When it moved forward there's no looking back
Started up my new ASUS laptop last night so this is the first post from it! ^^ A little sentimental about leaving my dear old LG behind but I really needed it. So now I have a lot of work ahead of me sorting through pictures and documents and music and stuff :P Still need a name for the new one tho.. hmm

This morning I went to the gym with Tessan and survived through one hour of BodyPump O.o Never felt so weak in my life before ^^ The rest of the day I've pretty much just recovered and tried to study though it is hard and boring and feels pointless and endless.
Sorry I haven't really gotten any pics over from my old LG yet, but at least I just got this one off my phone. Took a walk with Selma and picked these beauties in the season of yellow flowers :)

They are now placed in my window :) Very nice touch of summer