I found these along with a recipe for them on this nice blog, very good advice on yummy stuff there ^^ I think I know some people who would love this blog, and especially Sara ;) Check it out! Click on the yummy chocolate thingies!!!
Friday oh sweet Friday :D Just made dinner with Sara, the lemon chicken turned out way better than I'd ever have expected considering we made the recipe up as we went along ^^
Friday... Time for a weekend of doing nothing but Sleep, Study and See Veronica :) That's all I've got planned (besides Funkykidz on Sunday). May the weekend go by slowly, because Monday's off too ^^

That one's on me ;) Smoooooothie! <3
Postat av: Elsa
kallas "macaroons" och åts massor av elsa i frakrike. gotta love'em.
puss <3
Postat av: Soso
<3 Yum!