Funkykidz det är vi visst
I've had a crazy weekend for sure!
After school I went to the Funkykidz meeting/dinner in town to discuss the upcoming show for our little dancers. It was great to see everyone again, and thai buffe is never wrong, right? ;)
Went to Louise's house right after that and had ice cream in front of "Love at first Hiccup". Totally adorable movie, sooo good! Watch watch watch!! :P
Work at 8. Yay. Got there early, then worked till 4 pm. Since I switched shifts with Elin tho, I didn't have to work the evening which was nice. Instead I went to my sister-in-law's 30th birthdayparty. Tired as I was tho, didn't too late. It was waay nice to meet my adorable niece again though! She is so sweet and never makes a fuss about anything. Peaceful cute girl ^^
Sunday morning and up again for Funkykidz as always. First two classes only had 4 kids in each, which was interesting. Then for the 4-5 and 6-8 FUNKY was visiting. My fellow instructor Emma dressed up in the mascot outfit for the big cosy bear, and it was a success! A kid or two our of the 4yearolds started crying, but most of them loved him! ;) Click to see bigger.. Enjoy! ^^

Oh yeah Funky! ;) hahah <3 Love it!
Finished the Sunday with ICA Cashregister sitting again, as will I do today. But because I have nothing important all morning, or barely anything at all, I am staying in bed till 10 before I go to school :) very nice. Good morning!