Hello world this is me
First - answers to all of the lovely comments I've recieved while I was away... <3
Yep Chris I will be in America all the time til you turn 18.. wooow that's cool ^^ And I'm glad you had fun in north carolina =)
Also, I have a webcam and I have facebook and msn and I will get skype too.. So I will be able to talk to people (thanks for caring, I appriciate you thinking about it) but what I'm really afraid of is how I will be around my friends when I come home again. I mean, what if we'll be totally different persons and all of my friends have changed into some people I don't know any longer? Geez I guess I can't do anything about that if it happens, so I just go with the flow xP hugs
Solveig - oh how I've spoken to you the past couple of days.. My mobile phone actually died two times in one day because of battery loss... Because I was on fb too much talking to you ^^
And I know that I will do fine in the US, because I have you to talk to about everything and anything =) So glad I have you dear. See you sooon xD
And Sarah, dear dear Sarah... I will miss your crazy writing, but I'm sure we'll stay in touch as I'm away.. Keeping some things just like they always are - that's a way of staying my old me.. you get my point? Anyway, I'm glad you found my little blog, and I hope you keep reading it. Otherwise I will see you around <3
This is btw my picture of true happiness and the sign of summer. Walking along a beach where the waves can just reach your feet when they hit the shore... Aaaahhww
Can you believe it? In just TWO FREAKIN DAYS I'm leaving Sweden for a whole YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I haven't even packed yet.. wooh I've gotta finish that tomorrow, after I've seen all of my lovely friends to say goodbye to them.. ='(
Anyway, for those of you who are familiar with the writer Astrid Lindgren (famous swedish one), I can tell you that I visited Bullerbyn today - the scene of the movies made in 1986.. That felt truly nostalgic <3
Also, I've arrived home this evening, and made a cake for dad that looks like a huge cookie =P
We're gonna celebrate his birthday tomorrow since I've left before th 8th and that's also the date of my brother's wedding ^^ How typical, isn't it?
Anyway - I'll tell you more later.. Love <3
ojdå det är verkligen snart! va kul ändå. jag åker den 18 augusti, så lite drygt två veckor kvar, känns mer som två månader på något konsitgt sätt... inte riktigt verkligt än. Men du är nervös nu eller? (:
Teehee, oops, my bad! I hope replying to my messages didn't cost you too much time or money or etc... :P Thank you so much again for listening to me and giving me advice about it all! <3 I'll see you in drum roll ....FIVE days! EEEK, it's so close!
Beautiful picture of the beach, and I want to see your cookie-cake, too! You should take a picture!
jag kommer också ihåg det! När man bara ja men vadå det är ett halvår kvar. Nu å är det jätte snart.. jag känner också så, att familjen kommer nog bli bra men usch vad man kommer sakna alla hemma. bara vardagen här hemma, man är så bekväm. Men jag känner mig redo på ett sätt samtidigt som jag vet inte... det är lixom inte verkligt.
ska du ha med dig en eller två väskor?