gonna miss her and that class??? Don't think about it yet. No.
Now I'm gonna enjoy my no-homework-evening, go to bed early (or at least in time) and be well rested tomorrow :D yay
Postat av: Elsa
haha, tack <3