"Have you ever met a really stupid girl?"
...That's what Solveig asked randomly to a guy walking by when we were stuck in quite a tricky situation... heheh
Eventful times have passed ^^ Filling you in on what's been going on lately first...
Sunday I went to Sabi's B-day party with some of her friends, and it was really fun and her family's just awesome and very very american :) Also, we witnessed Abby stand up by herself for the first time! :D Wohoo
After school on Monday Solveig and I went home and watched one of the weirdest movies I've ever ever seen. It was called "Short Order" and woooh it was REALLY REALLY STRANGE ^^

Tuesday Solveig and I picked up Tammy after school and went to hang out with her. Haven't seen her in forever so that was really nice. I also got an awesome present for Krystal for her birthday :D
Then we dropped off Tammy, went to St George for a concert Solveig had to go to for her Music Class at the college, and spent half an hour watching brass music. Then, as we were leaving the parking lot, the car went forward instead of backwards, and we ran over the cement divider and got stuck with it under the car and the front wheels spinning... x'D
Finally one of the guys from inside came out, and decided to help us so he went and got the guys who had played, all of them all dressed up fancy and with ties and stuff, and they started trying to figure out how to move the car back over the divider when the front wheels wouldn't reach the ground. A random car drove by with a guy taking pictures of us.. We looked rather silly, all of us xD
Some guy came out of his truck and tried to help us, and finally about 8 guys in fancy dress up clothes managed to push the car back over the divider and on to the parking lot again ^_^ It was quite the experience...
I've been obsessed with drawing flowers on my left arm and hand this past week or so.. One flower for every special thought, and they just gather up so fast that I have to wash them all off every night.
Today - Wednesday - we hung out with Trevor after school at his house, made oreo cake and played that awesome game from last time called "Munchkin" :D I won again heheheh ^^ I had a great time, though my egg cracking skills were clearly not with me today... smashed one of them right down in the bowl full of mix and stuff.. hahah ;P
Watering season has started again... guess that's what I get from living in the desert right now.. It's like Swedish July here already =) Awesome
Eventful times have passed ^^ Filling you in on what's been going on lately first...
Sunday I went to Sabi's B-day party with some of her friends, and it was really fun and her family's just awesome and very very american :) Also, we witnessed Abby stand up by herself for the first time! :D Wohoo
After school on Monday Solveig and I went home and watched one of the weirdest movies I've ever ever seen. It was called "Short Order" and woooh it was REALLY REALLY STRANGE ^^

Then we dropped off Tammy, went to St George for a concert Solveig had to go to for her Music Class at the college, and spent half an hour watching brass music. Then, as we were leaving the parking lot, the car went forward instead of backwards, and we ran over the cement divider and got stuck with it under the car and the front wheels spinning... x'D
Finally one of the guys from inside came out, and decided to help us so he went and got the guys who had played, all of them all dressed up fancy and with ties and stuff, and they started trying to figure out how to move the car back over the divider when the front wheels wouldn't reach the ground. A random car drove by with a guy taking pictures of us.. We looked rather silly, all of us xD
Some guy came out of his truck and tried to help us, and finally about 8 guys in fancy dress up clothes managed to push the car back over the divider and on to the parking lot again ^_^ It was quite the experience...
I've been obsessed with drawing flowers on my left arm and hand this past week or so.. One flower for every special thought, and they just gather up so fast that I have to wash them all off every night.
Today - Wednesday - we hung out with Trevor after school at his house, made oreo cake and played that awesome game from last time called "Munchkin" :D I won again heheheh ^^ I had a great time, though my egg cracking skills were clearly not with me today... smashed one of them right down in the bowl full of mix and stuff.. hahah ;P
Watering season has started again... guess that's what I get from living in the desert right now.. It's like Swedish July here already =) Awesome
Bli lite vågade
I love this song ;) It's just screaming swedish summer all over, and it's all old times and scoutish and stuff.. heheh
Det var en båt som sa till en annan;
"va du va stilig. Vi borde borda varann,
gjorda för varann och köla lite grann,
som bara båtar kan."
Badda bam bam bam bam
Badda bam bam bam.
Andra båten sa;
"klart att jag vill va
med och kryssa.
Kyssa din stiliga för,
i en stillsam slör,
vi varann förför.
som bara båtar gör."
Badda bam ...
"Och när det blir lä
ja, då kan vi klä av oss seglen.
Ligga en stund vid en boj,
skepp o'hoj.
Gnida vår fernissa lite grann och fnissa,
kasta (t)ankar.
Bli lite vågade, ha lite skoj,
oj, oj, oj!"
"Och hur vi sedan få
en och kanske två egna små jollar,
jollrande efter på släp
i ett navelrep,
e en hemlighet,
som bara båtar vet."
Badda bam bam bam
Badda bam bam bam.
"Vi kan lägga till i äktenskapets hamn,
vid en brygga,
bygga ett båthus som vi kunde ligga i,
och tjära ner varann'
som bara båtar kan."
Badda bam bam bam
som bara båtar kan
badda bam dam bam bam
Cause you'll be in my heart
Miss you so much Vivvi - can't wait to see you soon <3

Sunday morning, rain is falling..
...haha not really, it's as sunny as swedish summer here, and yet it's still just April :D
Here I sit, eating waffles for breakfast.. I miss our balcony and porch back home, cause I love having breakfast outside but there's really no place here (seriously, none at all) where you can sit outside without getting sand and dust in whatever you're eating. Exception is if it's raining a lot, but then again.. who wants to sit outside in the rain for breakfast??
Thursday and Friday we had the dance shows @ 7 pm, and we did very well in both, I think. My group really overdid my expectations Thursday night, and they did ok Friday too. The dance that I choreographed for the show, for Circus, is what I mean by "my group".. Btw, it makes me really mad that Jenny's dance partner for the Paso Doble, Dominic, didn't show up so she didn't get to perform it with the other kids from Social Dance 2..
Thursday after school Jenny, Courtney and I (I put the people in the right order this time, according to grammar rules.. mowhaha yes!) went to Courtney's house to hang out til the show, and me and Jenny had a blast dancing around haha I have really never had a friend who can dance like Jenny, she's so awesome. She is like the school's best dancer when it comes to social dance (Waltz, foxtrot, tango, chacha, swing, paso doble etc etc) but she's also an amazing hip hop/street dancer..!! Gosh I'm gonna miss her!!
hopefully I'll get the pic that Kayla took of us (Courtney, Jenny, Sabi and me) after the last show :) then I can put it up here.
Friday after school I had my very first snow cone!! Hahah it was so weird, just like eating crossed ice with flavor.. Anywho, then Jenny and I went up to Apple Valley and hung out til the show. There's something special about the feeling that your friends can all drive, that they all have their own car. Most of them are really old and full of trash and stuff, but it's still their own car and every car is so personalized. And then just the whole thing of driving up the highway, no buildings anywhere, radio on top volume and screaming/singing with the windows down.. yeah that's pretty unbeatable, dear public transportation ;) heheh
Here I sit, eating waffles for breakfast.. I miss our balcony and porch back home, cause I love having breakfast outside but there's really no place here (seriously, none at all) where you can sit outside without getting sand and dust in whatever you're eating. Exception is if it's raining a lot, but then again.. who wants to sit outside in the rain for breakfast??
Thursday and Friday we had the dance shows @ 7 pm, and we did very well in both, I think. My group really overdid my expectations Thursday night, and they did ok Friday too. The dance that I choreographed for the show, for Circus, is what I mean by "my group".. Btw, it makes me really mad that Jenny's dance partner for the Paso Doble, Dominic, didn't show up so she didn't get to perform it with the other kids from Social Dance 2..
Thursday after school Jenny, Courtney and I (I put the people in the right order this time, according to grammar rules.. mowhaha yes!) went to Courtney's house to hang out til the show, and me and Jenny had a blast dancing around haha I have really never had a friend who can dance like Jenny, she's so awesome. She is like the school's best dancer when it comes to social dance (Waltz, foxtrot, tango, chacha, swing, paso doble etc etc) but she's also an amazing hip hop/street dancer..!! Gosh I'm gonna miss her!!
hopefully I'll get the pic that Kayla took of us (Courtney, Jenny, Sabi and me) after the last show :) then I can put it up here.
Friday after school I had my very first snow cone!! Hahah it was so weird, just like eating crossed ice with flavor.. Anywho, then Jenny and I went up to Apple Valley and hung out til the show. There's something special about the feeling that your friends can all drive, that they all have their own car. Most of them are really old and full of trash and stuff, but it's still their own car and every car is so personalized. And then just the whole thing of driving up the highway, no buildings anywhere, radio on top volume and screaming/singing with the windows down.. yeah that's pretty unbeatable, dear public transportation ;) heheh
Today I was planning on talking to my family between 10-12, but they're not on skype (having dinner, I think) so I will just have to start my homework now I guess... Gaaah I hate homework, and America's policy of "Oh, most of you haven't done it? well let's move that homework til next class then" has turned me into such a procrastinator!! I really have to get back into my "studiness" this summer so I'll get through my Junior Year back home, cause that's gonna be a pain otherwise :P
Then later today I'm gonna go down to Sabi's house and celebrate her birthday!
Have a wonderful day <3
Today I was in school from 7.45 am til 9.30 pm.. After school we went and got ice cream and donuts since it's Sabi's Birthday (AAAAaaaah Happy Birthday Girlyyy!!!). We went to the school and had an ice cream party there before getting ready and then we had dress rehearsal from then on.. The show will be better than I thought, still have a lot to work on though I know my stuff perfectly.. but lots of people are way lost, sucks..
Anywho, it's tomorrow and Friday at 7 pm.. $3 for adults, $1.5 for kids and students. Everyone should come, it's a really cool show!
Now I'm doing homework then going to bed. Tomorrow's gonna be a LONG day :) Night!
Anywho, it's tomorrow and Friday at 7 pm.. $3 for adults, $1.5 for kids and students. Everyone should come, it's a really cool show!
Now I'm doing homework then going to bed. Tomorrow's gonna be a LONG day :) Night!
In cups of coffee
Today in choir we kept working on "Build me up Buttercup" which is one of the new songs we're doing for the choir concert now that Region is over. It's awesome, and I really like it a lot. Makes me happy to sing it ^^
Build me up Buttercup - by some choir (not us) just to give you an idea of what the song sounds like..
Here's the real song, not in our choir version with parts but it's still good :)
Here are some of the awesome songs some of us from Ladies got to perform with the Chamber choir at region..
Soon ah will be done - a pretty awesome song if you do it the right way with all the volume changes and stuff.. sounded great with all parts, girls and guys.. One of my favorites!!
Then Sourwood Mountain - a song where we (the altos) only sung "sourwood mountain sourwood mountain" and the rest of our part was a ton of bom's, doo's, plink's, plank's and hum's ;) This choir is doing it very different from the way we did, but still you can sort of tell the song..
And last but not least, the beautiful song "Seasons of Love" from Rent - the musical.. would love to sing this one in choir with the Chambers.. :P
Enjoy all the music!!
Build me up Buttercup - by some choir (not us) just to give you an idea of what the song sounds like..
Here's the real song, not in our choir version with parts but it's still good :)
Here are some of the awesome songs some of us from Ladies got to perform with the Chamber choir at region..
Soon ah will be done - a pretty awesome song if you do it the right way with all the volume changes and stuff.. sounded great with all parts, girls and guys.. One of my favorites!!
Then Sourwood Mountain - a song where we (the altos) only sung "sourwood mountain sourwood mountain" and the rest of our part was a ton of bom's, doo's, plink's, plank's and hum's ;) This choir is doing it very different from the way we did, but still you can sort of tell the song..
And last but not least, the beautiful song "Seasons of Love" from Rent - the musical.. would love to sing this one in choir with the Chambers.. :P
Enjoy all the music!!
All that glitters is gold
"If you think missing ME will be tough, just imagine how tough it will be for me. I'll be missing YOU ALL" ♥

Our Adult on the trip - our wonderful coach - our teacher and friend - Rich... With red candy hanging from his nose, yes ;)

They had some seriously problems on that bus, it was very unbalanced.. or maybe I just fell alot..? Anywho, I ended up one time under the seat and I was stuck for a while haha ;) Solveig took pics :P

Two of the silliest guys I've ever met, Bill and Morgan.. Hahah so funny x)

Our Adult on the trip - our wonderful coach - our teacher and friend - Rich... With red candy hanging from his nose, yes ;)

They had some seriously problems on that bus, it was very unbalanced.. or maybe I just fell alot..? Anywho, I ended up one time under the seat and I was stuck for a while haha ;) Solveig took pics :P

Two of the silliest guys I've ever met, Bill and Morgan.. Hahah so funny x)

Back down in Hurricane and Apple Valley after a Fabulous weekend up in Nephi with the Drama Team.
Friday we left early in the morning, lots of us in PJs and with blankets and pillows, but everyone with spirit. During the bus ride up north for 4 hours I spent most of the time playing Battleship with Trevor. When we arrived to Juab High School in Nephi we unloaded our stuff, warmed up on the grass, got into costume in a tiny bathroom with a TINY mirror (seriously, it was a girls bathroom, mirrors are REQUIRED! haha), put on makeup and got an idea of the stage and hallwas and entrances and stuff.. Then, when we started our show at 1 pm-ish, turns out our music didn't work in their system!!! PANIC.

Yeah that's me... ;P
We did the show acapella, and I really wanna say how wonderfully amazing all the people are who sing solos and had to do it without music which we've never done before. Also, some people took chances when the music didn't give us our ques for entering, like Tristan for example in the first scene. We still got a lot of great comments from the judges, and turns out (at the awards cermony) that we got straight superiors!!! Best possible, straight A's, MVG från alla domare... yeah
So, we watched a few of the other schools' plays and then went to the motel and ate and jumped into the pool.. :D So many people in such a small pool, wow. We had SO MUCH FUN, I can't believe I'm leaving these people for (most likely) ever.. We played an awesome game where girls sat on the shoulders of the guys and then we tried to push each other off of other guys' shoulders, if that makes sense at all..? It was awesome, especially when i sat on Cedric's shoulders cause he's sooo tall ;)
Oh wonderful cast!! Laura and Keeley on the bus :D <3

Then we watched some of Shrek 3 in Solveig and Krystal's room, and everyone hung out in the hallway because girls and boys weren't allowed in the same room. Throughout the evening Rich had one event at a time in his room to practise IEs one last time, and classical scenes (me) we were last and because of overtime like always, we didn't get in there til it was almost past curfew so we fell asleep in the hallway while waiting haha x)
I was the room captain of a room with Taya, Taylor, Rachael and Erika, a nice bunch of wonderful little girls. We had so much fun, and played an awesome prank with the last thing in the vending machine and some mayo x'D

Two of my roomies: Rachael and Taya <3
Saturday morning we all went to Chevron (gas station) and got unhealthy american breakfast, before packing our things and leaving the motel to go to Juab High again for a day of IEs...
The IEs went by fast and we did a great job in all rounds I think. We used the musical card thingy again and turns out we got straight superiors from our judges too, me and Solveig :D Wohoo

Rachael, me and Taya dancing hahah we look stupid ;) but we had fun xD
Then we had some hang out time before the awards cermony, and OH MY GOSH HOW I LOVE DRAMA PEOPLE!!!
the big open lunch area turned into a crazy dance floor with loud music and tons of people showing off swing dance with jumps, and our own Bill did amazing Michael Jackson imitations ;) Pure AWESOMENESS!!! <3

Bill in hat, Shelly and Mitch in purple beanie, and Jessica, Keeley and Freya inthe background
So, then there were the Show case rounds, with the best in each event showing off, and Bill and Gareth got into the pantomime one!! They are so awesome :)
Then at the awards cermony a lot of us got medals for our straight superiors in IEs, and we got a price for overall superior school :) Needless to say, we cheered pretty loud xD
Heading home on the bus

Left rown down, Right row up: Courtney, Shaylin, Gareth, Cheila, Freya, Morgan, Adrianne and Trevor
We took some pics of the whole cast by the Juab High School (haven't got those yet) and got on the bus with all our stuff.. All the seniors held little speeches to thank drama and tell everyone how they'd miss it (except LuEllen, haah she'd never miss it ^^) and there was some crying...
Zoe <3

I think this is one of the few pics I have of Rich at the moment.. Rich Hill, awesome acting coach, I will miss him a lot. He looks angry here but he's never angry, almost ;)

The bus ride back to Hurricane was great. It was dark most of it, and I spent a lot of time with a bunch of people (Solveig, Taylor, Trevor, Zoe and Laura) talking and having fun.
We stopped once to get dinner, and it turned out to be Carl's Jr's fish and chips and a banana-chocolate chip shake for me. Though many from the cast left their fries on our table so the bunch of us shared them all ahaha I was so full afterwards. Also, I got two shakes by accident, so Trevor got one cause he didn't have a drink and then we all got back on the bus and by the time we got to Hurricane we unloaded the bus and the sad moment of splitting up arrived..
Laura asleep on the bus ^^ <3

Me and Zoe on the bus - trying not to cry

I'll upload more pics as soon as I have them. Tomorrow it's back to school for another week.
Friday we left early in the morning, lots of us in PJs and with blankets and pillows, but everyone with spirit. During the bus ride up north for 4 hours I spent most of the time playing Battleship with Trevor. When we arrived to Juab High School in Nephi we unloaded our stuff, warmed up on the grass, got into costume in a tiny bathroom with a TINY mirror (seriously, it was a girls bathroom, mirrors are REQUIRED! haha), put on makeup and got an idea of the stage and hallwas and entrances and stuff.. Then, when we started our show at 1 pm-ish, turns out our music didn't work in their system!!! PANIC.

Yeah that's me... ;P
We did the show acapella, and I really wanna say how wonderfully amazing all the people are who sing solos and had to do it without music which we've never done before. Also, some people took chances when the music didn't give us our ques for entering, like Tristan for example in the first scene. We still got a lot of great comments from the judges, and turns out (at the awards cermony) that we got straight superiors!!! Best possible, straight A's, MVG från alla domare... yeah
So, we watched a few of the other schools' plays and then went to the motel and ate and jumped into the pool.. :D So many people in such a small pool, wow. We had SO MUCH FUN, I can't believe I'm leaving these people for (most likely) ever.. We played an awesome game where girls sat on the shoulders of the guys and then we tried to push each other off of other guys' shoulders, if that makes sense at all..? It was awesome, especially when i sat on Cedric's shoulders cause he's sooo tall ;)
Oh wonderful cast!! Laura and Keeley on the bus :D <3

Then we watched some of Shrek 3 in Solveig and Krystal's room, and everyone hung out in the hallway because girls and boys weren't allowed in the same room. Throughout the evening Rich had one event at a time in his room to practise IEs one last time, and classical scenes (me) we were last and because of overtime like always, we didn't get in there til it was almost past curfew so we fell asleep in the hallway while waiting haha x)
I was the room captain of a room with Taya, Taylor, Rachael and Erika, a nice bunch of wonderful little girls. We had so much fun, and played an awesome prank with the last thing in the vending machine and some mayo x'D

Two of my roomies: Rachael and Taya <3
Saturday morning we all went to Chevron (gas station) and got unhealthy american breakfast, before packing our things and leaving the motel to go to Juab High again for a day of IEs...
The IEs went by fast and we did a great job in all rounds I think. We used the musical card thingy again and turns out we got straight superiors from our judges too, me and Solveig :D Wohoo

Rachael, me and Taya dancing hahah we look stupid ;) but we had fun xD
Then we had some hang out time before the awards cermony, and OH MY GOSH HOW I LOVE DRAMA PEOPLE!!!
the big open lunch area turned into a crazy dance floor with loud music and tons of people showing off swing dance with jumps, and our own Bill did amazing Michael Jackson imitations ;) Pure AWESOMENESS!!! <3

Bill in hat, Shelly and Mitch in purple beanie, and Jessica, Keeley and Freya inthe background
So, then there were the Show case rounds, with the best in each event showing off, and Bill and Gareth got into the pantomime one!! They are so awesome :)
Then at the awards cermony a lot of us got medals for our straight superiors in IEs, and we got a price for overall superior school :) Needless to say, we cheered pretty loud xD
Heading home on the bus

Left rown down, Right row up: Courtney, Shaylin, Gareth, Cheila, Freya, Morgan, Adrianne and Trevor
We took some pics of the whole cast by the Juab High School (haven't got those yet) and got on the bus with all our stuff.. All the seniors held little speeches to thank drama and tell everyone how they'd miss it (except LuEllen, haah she'd never miss it ^^) and there was some crying...
Zoe <3

I think this is one of the few pics I have of Rich at the moment.. Rich Hill, awesome acting coach, I will miss him a lot. He looks angry here but he's never angry, almost ;)

The bus ride back to Hurricane was great. It was dark most of it, and I spent a lot of time with a bunch of people (Solveig, Taylor, Trevor, Zoe and Laura) talking and having fun.
We stopped once to get dinner, and it turned out to be Carl's Jr's fish and chips and a banana-chocolate chip shake for me. Though many from the cast left their fries on our table so the bunch of us shared them all ahaha I was so full afterwards. Also, I got two shakes by accident, so Trevor got one cause he didn't have a drink and then we all got back on the bus and by the time we got to Hurricane we unloaded the bus and the sad moment of splitting up arrived..
Laura asleep on the bus ^^ <3

Me and Zoe on the bus - trying not to cry

I'll upload more pics as soon as I have them. Tomorrow it's back to school for another week.
Love you all <3
In the morning lord
Good Morning! I'm about to leave to go up north to Nephi and Juab High School for State Drama Festival!!! :D
Just gotta catch up on some blogging first..
Wednesday I went to school early again - as Tuesday - and had Chamber Choir Practise. Chamber is the top choir and so it was pretty awesome that a few of us from Ladies Choir (second choir in rank) got to sing, perform and compete with the Chamber Choir. Also, they have a ton of guys in there which means it's Alto, Sophrano, Tenor and Basses singng and it sounds great! I also got out of fourth hour to come practise with them again when they had class.
Right after schol we left on the bus to Pine View High for Choir Region Festival. At 4, Ladies Choir performed our songs "Sing Allelujah", "My own true love" and "Go where I send thee!". It was great and I think we did an amazing job! We only got 2s tho, and a 2+, in the rating from the judges.
At 6, the Combined Acapella Choir sung, and I think that - again - we did a great job. We performed "Sourwood Mountain", "Black Sheep", "Navajo Prayer" and "Soon I will be done with the troubles of the world", all great songs that I love to sing. We got a 2+ and two 1- from the judges which was pretty good, but not good enough to take us to state. But it was a great experience to sing with men and with such good singers as the Chambers.
Then we waited around for the results, and for everyone else to sing, we just hung out and talked to people from other schools, and did homework. At 8.30 we finally got the results, and left got go back to HHS and home.
Yesterday was the very last rehearsal ever, which made us all very sad and the spirit was down a few times when Cedric pointed it out, but then we did a strong run through of the show and worked on the IEs, and I had rootbeer for the first time in my life (it's not alcohol mom, it's a popular kind of soda here ^^ ) because they were all so shocked that I hadn't had it before that LuEllen got me some. It tasted sort of like coke, but with a strange aftertaste that I'm not sure I liked that much. Weird, but very VERY american :)
Now I'm getting up to have breakfast before I have to be at school by 7.20, for a four hour ride on the school bus.
Just gotta catch up on some blogging first..
Wednesday I went to school early again - as Tuesday - and had Chamber Choir Practise. Chamber is the top choir and so it was pretty awesome that a few of us from Ladies Choir (second choir in rank) got to sing, perform and compete with the Chamber Choir. Also, they have a ton of guys in there which means it's Alto, Sophrano, Tenor and Basses singng and it sounds great! I also got out of fourth hour to come practise with them again when they had class.
Right after schol we left on the bus to Pine View High for Choir Region Festival. At 4, Ladies Choir performed our songs "Sing Allelujah", "My own true love" and "Go where I send thee!". It was great and I think we did an amazing job! We only got 2s tho, and a 2+, in the rating from the judges.
At 6, the Combined Acapella Choir sung, and I think that - again - we did a great job. We performed "Sourwood Mountain", "Black Sheep", "Navajo Prayer" and "Soon I will be done with the troubles of the world", all great songs that I love to sing. We got a 2+ and two 1- from the judges which was pretty good, but not good enough to take us to state. But it was a great experience to sing with men and with such good singers as the Chambers.
Then we waited around for the results, and for everyone else to sing, we just hung out and talked to people from other schools, and did homework. At 8.30 we finally got the results, and left got go back to HHS and home.
Yesterday was the very last rehearsal ever, which made us all very sad and the spirit was down a few times when Cedric pointed it out, but then we did a strong run through of the show and worked on the IEs, and I had rootbeer for the first time in my life (it's not alcohol mom, it's a popular kind of soda here ^^ ) because they were all so shocked that I hadn't had it before that LuEllen got me some. It tasted sort of like coke, but with a strange aftertaste that I'm not sure I liked that much. Weird, but very VERY american :)
Now I'm getting up to have breakfast before I have to be at school by 7.20, for a four hour ride on the school bus.
Ahlgrens Bilar - Sveriges mest sålda bil

Polkagrisar - de bästa är från Gränna

Plockgodis... No english word for it, simply Plockgodis ;)

Go o Glad, Marabou Choklad!

GIFFLAR!!! Nothing else like it... And the Swedish Cinnamon Rolls... haha

IKEA wish you were closer than 5 hours away... Like a home in the strange ness ;) heheh

Polkagrisar - de bästa är från Gränna

Plockgodis... No english word for it, simply Plockgodis ;)

Go o Glad, Marabou Choklad!

GIFFLAR!!! Nothing else like it... And the Swedish Cinnamon Rolls... haha

IKEA wish you were closer than 5 hours away... Like a home in the strange ness ;) heheh
We all live...
... in a yellow submarine, hate the stupid thing, wish they'd paint it green.
This week is crazy already. I just feel all weird and I'm not that sick anymore but I still cough some.. but well wednesday is Choir Region, and Friday-Saturday we're up north in Nefy or however it's spelled at Juab High School for Drama State!

My respect and comforting hugs to Tessan and Pauline who both lost a friend this weekend. RIP Linda
This week is crazy already. I just feel all weird and I'm not that sick anymore but I still cough some.. but well wednesday is Choir Region, and Friday-Saturday we're up north in Nefy or however it's spelled at Juab High School for Drama State!

My respect and comforting hugs to Tessan and Pauline who both lost a friend this weekend. RIP Linda
rAdnOm i gUesS
For some reason, this picture that I just barely got from Trevor along with the others that are now on facebook, for some reason I feel like I'm in a commercial for cruises or something.. silly huh?

Two is Better than One
..was the theme of this year's Prom. My Saturday was absolutely wonderful, and I had a blast all day.
So, according to tradition, we were going to have a DayDate. Solveig and Kayla had other business to attend so me, Trevor, Krystal and Cedric (Krystal's date) hung out all day, hiking down to the Virgin River and having fun down in the canyon before we went to Trevor's house and all helped making dinner. We made awsome grilled chicken with Chicken Alfredo, salad, bread sticks and we had sparkling cider. It was all very sweet and lovely :) Then we got ready, me and Krystal at Trevor's house while Cedric went home for that, and Trevor's mom did my hair in her professional hair studio that she runs at home. It was so amazing, all curly and wonderful :D
We then got together again and had Key Lime Pie (oh how I love that, it's so yummie) before having Trevor's brother take a ton of Prom Pictures of us.
We were meeting Solveig and Kayla in St George where the dance was, and while waiting for them at the Mall we walked around there in our pretty dresses, and found an awsome spot in Barnes & Nobles (the kids' section hehe) to take more pics.
At the dance I had fun, and I think Trevor did too. It was sort of sad that the music could only be heard in one tiny little room, while all of the outside areas were just full of people making out.. But we had fun, me teaching him to dance waltz, swing and tango.. hahah it was pretty weird but a good time. I even danced to a country song with him, which I never thought I would because country is just weird :P And of course we danced to the theme song :)
I haven't gotten pictures from Trevor's brother yet, but his girlfriend took pictures with Krystal's camera so I have some of those :) Enjoy this little selection of pics, and they will all be on Facebook later! Click to enlarge...
Trevor cooking, Me getting my hair done and Me and Krystal getting ready..
Ready to Party!! Trevor with the Camera, and me and him :)
Cedric and Krystal, and then all four of us..
Some blurry pics from Barnes & Noble's Kids Section :P
At the Dance... Kayla, Solveig, and the girl-kvartett of Awsomeness <3 And me and Solveig dancing :)

Me and Trevor dancing outside on the grass :)

A group of great people :D

So, according to tradition, we were going to have a DayDate. Solveig and Kayla had other business to attend so me, Trevor, Krystal and Cedric (Krystal's date) hung out all day, hiking down to the Virgin River and having fun down in the canyon before we went to Trevor's house and all helped making dinner. We made awsome grilled chicken with Chicken Alfredo, salad, bread sticks and we had sparkling cider. It was all very sweet and lovely :) Then we got ready, me and Krystal at Trevor's house while Cedric went home for that, and Trevor's mom did my hair in her professional hair studio that she runs at home. It was so amazing, all curly and wonderful :D
We then got together again and had Key Lime Pie (oh how I love that, it's so yummie) before having Trevor's brother take a ton of Prom Pictures of us.
We were meeting Solveig and Kayla in St George where the dance was, and while waiting for them at the Mall we walked around there in our pretty dresses, and found an awsome spot in Barnes & Nobles (the kids' section hehe) to take more pics.
At the dance I had fun, and I think Trevor did too. It was sort of sad that the music could only be heard in one tiny little room, while all of the outside areas were just full of people making out.. But we had fun, me teaching him to dance waltz, swing and tango.. hahah it was pretty weird but a good time. I even danced to a country song with him, which I never thought I would because country is just weird :P And of course we danced to the theme song :)
I haven't gotten pictures from Trevor's brother yet, but his girlfriend took pictures with Krystal's camera so I have some of those :) Enjoy this little selection of pics, and they will all be on Facebook later! Click to enlarge...
Trevor cooking, Me getting my hair done and Me and Krystal getting ready..

Ready to Party!! Trevor with the Camera, and me and him :)

Cedric and Krystal, and then all four of us..

Some blurry pics from Barnes & Noble's Kids Section :P

At the Dance... Kayla, Solveig, and the girl-kvartett of Awsomeness <3 And me and Solveig dancing :)

Me and Trevor dancing outside on the grass :)

A group of great people :D

And it was all yellow
Sorry I haven't updated in a few days.. I've been very busy, last week to work on dresses before Prom is in 2 DAYS xD
Monday I went shopping with Solveig after waiting for her at the college, and with Kayla. We met Trevor for a while, then went to Rapunzel in LaVerkin with lots of people we know it and watching.
Tuesday I had school again, a bit miserable because of my ears not popping when going down the 1000 feet of hill to school.. After school Solveig had some business to attend at the college so I went and hung out with Trevor all afternoon. It was really nice actually :)
Wednesday I had a dance class full of agressive girls being mad at each other, quite a weird class.. Then then day followed, no rehearsal (like tuesday) and after school me and Solveig went and hung out with Trevor while waiting for Kayla.
Thursday I had rehearsal again, and we got the cut version ran through once.. Only one of my scenes is cut, so I'm happy about that :) Then i went with Myrna and Stephen to Solveig's awards cermony for Sterling Scholar, and all evening since I got back (at about 9.30 pm) I've worked on my dress..
Now it's good night :)
Monday I went shopping with Solveig after waiting for her at the college, and with Kayla. We met Trevor for a while, then went to Rapunzel in LaVerkin with lots of people we know it and watching.
Tuesday I had school again, a bit miserable because of my ears not popping when going down the 1000 feet of hill to school.. After school Solveig had some business to attend at the college so I went and hung out with Trevor all afternoon. It was really nice actually :)
Wednesday I had a dance class full of agressive girls being mad at each other, quite a weird class.. Then then day followed, no rehearsal (like tuesday) and after school me and Solveig went and hung out with Trevor while waiting for Kayla.
Thursday I had rehearsal again, and we got the cut version ran through once.. Only one of my scenes is cut, so I'm happy about that :) Then i went with Myrna and Stephen to Solveig's awards cermony for Sterling Scholar, and all evening since I got back (at about 9.30 pm) I've worked on my dress..
Now it's good night :)
Happy Easter
Here's the link to my photos from the showing of Alice in Wonderland, an album on Facebook...
Follow that Rabbit Album
Hope you enjoy them!

Also, happy easter!

I am hoping to get a copy of Dina Humphries' filming of the show, cause that would be so fun to have!! I talked to her about it, so hopefully I'll have a filmed version too :) Have a nice day!
Follow that Rabbit Album
Hope you enjoy them!

Also, happy easter!

I am hoping to get a copy of Dina Humphries' filming of the show, cause that would be so fun to have!! I talked to her about it, so hopefully I'll have a filmed version too :) Have a nice day!
Friendships are forever
This post is dedicated to two of the most amazing girls I've ever met. They make my day when I need it, they are always there to talk to and they would never do anything to hurt me.
Solveig and Krystal, you two are gold.
Today, Solveig's going to a dance with the Success Academy People and she was really stressed and so I just hope that she knows how lovely and loved she is. Go kick some butt, girl! <3
Today, Krystal hung out all day, taking care of me who was being boring, sleepy and sick. She made me her awsome soup and cared for me in a way that few friends I've ever had has ever done <3
Friends like you two are hard to find. Lots of love <3

Solveig and Krystal, you two are gold.
Today, Solveig's going to a dance with the Success Academy People and she was really stressed and so I just hope that she knows how lovely and loved she is. Go kick some butt, girl! <3
Today, Krystal hung out all day, taking care of me who was being boring, sleepy and sick. She made me her awsome soup and cared for me in a way that few friends I've ever had has ever done <3
Friends like you two are hard to find. Lots of love <3

I'm sick...
...of being sick.

Isch I wanna get well so we can go to Zion tomorrow for Easter! But Wow how lucky that we had closing night last night for Alice! I really couldn't do the screaming today, my throat hurts and my nose is so stuffed.. isch.

Isch I wanna get well so we can go to Zion tomorrow for Easter! But Wow how lucky that we had closing night last night for Alice! I really couldn't do the screaming today, my throat hurts and my nose is so stuffed.. isch.
...I got asked to Prom!!! :D
Hahah I know it's silly to be super excited about it, but I am cause we don't have dances in Sweden and so who knows when I'll ever get to go to one again..? Prom is the last one here, and so I am so excited :)
So, after the show tonight during the mingle, a girl I didn't know walked up to me and gave me flowers, with a white rose that was painted red on parts (just like in the play tehee) and a card (the Queen of Hearts) on. In it, with the flowers and sort of hidden so I didn't see it til Zoe pointed it out, was another card (the Ace of Hearts, Trevor's card) asking if I'd go to prom with him :D
In the middle of Final Word after Cleanup I said I had an announcement, and in front of everyone I said "As the Queen of Hearts, I say yes to the Ace. I'd love to go to Prom with you."
Now Krystal's over to continue working on our dresses and have a sleepover-movie-night :D Wohoo for girl nights <3
Hahah I know it's silly to be super excited about it, but I am cause we don't have dances in Sweden and so who knows when I'll ever get to go to one again..? Prom is the last one here, and so I am so excited :)
So, after the show tonight during the mingle, a girl I didn't know walked up to me and gave me flowers, with a white rose that was painted red on parts (just like in the play tehee) and a card (the Queen of Hearts) on. In it, with the flowers and sort of hidden so I didn't see it til Zoe pointed it out, was another card (the Ace of Hearts, Trevor's card) asking if I'd go to prom with him :D
In the middle of Final Word after Cleanup I said I had an announcement, and in front of everyone I said "As the Queen of Hearts, I say yes to the Ace. I'd love to go to Prom with you."
Now Krystal's over to continue working on our dresses and have a sleepover-movie-night :D Wohoo for girl nights <3
Sticks and stones are never gonna break me
This week has been very interesting. You can probably tell by how little I've blogged...
Monday and Tuesday we had rehearsals for Alice all afternoon, polishing the last things for the opening on Wednesday. Wednesday after school we had 2 hours to kill before the last runthrough, so me, Krystal and Trevor went to eat and got Key Lime Pie and Wendy's. It was really nice, and when we got back to rehearsal we worked on some scenes and then opened at 7. The crowd was awsome, laughing a lot and clapping after each song.
We had some small mistakes, such as Laura (Alice) forgetting to come on stage in one scene because of the intermission we've never practised before - but the flowers and the card soldiers covered well - or Mitch's costume change after him being Humpty Dumpty... He had about 5 seconds to turn into the knave, and we were all standing there ready with his costume, and he walks of on the other side of the stage!! We try to gesture to him to hurry over, and he doesn't get anything. Haha it was funny cause then all of a sudden they were out of lines on stage, wondering why we didn't come on, so me and Trevor (card soldier) walked on stage, improvising til the others could get Mitch into costume. It all worked out in the end though.
This whole week has been election week for next year's Executive Council in school. Students run for it, putting up posters everywhere with "Vote for ******" and they make videos and yesterday they each had the final show off thingy at the big assembly and then the voting which was very serious and on at a time. It was just like real voting, you know like in real elections.. And the whole competition was just like in a movie for me Heheh cause we don't do that in Sweden. What I thought was funny was how they actually don't say anything about what they'll do to change anything or whatever, so it's all just a big popularity contest... Heh
On the second night of Alice (yesterday) we were lacking a little energy in the first act, and some major accidents happened like the whole set falling over Alice at one point. Didn't look too bad, cause the whole cast happened to fall to the floor at the very same time (heheh sneaky!) but it was.. well.. yeah..
The second act was the best every. Everyone was awsome, and we did great!! :D I was really proud of my performance, as well as everyone else's, and Rich seemed very happy about it all ^_^
After the show, we cleaned up as usual, and then me, Solveig, Krystal and Trevor got into one car, and Kayla and Christine got into another one, and we played tag in cars all around Hurricane. It was awsome!!! So freakin hilarious, as we went around corners and parked and turned off all lights and got down low and hid as they drove by and stuff like that.. haha what a thrill it was!
We all ended up on Dairy Queen where we got ice cream and then we went to Wallmart and played around there for a while. I found Jaws on DVD and got it so Solveig can finally watch it ;)
Well that was most of my week. Today we're out of school, as well as on Monday. Right now, we're working on prom dresses and I have a good feeling about the closing night of the show tonight :D Wohoo
Monday and Tuesday we had rehearsals for Alice all afternoon, polishing the last things for the opening on Wednesday. Wednesday after school we had 2 hours to kill before the last runthrough, so me, Krystal and Trevor went to eat and got Key Lime Pie and Wendy's. It was really nice, and when we got back to rehearsal we worked on some scenes and then opened at 7. The crowd was awsome, laughing a lot and clapping after each song.
We had some small mistakes, such as Laura (Alice) forgetting to come on stage in one scene because of the intermission we've never practised before - but the flowers and the card soldiers covered well - or Mitch's costume change after him being Humpty Dumpty... He had about 5 seconds to turn into the knave, and we were all standing there ready with his costume, and he walks of on the other side of the stage!! We try to gesture to him to hurry over, and he doesn't get anything. Haha it was funny cause then all of a sudden they were out of lines on stage, wondering why we didn't come on, so me and Trevor (card soldier) walked on stage, improvising til the others could get Mitch into costume. It all worked out in the end though.
This whole week has been election week for next year's Executive Council in school. Students run for it, putting up posters everywhere with "Vote for ******" and they make videos and yesterday they each had the final show off thingy at the big assembly and then the voting which was very serious and on at a time. It was just like real voting, you know like in real elections.. And the whole competition was just like in a movie for me Heheh cause we don't do that in Sweden. What I thought was funny was how they actually don't say anything about what they'll do to change anything or whatever, so it's all just a big popularity contest... Heh
On the second night of Alice (yesterday) we were lacking a little energy in the first act, and some major accidents happened like the whole set falling over Alice at one point. Didn't look too bad, cause the whole cast happened to fall to the floor at the very same time (heheh sneaky!) but it was.. well.. yeah..
The second act was the best every. Everyone was awsome, and we did great!! :D I was really proud of my performance, as well as everyone else's, and Rich seemed very happy about it all ^_^
After the show, we cleaned up as usual, and then me, Solveig, Krystal and Trevor got into one car, and Kayla and Christine got into another one, and we played tag in cars all around Hurricane. It was awsome!!! So freakin hilarious, as we went around corners and parked and turned off all lights and got down low and hid as they drove by and stuff like that.. haha what a thrill it was!
We all ended up on Dairy Queen where we got ice cream and then we went to Wallmart and played around there for a while. I found Jaws on DVD and got it so Solveig can finally watch it ;)
Well that was most of my week. Today we're out of school, as well as on Monday. Right now, we're working on prom dresses and I have a good feeling about the closing night of the show tonight :D Wohoo
Too Tired To Talk
Hey, just wanna mention that we opened with Alice in wonderland tonight, and it was wonderful! I'm so excited for tonight and friday night (yes it is past midnight so today.... :) Go Wonderful Cast!!! <3