Student 09

Good morning world,
Finally I got to sleep longer, until 9.45 actually. Today I'm going to Bosön to get my new belt for jujutsu, and then I'm meeting my friends for a picknick (if the weather allows it) or we'll do something else. Watch a movie perhaps? I'll see..

Yesterday the third years graduated, and it was fun but I feel sorry for them. It was raining A LOT. Still, they had their traditional lorry platforms (lastbilsflak) where they stand with balloons and beer all over them and lol that's funny to watch.
For the readers who don't know that much about Swedish graduation tradition, here are a few pics to give you the idea of it...

Glada studenterGlada studenterUtspringUtspringUtspringSkolgården fylls med studentfordonStudentavslutning på Hersby gymnasium

Wow do I envy them or what? That looks awsome, I can't wait til I graduate (it's three years away but still) ^^

Have a nice day everyone <3

Postat av: Anonym

hejsan älskling, lessen att jag inte ringde idag. Men jag har varit hemma hela dagen tills jag stack till Michael där jag åt tacos och kollade på film. Jag kom hem nu. Men imorgon så kan vi väl träffas? jag ska ha avslutning på squashen vid 4 så innan eller efter. Smsa när du bestämts dej.

2009-06-07 @ 02:29:51
Postat av: Anonym

Eller jag kan inte på kvällen. Ska bort på middag då...

2009-06-07 @ 02:31:20
Postat av: Solveig

Aw, it looks like so much more fun than an American graduation! And you guys get to wear cute little dresses and hats! We have to wear red robes and strange caps... :P

2009-06-07 @ 03:17:59
Postat av: fritjof

Solveig, on the platforms, guess what you do... you get drunk and party with techno. And the lorry goes around town and so everyone can feel envious of you ^^

2009-06-07 @ 12:53:03
Postat av: Lisa


Jag kan inte heller på söndagskvällen, men vi kan ju höras och ses snart ändå =) Ha en bra kväll <3


What he says is so true. Everyone gets completely drunk and there's beer all over the lorries... Fun huh? ^^ Though, our hats are way better than yours, lol =P

2009-06-07 @ 16:26:22

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