A picture says more than a thousand words - LA

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1. What did you do this year that you’ve never done before?  I’ve had chocolate muffins with chocolate chips in for breakfast… O.o
2. Did you keep your new years eve promises? Don’t even remember mine ^^
3. Did any of your friends become parents this year? Not that I know of, but both my brothers got married :) 
4. Did anyone close to you die? No, thank Go… I mean thank goodness :P
5. Which countries did you visit? US
6. Is there anything you miss of 2009 that you want from 2010? The beautiful Swedish fall ;)
7. Which date from 2009 will you always remember?  Aug 4-8
8. What was your biggest accomplishment during 2009? Moving abroad alone
9. Best friends this year? Everyone I’ve met, everyone I miss <3 
10. Have you been sick or physically hurt? To quote my sister who I got this test from “No hospital”… 
11. Best shopping? Smoothies forever <3
12. What did you spend the most money on? American High School (how sad is that?) and Exchange student program
13. Did anything make you really happy? Yes, most recently to play in the Pacific Ocean
14. Which songs will always remind you of 2009? Oh, the list is long.. Summer job=Sweetest Girl. Crow and the Butterfly has some significance too. And all musicals…
15. Were you happier or sadder this year than last? Both. Sad sometimes because I miss people back home, but happier because of everything I experience
16. What do you wish you had done more of? Sailing
17. What do you wish you had done less of? Waiting for Solveig to be done with her homework ^^
18. How did you spend Christmas? Watching my hostdad fall in love with my homemade Swedish meatballs xD 
19. Did you fall in love this year? Yup, and out of
20. Favourite show on TV? Swe: Medium, House, Midsumer Murders, Desperate Housewives. US: No TV
21. Best book you’ve read this year? Can’t recall all of them,,,
22. Biggest musical discovery? Kiddin? I’ve never been around so many musicals in my life.. Hahah
23. Something you wished for, for your birthday, and didn’t get? My own house on Galapagos Islands..? ^^

24. Something you wished for and got? I got the boots I wanted for Christmas :)
25. Someone random you’ve met this year? Gaby from Denmark <3
26. What did you do on your birthday 2009? Turned 17, had a party with all my best friends, cried of happiness
27. Is there anything that could have made your year even better? Guess there could be…
28. How would you describe your way of life during 2009? ”In America!” xP
29. What made you happy? Random ways that people show that they care
30. The 3 best things you got for Christmas? Loved it all ^^
31. Who did you miss? Where do I start..?

Tomorrow's New Years Eve!! Happy New Year everyone <3

Postat av: Solveig

IN AMERICA! :P Haha, I thought it was funny that the first answer was not "went to the US" or anything, but was chocolate muffins for breakfast.... ;)

2009-12-31 @ 07:49:06
Postat av: Elsa


Sv: haha, franskakillen (han va gryymt snygg, charles) , träffade en grymt snygg kille på en (tro det eller ej) promis, <3 haha :) vem menar du da? :)

2009-12-31 @ 09:55:07
URL: http://elsa94.blogg.se/

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