"That's why I sleep with my shoes on"
Though it was supposed to be raining this week, the sun is shining.. weird
I've just come home from shopping, and guess what I bought? xP A new suitcase for my year abroad! And it's PINK =D Wiiiiieee!!
I know I promised photos from the sailing, but I haven't been able to upload them into my computer yet, so they are coming but they are not in this post.. Maybe the next one =)
Yesterday evening I went to the HBP movie (Half-blood prince, in case someone was unfamiliar with HBP) and it surely was good but so many things from the books are missing and they intend (in my opinion) to focus on the wrong things. Dumbledore rarely says anything but the most important stuff, all the mystic around him is gone.. And Harry and Ginny, I was expecting something more than a tiny little butterfly-kiss in secret O.o
Luna was good, and Lavender was just as annoying as expected. Hermione was ok, and Slughorn, well he had a big role that's for sure. I hate it that the funeral wasn't in the movie (not gonna tell who's funeral, in case someone reads this who haven't seen the movie or read the book), but when they all lit their wands... pure magic <3

Oh, and the title of this post is a quote from the film. It's Luna saying it, explaining to Harry how she's never been to a particular part of the castle, at least not awake. Since she's sleepwalking, she might have been there asleep. And that's why she sleeps with her shoes on.. <3 Gotta love Luna =P
Now I'm gonna start packing, which is about the hardest thing I've ever done.. I need to clean out a lot of things from my room so my parents can use my desk if needed, and I like cleaning out stuff so when I come back I can decide what I want to put back on the shelves.. But right now my room looks like a thunderstorm's been passing, and it's a bit hard to make enough space for the new bag.. I might have to put it on my bed for now =)
And, as you might have noticed, today it's TWO WEEKS til I go to the US!!!!! Only two weeks left, that is so incredible little time, just 14 days, 13 nights, 334 h, 20160 minutes... it's crazy
Will write more soon, and upload photos =D
aha, det blev en ny resväska ändå! Vad kul, kan du packa mera nu? Men färgen var väl ändå bäst? Nu har jag hittat "hit" och jag ser att det finns en del att läsa, verkar spännande,kram o lycka till med vad du företar dej, än är det några dagar kvar till den STORA RESAN,jag ser att det är nedräkning.
Självklart! :D o jag länkar din ;) Jag det ser verkligen härligt ut, det är Lake Michigan :)men Utah är verkligen vackert, dit åker amerikanarna på semester har jag hört ;D Jag ska åka den 11 augusti :) så inte långt kvar nu, iiih!!! :D sj, när åker du? :)
jag är inte ett dugg förvånad att DU har sett "HPB" (låter som att jag är insatt, är verkliugen inte det)! haha
Yay for pink suitcases! ^_^
Wow, counting down much? Even got the minutes! :P
LOL with Solveig, you got a ticker over there Lisa!? LMAO
OMG I loved that Luna line too! I liked the movie for what it was but the books are always the best.
Well good luck with the packing!