Sticks and stones are never gonna break me

This week has been very interesting. You can probably tell by how little I've blogged...

Monday and Tuesday we had rehearsals for Alice all afternoon, polishing the last things for the opening on Wednesday. Wednesday after school we had 2 hours to kill before the last runthrough, so me, Krystal and Trevor went to eat and got Key Lime Pie and Wendy's. It was really nice, and when we got back to rehearsal we worked on some scenes and then opened at 7. The crowd was awsome, laughing a lot and clapping after each song.
We had some small mistakes, such as Laura (Alice) forgetting to come on stage in one scene because of the intermission we've never practised before - but the flowers and the card soldiers covered well - or Mitch's costume change after him being Humpty Dumpty... He had about 5 seconds to turn into the knave, and we were all standing there ready with his costume, and he walks of on the other side of the stage!! We try to gesture to him to hurry over, and he doesn't get anything. Haha it was funny cause then all of a sudden they were out of lines on stage, wondering why we didn't come on, so me and Trevor (card soldier) walked on stage, improvising til the others could get Mitch into costume. It all worked out in the end though.

This whole week has been election week for next year's Executive Council in school. Students run for it, putting up posters everywhere with "Vote for ******" and they make videos and yesterday they each had the final show off thingy at the big assembly and then the voting which was very serious and on at a time. It was just like real voting, you know like in real elections.. And the whole competition was just like in a movie for me Heheh cause we don't do that in Sweden. What I thought was funny was how they actually don't say anything about what they'll do to change anything or whatever, so it's all just a big popularity contest... Heh

On the second night of Alice (yesterday) we were lacking a little energy in the first act, and some major accidents happened like the whole set falling over Alice at one point. Didn't look too bad, cause the whole cast happened to fall to the floor at the very same time (heheh sneaky!) but it was.. well.. yeah..
The second act was the best every. Everyone was awsome, and we did great!! :D I was really proud of my performance, as well as everyone else's, and Rich seemed very happy about it all ^_^

After the show, we cleaned up as usual, and then me, Solveig, Krystal and Trevor got into one car, and Kayla and Christine got into another one, and we played tag in cars all around Hurricane. It was awsome!!! So freakin hilarious, as we went around corners and parked and turned off all lights and got down low and hid as they drove by and stuff like that.. haha what a thrill it was!
We all ended up on Dairy Queen where we got ice cream and then we went to Wallmart and played around there for a while. I found Jaws on DVD and got it so Solveig can finally watch it ;)

Well that was most of my week. Today we're out of school, as well as on Monday. Right now, we're working on prom dresses and I have a good feeling about the closing night of the show tonight :D Wohoo


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