Back to School
First and former: I'm working on a new header but it's not done yet so you'll just have to stick with NYC for now ^^
I'm a SENIOR!!! Which is awsome because that allows me to (if I take all the classes needed) graduate this spring! And since I've taken so many academic classes in Sweden - I only have to take "US History", "English Speech and Debate" and "US Government". This is what my days look like:
Dance 3
US Government
Theater 3
Art 2
US History
Speech and Debate
Wiiie so many fun classes! And I do deserve some fun classes after all the hard work I've put down on last year back home... So tomorrow I start having B-day, and then it goes on every second day... Today I had all classes but only 20 min each ^^ and then there was a barbeque by the school. And then me, Solveig, Gaby, Krystal, Kayla, Anna, Selena and Trevor went across the street (me, Gaby and Trevor actually forced the others to walk there instead of getting the car - how typical american they all are ^^).
Then we've all been hanging out except Gaby who had soccer practise. I'm so proud of my sweetie making Varsity team!! That's the very best one! Though I didn't make it (I'm glad I didn't, it's about 40 degrees Celsius here when practise is)...
So now Kayla is staying with me and Solveig over the night, and we'll all go to school together tomorrow =D wiie
Also, yesterday was an awsome day.
We slept in, then went to pick up Gaby, and we went to eat with Kayla, Selena and Anna at the Pirate Island where the people who work there are dressed up as pirates ^^
We then missed our movie - Julie Julia or whatever it's called - and went to pick up Krystal (I really don't know how to spell her name.. sorry if I do it wrong xP ). Before getting her we managed to fit six people into a photo box thingy and get pictures of us all ^^ It was so much fun.
After playing Mao in a park for a while (I won!!) we went to the fair and I - against any odds because of my terrifyedness (xD) of such things - went in the zipper and this other weird thing that took you upsidedown.. In the zipper I went with Kayla and I just freaked out the entire time just screaming how I would kill her and I had my eyes closed the whole time.

^The zipper
I mean you are seriously sitting in those small things and they just rock randomly back and forth as they feel like.. We even did five backflips in a row according to Kayla.. I have no idea I think I must have been slightly unconscious ^^
Me, Solveig and Krystal stayed a bit longer (til about 11) and then we passed a drive through and got Krystal some french fries and went home to sleep.
And yeah just an random add: Me and Solveig watched the stars that fell the other night from their roof of the shed, and I almost fell asleep and started saying these weird stuff about a christmastree and blue yoghurt.. hahahah
Now I'm gonna go be social with Kayla and Solveig =P ttyl and thanks for comments and emails and stuff <3
love you ^^
Aww Lisa it sounds like you are having an Amazing time! I'm so happy you are having fun.
Blue yogurt? XD LOL you crack me up!
omg! lisa, du har så många nya vänner, så mycket kul, och du verkar ha roligaste skolan i hela världen! nyss va jag avundsjuk på att du vågade åka, nu är jag riktigt cp avundsjuk!!! <33333
Älskar dej <3 kolla roskullen, gör om lite. säg till om det är helt groteskt, för det går fortfarande att ändra :) åsikter - ja tack :D gärna via mail :) nu ska jag äta frukost :D orkar inte ens räkna ut vad klockan är hos dej XD men antar att du sover elr nåt :P puss på dej sista <3 looove <3
gud vad kul du verkar ha det och skolan verkar ju grymt bra!! hoppas ja hamnar i närheten av dig så kan jag hälsa på!:D<3
Haha, vilket sammanträffande; när jag var i USA tidigare i år så åkte jag the zipper!!
Hehee, you know you liked it! The Zipper, I mean. ^_~ And I guess I'll stop teasing you about the blue yogurt and the Christmas tree now, since you've told everyone yourself. :P Oh, and you totally wanted to go in the car too, for the air conditioning! XD
AWWWW, your header is adorable! I love it! That really is such a cute picture of Gaby and you, and you need to give me all the pictures you took, too, like of us in the glasses, because I don't have any of those. So cute! <3 <3 <3
gillar din nya header!
Du verkar ha SÅ kul! :D Hoppas det förblir så också :) Ha det fantastiskt, kram
heej! :D
skitsnygg header tjejen! :D tävlade idag! :) är såå nöjd! du måste kolla resultatet :) om du inte orkar läsa allt skrev jag en summering längst ner i inlägger för dej <3 höhö - vet att du kanske inte är jäätte intresserad av att höra varje detalj om banorna XD
puss å kram <3 love u sister <3
/mellansister :P
det roliga är att jag har haft den länge men ingen har sett den XD anyhow - tack.. är lite nervös - borde kanske sova nu.. här ärklockan 22.32.. :S
affe sover i min säng <3 ditt rum är skiitfint! mitt med om jag får säga det själv - eller ska bli. puss <3
Hey now, Lisa!
You wanted to take the car too! Remember you said. "Air conditioning That Sounds Nice! Let's Drive!" It was Gaby and Trevor that made us walk. And I didn't put up a fight like Krystal did, I just complained because it was hot! haha, socializing that night was fun! The fair was fun (I can still hear you screaming!), Pirate Island was fun, Mao was fun, all of it was very enjoyable.