Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away
Good morning folks
I've just had breakfast, and am about to leave for another day of work. Yesterday was what I call "a perfect day". The sun was shining all day, which was lovely and warm enough to burn your cheeks and shoulders. At the job, we were gonna change stations so I was at the station of "knowledge of boats" instead of the bracelet thingy. But it was very fun too, because while the guys I'd been with Monday and Tuesday took care of the paperwork, me and Johanna and Adam dragged the tiny boats (Optimist jolle) around in the fountain with small kids in it. =) I even got to to in it three times because some kids were too snall to go in it alone. So I spent the day doing that and gettin sun burned/tanned.
Well I have sailed them in this kinda weather too, but I can tell you it wasn't this windy in the fountain ^_^
In the afternoon Fritjof, Tessan and Chrille came to visit, and that was fun too because Chrille and Fritte did the "seven stations competition thingy" so I got to talk a lot to Tessan which I haven't done for so long, and then after work I went with Fritjof to buy some cup cakes that we ate on the way home =P
I didn't go home, instead I got straight to Laura's house where I spent some time watching her pack and eat ^^ Hehe it was actually more fun then it sounds. Tired as ever I took the train back home (met Elin and her mom and sisters on the train) and just as I was about to step inside our gate Jacob came home (my neighbour). We chatted for a while, then faught (not arguing, just physically he threw me on the ground lol) and then all our little sisters wanted us to play football with them so I let go of any thoughts of sleeping some, and instead played football til about 10 pm without getting any dinner (I forgot). It was me and Jacob (he's 15) against Anna (10), Sara (11) and Emelie (12). We surely have sisters the same age ^^
Then I took a shower and fell asleep at once =P Now I'm gonna head off to work, hoping this day will be just as much fun as yesterday <3