End up Deaming instead of Sleeping
Everything has been moving really slow lately, and suddenly lots of things happen at the same time. Not going to jinx some things before they are even happening, but one thing I can say is that Trevor and I have booked our tickets for Rome this summer! It's going to be amazing - I just know it - and I am so excited. We are staying at a little hotel in central Rome for 5 nights, and plan to explore a city neither one of us have seen before. Then we have four days at a vineyard south of the city. It looks adorable and charming - so I hope it will be great :)

My outfit for the 20s party
Also, I was super brave the other night as my job had a gettogether for all coworkers at Gröna Lund (the fun park). We competed, ate, had fun and most importantly - I tried on a new ride that I swore I would never get on. It's new for this year, called Eclipse (the worlds highest starflyer), and measures 400 feet tall. I was completely terrified the entire time, but I did it and I am insanely proud of myself!

Seriously, I look at that video and doubt I will ever get on it again. But it was an amazing and thrilling feeling to get back on the ground safely ;)
Basically my life right now is all about studying for my final, which is coming up in little over a week, and waiting and getting ready for someone who lands in Sweden in just a week! Till then....

Feeling pretty much Awesome
Lots has been going on, everything from Marie visiting from Paris, to my mom's 50th birthday, Valborg, and my own birthday. I had a wonderful birthday, thanks to lots of unexpected awesomeness. Had told my parents to not come sing for me in the morning (I'm turning 21, gotta grow up some time) but still they surprised me with cake and presents and singing early in the morning, and I loved it! I can't believe how much that meant to me.
My birthday was great, thanks Trevor for making the day wonderful. And thank you Pauline for making it a great night with lots of loud singing, drinks and dancing. Love you both =)
Any girl friends of mine who might read this - this song is to you. And mostly to Pauline ^^
And yes the title is off with a year ;) But that's ok. I'm 21 and awesome :D
On a completely different note - I got my hair cut today. It's freaky and weird but apparently Trevor absolutely loves it and that makes me like it a little bit more every time I look in the mirror. It's a huge change though, and I haven't had anything like this style since I was 8 years old. I just hope I'm not looking that young ;)
Woke up this morning looking something like this:

Now this is the new me:

Yaay! :D
On a third note - went shopping today for clothes to wear thursday to my little sister's graduation party. It's themed "the 20s". Ugh it was difficult. Spent several hours trying on dress after dress after hat after dress... But I'm pretty happy with the results. Of course I will style it up some thursday, but for now here's a sneak peak...

Nvm the socks - I'll find some awesome shoes ;)
That's it for today. Goodnight! <3
I just saw this awesome video from my high school Hurricane High. All the students who went there when I graduated are graduated too now, and the rebuilt parts of the school, but the school spirit lives on. I am so proud and impressed by these students celebrating Jody Rich's birthday. There is NO way I could ever imagine anyone doing anything like this for their principal in Sweden. From what I remember Jody was amazing - always there to talk to and knew everyone by name. He sure deserves this celebration :)
Make sure to watch and don't miss the great ending with the crowd surfing...
Way to go tigers ^_^
High on Helium

Oh have I had a wonderful weekend or what??
Thursday was just filled with school from 8am-5pm, and then headed straight over to my parents for my mom's birthday party, where tons of relatives, friends and neighbors showed up to celebrate my mom turning 50! Happy Birthday mom!
Friday was just as crazy, with three lectures in a row on AssociationLaw (8am-3pm), followed by a quick run to the subway and off to Stockholm International Fair to build up the FunkyShow. Only had one show that night, but it was the first show this year so it sure took it's time to get everything sorted out. The helium balloons were very popular ;)

After a few hours of sleep I went back to the same place at 7 am (took the first morning train), for a 15 hours job shift which included filling up TONS of helium balloons, selling them, greeting kids and parents, telling everyone where to be and what to do through the speakers, and taking care of the famous artists who were preforming at the kids' show. Zara Larsson och Mary N'diaye. It was kind of a good time :)
Sunday passed quickly, but suddenly I stood there and had to say goodbye to all of the wonderful kids, parents and friends I have made over the past 5 semesters. It's been a wonderful time and I really hope I can come back some day. I sure know it's taught me a lot and I hope to keep in touch with both parents and fellow instructors!
But for now - I have made a difference in many kids' lives and I can feel it <3