And we'll make a lovely dress for Cinderella
Oh my. I just had dinner after sewing the whole day. The entire day - or at least the part that I've been awake - have I spent making Solveig's Halloween dress. It. Looks. Totally. Awsome.
Eight hours, eight slow yet very fun hours ^^ And now I'm done with the dress itself and only the details like some flowers to attach, some lace to add here and there... I'm gonna take pictures of it tomorrow when Solveig tries it on and post them here :D Ok it sounds like I'm trying to brag but I'm not, this dress looks really cool comsidering the fact that I have done it completely without any guidance or instructions, not even model example thingies.. But well you'll see what I mean :)
Ok so that way what I've done today. Yesterday (Saturday) evening we (the hostfamily) went to see a musical called Life Divine. It was.. strange.. but interesting and well if they'd been more into it and not looked so bored and mechanic, it might have been better. Then we passed Wallmart and got.. well you'll see that tomorrow too tehee ^^ Surprise! Gonna be awsome.
Soo, Friday then (working my way back through the days).. After school all day, we left for the Dixie College Tournament (debate) and I did three rounds of interpret of my shakespeare scene (act 1 scene 3) :D It went just fine, for being the first time. We had lots of fun inbetween rounds, hanging out and watching Brenton flirting like crazy with a girl haha it even ended in kissing ;)
Ok, so I'm going to bed pretty soon I think. Oh sjutton också... I have government homework to do! Quiz tomorrow :/ And since Kayla's coming over after school to finish everyone's halloween costumes for the dance on friday, I will have to work on my tuesday homework tonight too. Isch bluah. Ok so here are what we're gonna look like on Friday :)
Me, is going to be Tinkerbell ^^
Solveig, is soon gonna look like Giselle :)
Kayla, she'll be the Queen of Hearts :P And Krystal, of course, is Alice ^^
Cute huh? ^^