While we devotin' full time to floatin'
Visited the Aquarium today, and walked through the rainforest indoors. it was pretty great ^^
My photos from today:

I found Nemo!!

Thanks Trevor for the exciting adventure!
Photos from the Aquaria website:

Go visit, it was lots of fun ^^
Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Had a wonderful day in the sun, and hope to see many more days of sunshine, green grass, strawberries, watermelon, ice cream and a good book. Long live the summer!

Bubble Party with my girly!!!
With love,
Look how it Shines for You
So many things have happened since Solveig arrived on May 31st. First off, my tiny little sister (not so tiny any more) Graduated from High School, and we spent a crazy day making it Her Day. I'm sure it was very spectacular for her though, and I'm glad to have been part in making it special.

I was also in charge of the cakes, as a graduation surprise to my sister who had wished for these specific cakes. They turned out pretty great, I think. Filled with my homemade chocolate mousse and raspberry cream, topped with whipped cream, marsipan, and decorated with melted dark chocolate. Voila!

Can you tell what it is supposed to look like?
She could :)

Congrats Elsa!
On a different note, my other little sister graduated from 9th grade today, which is also a big deal. Starting High School this fall, and now done with the mandatory schooling of Sweden. She is so big and grown up - I keep getting sentimental about it ^^

Sara (in the jeans shirt) and her friends in our garden

Big sis and little sis
So proud of both my sisters and their great accomplishments this spring. Yay for Summer Break!!!

Så länge solen den glittrar på böljorna blå
Short update on a short day. Exciting to go get Solveig at the airport yesterday, and finally she is living in Sweden for real. Though her flight was delayed a couple of times, and I ended up waiting around for 3+ hours... it was envigorating to go pick her up myself this time!

One of the first pictures ever taken of the two of us. SOO long ago ;) <3 We look little and strange..
After that the evening was pretty much an update on everybody's lives for the past 7 months, and meeting the family again and having a nice summer dinner outside. I think Solveig slept through parts of it, and I know how killer-tiring the trip from Utah is so I don't blame her.

Today has been all about installing her into our apartment and landing, basically. We have had a calm day, and I got some studying done so now I'm not freaking out AS MUCH for my first college final ever. Everyone, think of me or pray for me or whatever you do to help :) Thanks!
Now - I'm just anticipating summer and all I want to do is head out with the boat and stay away from reality for a few days, just long enough to honestly forget what day it is, or when you last washed your hair, or what date that thing was due, or when you need to pay rent or study or figure out your life. Right now I want sun and a good book. And some green grass would be nice.