Midsummer Celebration
Oh btw - forgot to mention - Elsa cut off about a dm (10 cm) of my hair Thursday... If you really look, you can tell it's way shorter and very various lengths ^^ I like it, tho it's very weird to have such short hair again...
Here they are... enjoy! (as always - click to see bigger)
Nice pics huh? ^^ Makes me feel so summer-ish :D
I spent Friday feeling faint and tired, and freezing in the hot summer air (hot for Sweden.. heheh) with a little bit of a sore throat. Fell asleep in the sun for long, and pretty sure I had a fever. We all decided to sleep inside and ditch the tent, and we played cards way late til I felt sick and decided to sleep. Didn't sleep too well tho, fever and head ache... isch.. Saturday morning started with me feeling sort of like a dead rat. Thanks a million times to Trevor for helping me through that horrible morning and all that <3 hugs to you ^^
Got up anyways and went to a lake and watched the others swim. Slept on the grass with head phones on. Then on to the small town Nora to have ice cream and looked around there. Then I don't really remember what that afternoon and evening contained, but played more cards that night before the others went outside and slept in the tent, and I stayed inside cause I still felt not too well.. Slept from 1 to 4 ish, then woke up and think I had pretty high fever cause I was sweating yet freezing and was way confused.. O=)
So yeah I've had a pretty sick weekend. Met lots of nice relatives tho. Malin, Lasse and their little Lukas (oh right, that was Sat evening! They were there.. :P ) are sweet and adorable ^^
So I have had a clumsy and weird day... On top of sore throat, head ache, fever and stomach ache... This morning I tripped in the stairs and spilt my tea over my right hand and burned it. Had to put burn-gel on it and it got swollen with blisters, great. Once we got home I caught a big falling bag on my left hand thumb and cracked it backwards so now I have a bandage covering that hand.. I'm stupid.. :P
Oh well, having a girly talk with Solveig so I'll blog more later =) Night <3
My nephew says that picture of the sand looks like a bunch of poo..I thought it looked really cool but apparently he doesn't think so. Haha! ^^ Love your pictures! Loves to you dear! :-* Puss puss! My nephew also thinks that "Puss puss" is funny because it sounds like you're popping a zit. anyways that was random. love you! <3
My nephew says that picture of the sand looks like a bunch of poo..I thought it looked really cool but apparently he doesn't think so. Haha! ^^ Love your pictures! Loves to you dear! :-* Puss puss! My nephew also thinks that "Puss puss" is funny because it sounds like you're popping a zit. anyways that was random. love you! <3
sorry about posting twice that's due to my nephew. He's a brat. Haha! jk. believe it or not it took like 15 min to post. we were both fighting viciously over the computer. haha by vicious i mean hand grabbing and laughing so hard we almost peed. scary. Well loove you <3
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