Jag vill leva, jag vill dö, i Norden
Guess what we did during our second SLC trip this weekend that I forgot to tell you??????
We went to IKEA! Wiiiie it was awsome; me, Solveig and Kayla wandering around in there looking at all the stuff and I just love love love it how they'd kept the swedish names on everything like the table "fniss" or the chair "inpiration" or the towel "bästis" :D So cute <3
We got some awsome Swedish candy and chocolate there too xD Not that they had a lot, but some nice marabou, juleskum and singoalla I got my hands on ^^ Oh how lovely it was. I got all happy from going there :)
Changeing the subject completely, today I had a LONG schoolday. Starting out with the UBSCT Test in Reading (kinda like the national tests in sweden) during first hour, I did very well on that cause it was simply very easy :)
Second hour I had Government and we had a test. I guess I should have checked it with someone, but I don't know anyone in that class that well that I can call them and ask about class.. Well I obviously missed class this tuesday, and they didn't do the test. Instead they took notes on Financial stuff about elections. Bluah, I didn't. 80 % of the test was on that chapter. I didn't even know we had that. Bluah. I screwed up completely. 66%. Isch how very very bad. Haven't gotten that bad on a test since eight grade fall just after I'd been sick for over a month, and I got G (swedish grade, lowest yet still passing) on the Map Reading Skills 2 Test. It was the one and only time I've gotten a G on a test. Bluah. Besides today then. BUT (and yes there is a big but to this story), most of the class got about 25-30 % on this test, so at least I wasn't down at the bottom alone.
After lunch I had Theater, and after like an hour of that I had to leave cause I was called to the counceling office and got to talk to Mrs Stratton or whatever her name is about my diploma and graduation. I'll get to know next week what classes I have to take this spring in order to graduate.
I left my stuff in Theater, cause I didn't think I'd be that long, but I had to go directly to Choir and thankfully Gaby had brought my stuff <3 Thanks for that Gabs^^
Then I had about 20 min break before rehearsal, and I spent it in a line waiting to pay my Drama Fee at the front office. Rehearsal for hours and hours (it was fun though, lots of fun people I get to mingle around with during the village scene). From 6-6.30 I had a break and then I had to stay for Debate Practise til 8.30. I worked on my IE for tomorrow's Tournament. I'm still doing the Scene 3 Act 1 from A midsummer night's dream, cause Rich seems to like it a lot.. But I'm playing all characters at once :S It's as confusing as it sounds :P
Getting a ride home with Tess (Solveig's not in Debate), I had dinner and here I am. Ended up practising all the years of each president through history for the test tomorrow... So boring. Bluah.
Good night.
Så glad att du vill leva i Norden!/Mamma
Så glad att du vill leva i Norden!/Mamma
But you are living here right now! You cannot leave little old Hurricane completely out! ;)
Heehee sorry bout the stuff...if I had known you were gone I really would have gotten it, and I would have known if we weren't in the middle of that silly concentration game.... :P
hej lissi! <3 va coolt att du hittade "juleskum" hihi! var det gott? hoppas du har det bra! och jag undrar hur man får fram en bild på sin blogg så att den blir så där stor bild på skärmen? hur gör man för att få det så? om du fattar vad jag menar. men men... vi hörs!
Haha, gud va roligt med IKEA:D Och marabou;) <3