Första Advent
Happy Birthday again Kayla!!
Yesterday we spent the evening at Kayla's house, celebrating her 18th birthday (which was actually on Friday but whatever) with two big cakes, pizza, movies, a group of girls in PJs and fun fun fun :)
Solveig wasn't feeling too well, and I felt really sorry for her the entire night. But we slept over and go home sometime around noon today, Sunday. Then I've spent the day not doing so much but being lazy (tomorrow school starts again and the upcoming week's gonna be very busy though the play's over now) and then me and Morgan decorated the Christmas Tree. We put it up on Thanksgiving, and the lights were already in it, but we put up all the little decorations in it. Cute.
Christmas has always been my favourite part of the year, and though I know it's not gonna be as usual this year, I'm still gonna like it. All these decorations and christmas carols that are constantly played everywhere... They make me kinda somesick sometimes. I hope that everyone back home is having a wonderful beautiful first advent, lighting a candle and everything.. I sure wish I could both experience this and at the same time be home with you all.
Now I'm gonna continue working on learning all the presidents + dates + parties + (issues x2)
Värsta ekvationen där alltså ^^
Btw, do you like my awsome ego pic of me with curled hair for the play..?
I think it looks pretty nice :)
Glad första advent allihop! puss
Hej <3
superfin bild och håller med - JUL!! <3
haha - det var underbart <3 men du har det ju kanoners du med :)
kram <3