You make a Better me, so Smile
Did the Swedish ACT yesterday, and did really really well compared to last time I took it. Huge improvement :D Wiie. Today I've worked, and already then weekend is almost over though I feel like it's barely started. It's raining.

Count the little joys in life =) Here I sit, analysing a Swedish poem from 1805, and it sorta speaks to me as I feel all bleh and ugh and meh.. Dead leaves in a window against rain is not the most cheerful sight after all.. But the poem says "Enjoy what you have and appreciate that you are loved by someone". So I will. So I do.

Thank you.
Postat av: Elsa
dyster bild där hurru. HEJA SVERIGE.
Postat av: Laura
Lisa i love you so much! you are such an inspiration to me <3 thanks so much ;* <3 (;