Moments worth Millions
Good morning
or should I say good night?
Vivvi slept here tonight too, and today we went to the gym together. It was great, I'm slightly tired in every muscle I have, I think, but it was worth it ^_^
I'm having a sort of a mental breakdown, because my brain is refusing to realise the truth about the people I love and will have to live without for a year. Like today when we found this really old CD from my childhood that's been gone for years, and me and my sister (Elsa) remembered all the lyrics by heart... Or when Vivvi and I stay up til 5 in the morning just laughing because I'm tired enough to lie under my sheets pretending to be a train or a cow or a pancake... Or when dad falls asleep in front of Midsumer Murders as always... Or when mum hugs me... Or when Selma looks at me with that special look only she can do... Or when Alfonz jumps into my bed and wants to play with me... Or when I play the piano and sing with Vivvi... Or when I play "Wallstreet" with Elsa, Vivvi and Såpa and I win (I did today!) heheh but I love it otherwise too... Or when my sister (Sara) jumps into my bed waaay too early in the morning shouting "Come on Lisa, I wanna show you this card trick I just learned"... Or when Magdalena hugs me tight saying things will work out fine... Or when Pauline and I go crazy singing and "plopping" (p.j.)... Or when Fritjof and Otto go mad at me for not having seen Star Wars... Or when Ida calls me "Sötnöt" and her eyes sparkle like only hers can do... Or when Laura and I study for hours and hours at the time... Or when all the girls in NV08G have picnic and Cornelia is too tired drunk or whatever to be up that early at all, the day after graduation... Or when Fredrik and I fight for life until I can't walk or talk or move at all... Or when Vivvi and I hug forever... Or when me and my sisters get together just the three of us and have really fun... Or when all the girls get together and watch "She's the man"... Or all the times we've stalked people (guys...) ... Or when Keena and I do Ethological Experiments in town... Or all the endless days I've spent with Tessan... Or when I sit up all night chatting with people about random stuff... Or when the friends meet and roast hot dogs by the water til it's completely dark outside, and longer... Or when I give someone a ride on my scooter... Or when my dogs go crazy with happiness just because I come home... Or when me and my sisters play football with Jacob, Emelie and Anna... Or all the times I've said "I'll miss you" and really meant it... Or that one time when I almost beat Adam in chess... Or whenever I get to babysit my niece and see me brother and his girlfriend... And all the new friends I've made the last year, you count the most. I've made more friends the last month than I did during all of my years in Käppala... That's gotta count for something.
All of these moments mean a lot to me, and I will miss you all.. Here are some pics, wonder if anyone on them even reads my blog..? If you do, please comment!! =D
I really dunno if I should laugh when I remember or cry when I think forward <3 Klick on the pictures to watch..

The theater gang playing Dracula - Some of the girls in my class, at winter end-of-term-thingy - Gen hungry lol - Taking a walk in the dark, Sofia lighting up the way with her blue magic hat - No idea why Vivvi is laughing like hell - Vivvi, me and Tessan before the circus show - Elsa and Sara... Elsa giving a fake funny guided tour of the area hahaha - Elsa and me in Grövelsjön, playing cool gansters... <3 - My old gang at hw's Nerdy-party - My family - My dogs
How will I survive without them all? And with only 20 kg of luggage... someone's got an idea of what's worth bringing?
Btw I think I have a few hundred photos of me and my sisters in the car =P Love forever <3 heheh
hejsan, jo fina bilder i inledningen, kanske lite ego efter att du tagit bort alla kompisarna? men det är många fina på dig och roliga från Utah... Du kan inte ana hur sorgligt jag kan tycka att det känns samtidigt som jag är stolt - det är jag, för att du är min tjej och du vågar åka iväg. Jag gjorde det själv, men jag var äldre än du (19) och åkte till Paris. SPråket var svårare, men det var närmre, samtidigt som det kändes som jag åkt till månen ibland...
kommer sakna dej like hell, men internet finns - det finns brev (och även om du kanske inte svarar på alla mina kommer jag så länge jag har pengar mail och brevbomba dej <3)
Jo, fan va kul vi har <3 du betyder så mycket för mig <333 vad skulle jag göra utan dej? tur att du kommer tillbaka <33333
åååååååååååhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! jag kommer sakna dig jättemycke också! vad ska jag göra utan dig? det kommer ju inte gå! men du gör som du vill. :( jag kommer at sakna dig sååååååååå mycke!!!!!! vi får försöka vara med varandra så mycket som möjligt nu istället. som att gå på grönan med Loise som vi ska på fredag. jippi! det ska bli jätte kul! men men... vi ses! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3 :):):)^^
OMG! Lisa! That sounds so hard to leave all that stuff. I couldn't even imagine doing it. BUt im sure you are stronger than me (in that instance, physically I would beat you LOL)
Oh and you havent seen Star Wars?! LOL Good job Fritjof and Otto, keep bohtering her til she watches it! LOL
OK well ttyl Lisa! hugs
ok jag länkar din blogg? :) jag ska också till usa i höst, du får gärna länka min också om du vlíll ;)
You haven't seen Star Wars? Haha, wow! That's okay...Harrison Ford scares me, so you don't have to watch the "old" ones. But the newer ones are good.
Ah Lisa, you are so strong and beautiful and brave. Many hugs to you!