L is for the way you Look at me

Hey there,

today is one of those slow days that you're supposed to spend studying or doing something good that needs to be done... like starting to work on my and Solveig's halloween costumes... but you end up doing nothing.
Solveig and I were supposed to practise for Choir, but lying on my bed we talked, put on some music, and fell asleep. Waking up we did some singing (mostly she, I sung some too but not as serious hehe) and then left with the rest of the family to go to the movie theater. Morgan saw "Aliens in the Attic", Steve and Myrna watched "500 days of Summer" (the one we saw earlier) and me and Solveig went to see "Julie and Julia". It was an ok movie. Not great but there was a lot of cooking in it and some reeeally delicious things that made me hungry ;P

The film starred Meryl Streep and Amy Adams who were good in the roles of the old lady who taught America how to cook, and the naive young writer who tried to find somegoal in life before turning 30.


Once we got back home Solveig was feeling a little sick so she had some "Airbourne" and so did Morgan and I. Just to prevent any deceases to spread in the house in case she's got something. So at the moment I'm drinking this water-mixed effervescent tablet. The content of the glass looks just like the water in those natural puddles on the islands in the swedish archipelago.. with a nice colour of seaweed in it to give it the lovely colour of light green. And the taste is.. well I can't honestly recommend it. But if it prevents me from getting sick, I'm all up for it.

Hope everyone else is having a good time, I will go to bed early today so I won't have sleepybags under my eyes tomorrow in school. Guess I'll have some dinner before I go to bed though, but well goodnight (some people are already asleep since it's about four in the morning there.. haha)



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