I ain't more than a minute away from walking

Sorry I didn't write yesterday, I didn't get home until halv past 12 and then my dogs wanted me to take them out. And then take them out again halv an hour later. You try sleeping with your dogs going all "ooruff" just ourside your bedroom door... Not happening.

So, yesterday was speechday (=skolavslutning, never knew that was the translation of it, hehe). The weather was pathetic, but we managed to have fun anyway. During the day we played this really boring game about "what's the right thing to do in this situation"... bluah.... Then the girls went to Laura's house and we made chocolateballs and watched Desperate Housewives Season 1. It was kinda fun actually to see it from the beginning, though I haven't seen the current parts of season 4 (or 5 is it?)

Then after I got my grades translated to english to send to Hurricane High, then the cermoni in school at 6 pm, the gang of girls went to have pizza and it was very nice indeed. Then we all joined to Elin's house to have strawberries and ice cream (swedish tradition once summer begins) and continue watching season 1. Or actually, we started all over and just hade time to watch as much as I'd seen the same afternoon ^^

Tired as ever, I fell asleep there in Elin's armchair... Then got up at ten past midnight and left with Linn, luckily I had my scooter and didn't have to walk to the bus station. Would have fallen asleep on the bus for sure. But driving in the wind is good, I don't understand how people can truly be sleepy when driving, it's such a thrill.

Today - today is the day - we're going to SANDHAMN =D Wiiie
Short info for those who aren't familiar with what that is...: Sandhamn is an island out in the swedish "World of islands" aka archipelago. What you really should do there is swim in the sea, but it's waaaaaay to cold outside still and out there it's probably freezing. So I don't really know what we're gonna do, but I'll go along anyway and just be with my friends *feeling a little melankolic when thinking about how this may be the last time we're all together (except Ida who isn't coming sadly) before I leave for the US*

I will put up some pics of the archipelago later, have a nice day =)

Postat av: Hedvig

2009-06-11 @ 20:55:44
URL: http://hedvigwaller.wordpress.co
Postat av: Hedvig

Desperate är inne på femte säsongen och det har gått 22 avsnit, säsongen är dock inte slut än...!

2009-06-11 @ 20:57:25
URL: http://hedvigwaller.wordpress.co

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