Raindrops are falling on my head

Ooh guess what happened today?
I was supposed to go sailing, as I said. So I got up at 8 am (I was supposed to at least) and we packed and got ready to leave, and then this happened:

Sooo.. sailing is postponed til tomorrow. Guess it's because we all need to just relax for one day, we've had a busy week. And because of the rain of course. So I'll just chill today and take the last shot of vaccin for Hepatit B. I have to take so many shots before I go to the US, one could think you guys are dangerously unhealthy xP

See you around <3

Postat av: Anonym

konfan - gustavs bilder i min data. våra bilder i stora data. säg till om du vill ha från min. puss <3

2009-07-13 @ 18:47:44
Postat av: Chris

LOL Us dangerously unhealthy?! LOL

Its more of us being scared todeath about what people might bring in. (Not meaning you or other Swedes just in general) LMAO

Well I guess the rain was both a blessing and a curse. You dont get to leave like you planned but we got to see you another day and you get some rest!

2009-07-13 @ 20:02:34
Postat av: Lisa

Hahah well that is very true Chris... But why on earth do I have to get shots with vaccin for Hepatit B just weeks before I go to the US? Vaccin is to prevent a decease, and right now it seems to me that I'm preventing that I get something scary from you people while I'm over there =P Makes sense? Heheh

Well it was both a blessing and a curse, if you ought to put such strong words behind. But yes I got to stay home one more day and blog one more post ^^ Or who knows really, another one might appear tonight shifty hihi

2009-07-13 @ 20:29:02
URL: http://lisaangel.blogg.se/
Postat av: Solveig

Haha, I'm so glad I decided to check your blog anyway, even though you said you'd be gone! Yay! Another blog! <3

Well we have to get all those shots, too...so maybe it's not that we are a dangerously unhealthy people, but this is just a dangerously unhealthy place. To be historical about it, I guess every place sort of has its own illnesses, right? And since America is just kind of a hodgepodge of all of them, maybe we got all of the diseases. :P

2009-07-16 @ 05:56:43

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