Running in circles with you
Lamest excuse in history is bloggers saying "Hi, I'm sorry I haven't written in sooo long.. just been sooo busy..". So I won't do that, just tell you why last time I wrote I was anxiously awaiting my boyfriend's arrival the next day. For obvious reasons such as being in love, being happy, being a senior about to graduate, working two jobs as well as switching rooms with my little sister.... I have not blogged. I've barely checked my email or facebook lately. I am happy and very much alive thought, been to IKEA twice to get new stuff for the room, and been trying to puzzle together my days and still try to sleep at least a few hours every night. I have a weekend of awfulness ahead of me with the ACT (Swedish version), working ICA both nights and Funkykidz Sunday morning. I will be well-dead just in time for easter break to begin Monday. Won't see much of rainy Sweden though, since Louise and I are off Monday morning to PARIS!!! Staying for five whole days and then back home to eat eggs and study my brains to death. Week full of tests comes after that and further than that my calendar does not dare go yet. After that I will sleep. much. Now I'm off to work. Maybe I can grab something to eat before I go so I endure without food till 10 pm tonight. Wish me luck! :D

Hope you like the new look of the blog :)
Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love you tomorrow, you're only a day away
I've had an insane week.
Monday was nothing out of the ordinary... just being patient and me :)
Tuesday I work an extra shift at ICA.
Wednesday I got an email from the migration board in Sweden saying Trevor's residence permit was approved.
Thursday I get home from work and Trevor's ordered a ticket to Sweden!
Friday I go see the three musketeers-musical at the theater in town.
Saturday I work extra shift at Funkykidz, move out of my old, loved bedroom and into the guestroom for now, and then ICA.
Sunday (today) I work at Funkykidz + ICA all day.

^Me and the sweet sisters <3
And no one has any right to say I lack patience any more - least of all I do - because today a mom to four of the girls who are in my dance groups looked at me and said "You have the patience of an angel" :D
Bright bright bright Sunshine day
I think today is a happy day. Today is a perfect day. Today could very well be more amazing than I ever dared hope for.

For one thing - I got my Graduation Hat today and it looks more amazing than I imagined and graduation is in just 57 schooldays and I've caught every bus and train without having to wait today and I had tortellini and corn and olives for lunch and I wrote a nice email to the migration board after a nice lady on the phone helped me find the right email address and I managed to stay away from buying anything unhealthy at the cafeteria in school and I didn't have my first hour today because my teacher was sick so I got a nice sleepin and I had scrambled eggs for breakfast and I got around to finished unpacking my bags from skiing week and I had company all the way home from school twice today so didn't have to go alone and I feel less sore from the workout yesterday than I thought I would and it was sunny today. It was way sunny and I felt like sitting outside during lunch and soak up the sun. Today is a great day.

Hope to see some of these in the garden soon. Think the pic is taken by Elsa last spring :)
Up up and away
Sometimes I really wish I was brave. Because being brave looks like
Let's just say 10 % of me is really excited about the idea to jump off a huge rock like that. The other 90 %'s freaking out. Understandable...
The laughter penetrates my silence
Finally got the report from SLC after Trevor's interview, and I've handed it in after my nice dad drove me to the migration board yesterday and it's now in the hands of the person handling our case. Now we wait and wait....

Photo taken in Grövelsjön by Soso
All the snow is now gone and it feels like spring. The air is still cold and when I woke up today the kitchen thermometer showed negative 9 degrees celsius. I definately encourage spring to arrive, since I am completely over winter by now and eager to run in the grass and feel the sun on my face. Today while waiting for the bus, heading to the gym after school, I stood for a few minutes and just let the sun warm me and I felt like if I closed my eyes I could almost imagine I wasn't wearing a big coat, or a scarf, or boots... Like it was summer. Somehow the nickname I have received from some people - Sunflower - makes so much sense. I really do turn towards the sun and just absorb it as much as I can. I have enjoyed winter but I am ready for spring to arrive!
This could possibly be one of the prettiest duets I know :) Like it a lot <3
Because it is beautiful together
Solveig, Sara, me and Elsa

Back from sportsbreak with the family up north. Not too cold at all, close to 0 degrees Celsius almost every day. Good an bad, since negative 25 is not too fun in the long run. Would have been nice with more powder and less ice though. Been skiing in the woods, on mountains and last day - according to tradition - we rented snowboards and now my knees are bruised blue.