I dare you to move

First, a mistake needs to be corrected. It's today that's Solveig's nameday, not last week ^^ Sry, my bad. Now you get a new chance to celebrate it though!

Second, I'm gonna stay up late tonight, and it's ok because I'm off school tomorrow due to the third years graduating!!! Wiiie gratulations to them (not that I know that many third years, but I can always gratulate.. Fredrik for example) Congrats to gradulating! I'm gonna go with my friends to watch them run out of school for the last time, tradition and all.. hehe

Third, I recently got home from jujutsu and I MADE IT =D I got the yellow belt, next level, better than before.... and I've just been practising for about 10 weeks, at all! Isn't that kinda well done? (A)

My new bible haha ^^

Fourth, I'm gonna get a long sleepin tomorrow, which I truly deserve. Then I'll meet up with my boyfriend, watch the third years thingy and then be with him =)

Fifth, I'm tired and considering getting some unhealthy food and a good movie ^^ Sweet dreams <3

Postat av: Solveig

Yay! I'll just celebrate again. Don't worry Lisa, that's the GOOD kind of mistake. XD

Congratulations! Good for you! Party a lot, and get lots of sleep, and then party some more. It's good for you! <3

2009-06-05 @ 03:43:51
Postat av: Laura

grattis :D :D :D :D hahahahaha jag läste ditt senaste inlägg, jag vaknade nu ;) hihi

jag tror inte vi ses på utspringet, jag kanske drar innan men ska sjunga!

puss älskling

2009-06-05 @ 10:14:35

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