Yo-ho Yo-ho a pirate life for me
Har pluggat med Laura idag hela eftermiddagen, och tyvärr föll vi för frestelsen att baka en kladdkaka och äta =) Vi som varit så nyttiga, glatt vräkte vi i oss... vad som helst för att slippa den förbannade matten. Hoppas ja kan allt nu, för provet är i morron kl 8 =( Hatar att ha prov så tidigt... och det är tre timmar långt *suck*
Btw, hoppas ingen missat att det är 1 april imorron, och därmed är olaglig nedladdning ÄNNU olagligare frånochmed imorron.. Då kan upphovsrättsmän få tag i namn och adress och inte bara IPadress till olaga nedladdare.. Sååå, ajöss Piratlivet =/ Antar att Limewire kommer krasha ikväll av alla som vill sista-minuten-nedladda.. heheh
Det blir väl till att skaffa Spotify så man kan lyssna på musik.. men allt finns inte där heller =/ too bad... och man vill ju ha musik på mobilen/mp3:n

Sov sött alla ^^
The historybooks forgot about us
And an extra thanks to Soho (Sofia) for coming up with the cute quote that is used in the header ^^ THANKS <3
Today me, Sofia, Elin and Laura went to the library to study math, so after buying some fruit (we are healty people hehe) we spent some serious hours going through all the math we have to do for the test on wednesday.. The great thing about the test is that it's from 8-11 and then we're off for the day!! =D
Then I got home to make some dinner for my sisters, and Vivvi came to visit for a while =) And from them I've just been half-sleeping and listening to a lot of music and chatting as ususal. Actually I'm getting addicted to chatting, don't know what my evenings would be like otherwise... Early probably, and I wouln't be as tired =P But it's worth it, because talking to some people is like breathing.
Oh I almost forgot, I had PE today as well, and we were playing basket ball which is usually one of my favourite sports (after soccer), but today it sucked. Since we were only 4 girls on the lesson we were in different teams all of us, and my team wasn't really one of those fun and nice ones, if you get my point. We played three games and I got the ball (totally, out of all games) three times.. I took it a few times too, but seriously, why do guys have such problems with passing it to a girl?! It's like they think they are seen as weak guys who have to play with girls if they let her get the ball, but SERIOUSLY!! It makes me soo mad, and some guys really deserve a "mei utchi" ^^ for being jerks =$
Guys should know that being nice to a girl and helping her, letting her try to score once in a while and encourage her when she happens to manage something, even if it's not perfekt... that's what shows who you are.. And girls like it waaay more if you're nice to them than if you have to show off all the time!
This incredible sweet and beautiful song has been playing in my room for a while tonight <3 Enjoy
Just tea for two, and two for tea
Studied some math with Laura, but then we kinda gave up and went on to talking and drinking tea =) Gosh I really looove tea, it's warm and sweet and tasty, and simple and quick to make. Long live the tea!! Coffee... eeeww
Not to mention all the cookies you can eat with tea =P
Anyway, if you wonder why my blog's going all crazy and wishy-woshy it's because I'm trying to design a new Spring theme. One's gotta do everything possible to (in a magical-I-wish-kinda-way) make the last snow go away. I hate it when it all gets this muddy as it's been today. Disaster for shoes!!!
Doesn't look too exciting, does it?
Anyway, sweet dreams to you all ^^
I'm writing in english for the moment, thanks to Chris who stood up for my english and american readers <3
I've had a nice day, been celebrating my brother's bride-to-be (girlfriend) at their place, which was really nice because we don't meet her side of the family that often. Also, it was great to see cute little Siri again.
At the moment I'm waiting for time to pass so I can catch the train to Laura's house where I will be dealing with the mathbook in a most inappropriate way (I might go find a saw or simply tear it apart)..
I'll catch up with you later, since I will be back home tonight =)
have a wonderful evening <3
Proof of Evolution
Hittade den här på Lauras blogg så äran av att hitta den online är helt hennes.. Men shiiiit kulkulkul hahah
En tjej och en kille sitter och äter.
Tjejen: Jag är förresten kär!
Killen: Oj, det gick fort. Tell me the story!
Tjejen: Jag såg på Twilight och nu är jag helt kär i Robert Pattinson...
Killen (uppgivet): Nej, inte du också! Vi män får faktiskt komplex!
Tjejen (drömmande): Han är så sexig, nu vill jag verkligen ha en vampyrkille.
Killen: Jag vet inte en enda tjej som inte har blivit förvrängd av den där jävla vampyrfilmen. Den borde fan förbjudas, den rubbar liksom hela ekosystemet av människor. Det är inte så att vi kommer dö ut av kärnvapenkrig eller växthuseffekten, ni kvinnor kommer vägra ha sex med män bara för att de inte är Robert Pattinson
Ok, here's a translation for all my english readers. This is too funny to miss just because it's in swedish
I found this on Laura's blog so the honor of finding it online is completely hers. But shiiiite, funfunfun hahah
A girl and a guy are sitting and eating.
The girl: Btw, I'm in love!
The guy: Oh, that was guick. Tell me the story!
The girl: I watched Twilight and now I'm totally in love with Robert Pattinson...
The guy (despondently): No, not you too! We men actually get complexes!
The girl (dreamy): He's so hot, now I really want a vampireguy.
The guy: I don't know a single girl who hasn't been twisted by that damn vampire movie. What the hell, it should be banned, it disturbs the entire eco system of humans. It's not like we're gonna die from Nuclear War or Global Warming, you women will refuse to have sex with men just because they're not Robert Pattinson
It's called the natural selection of Evolution =P In the future this will be the anscestor of every human on earth.. Not that bad, huh? ;D

Your kiss might kill me
Anyway, Friday was long but ok. After school I met up with Vivvi and then we went to her house and made some awsome dinner + blueberry muffins. Veeery nice =D I have supernice pictures from everything we did, but I'm too tired to upload them from my phone right now.. Then we watched Let's dance, and the World's Strongest Man (who actually is swedish and was a part of the competition) won it all. Well done for someone who weights 150 kg..
Today I've been with Vivvi in the morning, then me and Sofia were supposed to study at the library, but we realised when we got there (I was late because the train didn't stop at the busstation so I had to catch another train back and missed the bus) the library turned out to be closed. Gaah so frustrating. So we went to Sofia's house instead and managed to do some math. Not much though since we had huge problems with one of the easiest exercises there were to so... we redid it a thousand times and yet we got the wrong answer. Encouraging.. =P
Tonight I've been to Ida's house with some friends, "celebrating" Earth Hour by turning off all the lights and living with candles. Very Very cosy. One should live with only candles, it's so much cosier than electricity. Then we watched Saw 3 (gross gross gross) and then I had to leave because my dad was coming to pick me up, and I wanted to go with him and not have to catch the bus all alone after watching people being tortured to death. Eeeww
Also, thanks Chris for reappearing here =P And a big THANK YOU to everyone who posts comments ^^
Right now I'm going to sleep at any minute, so good night <3
PS. You HAVE TO listen to this song! It's a bit weird in the beginning, and the first time I heard it I thought it wasn't anything I'd ever like. But now I'm stuck and I love this song. It's so good, so just go ahead and give it a chance!
This is not the entire song, there's more, and if you like it go search on youtube for it.. <3
My hopes are so high,
that your kiss might kill me.
So won't you kill me,
so I die happy.
My heart is yours to fill or burst,
to break or bury,
or wear as jewelery,
which ever you prefer.
Hands Down - Dashboard Confessional
PS(2) Also, go google their song "Stolen" which is great too =D Enjoy!
From the driver's seat
Här sitter jag, uppe för sent som vanligt.. kollade på filmen "Another Cinderella Story" och ja måste säga att den moderna tolkningen av den gamla sagan var sjukt mycket bättre än versionen "A Cinderella Story" med Hilary Duff, även om den också är ganska ok. Fastnade jättemkt för denna sång, som coola artisten och nobody-tjejen sjunger och dansar i slutet. Finfinfin
Detta är visserligen bara en del av låten, men det händer grejer mitt i låten som det inte finns nåt bra klipp utan.. Kan ju inte ha med delar av handlingen som händer när de slutar sjunga för ett tag.. tänk om nån vill se filmen hehe
New Classic - Drew Seeley och Selena Gomez
Sweet dreams everyone <3
Med sammetsnos och korta ben
Iallafall (SVENSKA IGEN, JIHOO) igår hade kören värsta fina konserten på lunchen, och Louise sjöng solo ^^ Väldans fint asså.. och de andra va också duktiga, Ida och Laura var med och sjöng. Fint fint
Sen igår hade ja teater som vanligt, och vi spenderade en del av tiden till att kolla på tecknade Mumintrollet-filmen "Farlig Midsommar" eller som filmversionen heter; "Ett flytande spökhus" Såå gulligt asså, ja har kommit fram till att Mumin och Madicken är mina två favvosagor från min barndom. Sjuuuk gulliga de är alltså. Och muminmamman som är så lugn hela tiden. Typ när hela nedervåningen äv översvämmad ler hon och säger "Nu blir pappa glad, sånt här har han int' sett sen han va ung"... och när scenen på teatern snurrar så alla möbler inkl maten och porslinet, försvinner in i väggen och sniff blir rädd, säger muminmamman lugnt "Nej men int' får di ta mormors servis på det där sättet..." Awww
Jag har ju anmält mig som snorkfröken, men även som Snusmumriken hahah för han är så skön. Bara går omkring och är, med sitt munspel.. och sen så river han ner plakat, sår hatifnatt frön och bussar dom på parkvakten och parktanten ^^

För övrigt har ja haft en lugnt dag.. undantaget jujutsin där ja blev slängd som en vante hahah fast det var kul ändå..
Nu ska ja kolla på en film tills ja somnar tror ja.. hehe very nice.. och chatta as usual.
ha det bäst <3
P.S. Älskade Laura, tack för att du kommenterar <3
I’m watching the snow during the summer
I just had dance practise and now I'm exhaustedly watching House md. Best show ever haha not really it sucks but I've watched ever episode since it started and I can't just quit now can I?
It's like the Beck series, I watched the episode this sunday with Fredrik, and even though the episodes are kinda alike and a bit too much sometimes, they're something one has to watch. Every sunday... hehe
Also, I learned Sarah what hihi means, because I realised I use that pretty much when chatting in english without thinking about how it's not a word in english. Sorry.. it's the sound you make when giggling, kinda..
Well, since I have no one to chat with anymore (some people are so tired in the evenings, I don't get it) I might aswell do my english homework and then go to bed early. I have a test on Word in Computer Science tomorrow. And some of my friends are in the choir and gonna sing at the concert thing tomorrow on our lunch break. Good luck to you guys! <3
Sweet dreams everyone
PS. Congrats to Thildan on her 16th birthday (one day late), sorry I haven't talked to you for so long.. And congrats to little Thea as well =D
Random Weekend Post
I just talked to Laura on the phone, and she got this reeeaally cute present from her boyfriend. Naaaw they're so super-duper-cute <3
Anyway, I have to get back to writing, ttyl ^^

I'm Speechless
Today I have that wonderful sleepin until 12.40 that you only get once, but instead of sleeping I was waked at 6 am, then a few more times by my sisters during the following hour, and then had to come down and eat breakfast at about 7 am. Am i tired? Yes I am.
Actually I went to sleep quite early yesterday, or, earlier than usual at least. Alfonz was castrated yesterday and he was all groggy through the night. Today he can walk, but he's still a bit unsteady and rumbles around. But he truly hates the cone thing he has to wear until he's stitches are gone. It's kinda cute actually, him peeking at you form under the edge of the cone...
All morning I've been listening to Lovebug - Jonas Brothers, and I kinda got stuck in it so here it is:
Now I'm Speechless, over the edge I'm just Breathless, I'd never thought that I'd catch this Lovebug again
Hopeless, head over heels in the moment, I'd never thought that I'd get hit by this Lovebug again
Finaste refrängen ever =D
Lisa Likes

Isn't it beautiful? ^^
Every answer must start with the first letter in your name, and use real words!
1. What's your name? Lisa
2. The best word you know: Love
3. Name 3 girls: Lisen, Laura, Louise
4. Name 3 boys: Lukas, Lasse, Linus
5. Work: Lawer
6. Colour: Lavender
7. Clothes: Leggings
8. Food: Lasagne
9. Object in your bathroom: Lights
10. Place/city: Lisbon
11. Reason to be late: Lazy
12. Something you can shout aloud: Lalalaaaaaaa
13. Movie: Love Actually
14. Something to drink: Lemonade
15. A song: Lovebug
16. Animal: Lion
17. Name of a street: Lincoln St.
18. Flower: Lily
19. A compliment: Lovely
20. Something you can do with your friends: Laugh
Så vacker utan spackel
So, about this weekend. It's been a really nice one, mostly. I was at Laura's house on friday evening, watching Twilight and having a great time. I'm so glad I've started to hang out with her, because she's a wonderful friend =D
I slept there, and then we did some biology and chatted all day, and I got home at like 5 pm or something. At about 7 I realised that neither Ida or Agnes were gonna call me back, since we were supposed to hang out at Elin's place the three of us and Elin (Sofia couldn't be there) but Elin was busy, so instead I called good old Vivvi and asked her if she wanted to come watch the Eurovision Song Contest (Swedish Final) with me. And suddenly we'd decided that she'd sleep here too, and so we took a walk with the dogs, and called Emil, and had greeeeat fun. Oh I really missed hanging out with Vivvi, it's been so long! We stayed up until lika 3 am and then slept until 11 am.
Yesterday I was in town with Fredrik, which was really nice, apart from that my parents had misunderstood what time I was supposed to be home so they got kinda mad and called me a thousand times, but my phone was in my bag so I didn't hear it. They weren't too happy with me.
Today it was back to school, boring as usual, but it's always fun to meet up with my friends again after the weekend. When I got to school I was attacked by Sara, who apparently had heard about me going to town with Fredrik, and (according to moi) she had misunderstood it all quite a bit. I just like hanging out with Fredrik because he's a great friend of mine (my newest friend, actually) and we have a lot of fun stuff in common to talk about, and I don't know what Sara was thinking but heey...
Anyway, now I recently got back from Vivvi, where I spent the evening. It was nice, just talking with her and relax. Now I'm supposed to do some more Biology, but I'm not sure I will be able to. It's just too boring after all the biology I've done already...But I might do some, and then I have to sleep.. *yawns*
Hugs and kisses to all of you <3
But I didn't even manage to strangle him! Woow, I seriously need to do some press-ups.. My arms are too weak ^^
haha guess what's turning into one of my favorite sports?
And the wrestling.. haha
Ok so this in quite a random post, but at least I know someone will get it. I'm gonna go take a shower, practise is really a workout... But it's fun fun fun
Tonight I'll watch Medium and hopefully chat some.. hehe
sweet dreams everyone <3
Cherry Cherry Cherry Cherry
I just got home from school and now I'm gonna take a nap cause I was up waaaay to late yesterday. Haha it's so much fun to talk to some people, impossible to stop. Addictive, that's what it is =P
I think I'd better not say any specific time, might get in trouble for being up late, but I can tell you that I woke up at six and by then I had slept for less then 4 hours... Fun huh? Still I survived much better in school today than yesterday though I slept more the night before that. Guess that was because I had such a long day yesterday and a much shorter one today.
So basically I had theater/acting lesson after school yesterday and today I went to the doctor to finish the final stuff for my high school year, but since I have already handed in the medical papers and stuff there was some problem, so I'll have to talk to my parents about it and probably get back there tomorrow or next week to get the final papers signed. But I've already spoken to my family in Utah so that's not gonna be a problem :P
And tuesday I had dance as usual, and the street lesson was great =D We started to work on a new dance, that we're doing to Lady Gaga's Starstruck.. it's an awsome song to dance to, so much rhythm and fun fun fun dance.. Haha I really love Celina's dances, they're great =D
Starstruck - Lady Gaga
And in the middle of my dizzy day I happened to find these sweet pictures of small persons with big personalities. Hope you like them! Bye for now <3

Avis i Kubik
I just got home from town. I was at the dentist this morning and guess who I met in the waiting room? Sara! Haha so I talked to her and then after we were both done there we went to get some lunch and then we talked for reeeeally long. Lunch at Café de Calma was great. Then I followed her to the library, and left to go to town and buy some new jeans.
I found some light blue jeans and went home. And here I am... Supposed to study some but what the... it's still weekend for me :D
So yesterday I had a loong evening. After dinner I started chatting with Fredrik at 8.30 pm, and then we discussed the movie Beck that was shown on TV... So actually I talked to him for 5 hours.. haha lol
The video is a mix from a lot of Beck-movies (it's a couple of swedish movies) with almost every clip where Beck's crazy neighbour appears. Sorry it's in swedish, but it's just sooo hilerious. If anyone wants more details, I'll tell you. Just ask.
I've also uploaded some of the pictures from my skiing week with my family. There are only the pictures I took though, and funny pics like when I try not to fall while snowboarding are on my parents' camera. I'll try to get them up here too, but later. Enjoy!

The sign says "Beach Walk" and is covered in snow.. haha

My cutie dog Alfonz is sleeping under a blanket... aawww

My sisters when we were skiing in Idre.

Me and my sweet little niece Siri

Can you tell how far up the mountain we were?? Just imagine our car somewhere among the trees down there... Pretty much climbing, if I dare say so... :P

One day we found a cabin in Norway (while skiing) and we stopped there and had lunch. It was nice, though Siri didn't like the smoke that came from my brother making a fire in there, so I took her outside.. She's pretty amazed by the fire when this photo's taken...

This pic was just too cute to not be here... She's only five months and out skiing.. love <3

Ok there's a quite funny story behind this one. My brother dragged the little sledge with his daugher in it. Then he tried to go down this hill, and realised a bit too late that it was way too scarp and he couldn't stop, so he ended up in meters of snow (he's the one in black, and you can see he's standing kinda deep, and this was after he got up from the hole he landed in) and the sledge was standing vertical in the snow and his girlfriend hurried down to get the sledge back horizontal and save Siri. But the little cutie was still fast asleep! It took a while to get Gustav (my brother) up from the deep snow... I'm standing in the middle of the hill taking pictures and laughing... ^^

Christine (my brother's girlfriend and bride-to-be) as we are back down on the ground. Still in Norway, this was taken just minutes before we met my friends who'd driven off the road.. Kinda funny really, to meet them there in the middle of nowhere.. Totally random

Me and my sister Sara skiing in the sun...

So this was where we went skiing, kinda nice huh?
Ok so this turned out to be A LOT of photos, but I hope you will survive it and please comment :D
Tomorrow's back to school so I have to try and do some biology now though I really don't want to. It's been so nice just being off school for three days. Oh, well, back to routine again. See ya <3
P.S. And btw the title is my new favorite expression, but it's in swedish and it means sorta "Jealous in cubic".. hope you get it, I know it's weird but I didn't come up with it myself so at least I'm not that weird :P hahaha
The fella with the turbarn thing, I call it a diaper-head
Just realised it's 3 am.. hehe better go to sleep. Actually I've been trying to do that for hours, but this freaking cold that my sister gave me today is keeping me awake :(
Sweet dreams <3
Morning has broken
Woke up for a few hours ago (2, to be exact) and have had breakfast and chatted some with friends. Saturday morning, nice nice... I have a three day weekend, as I might have written before, and that makes me sooo sleepy. I finally have time to catch up on all those late schoolnights when I chat with you guys (damn you to be 6 hours behind..) and stay up too late.
Today I will do.. hmm I dunno... I might go to town because I really need some new jeans all mine are falling apart from being used too much :P Or I might just hang around home, call some friends as soon as I'm sure they are awake, and just have a slow day.
Thanks you all for reading my blog. I will post more as soon as I have something fun to write about.. Or maybe tonight anyway.. Or maybe during the day if it stays slow.. Anyway, see you round <3
Wish that I could freeze the picture

After the visit, I met Tessan in Ropsten and she really took me by surprize, running into me and hugging me. I didn't realise it was her at first because she was ALL BLONDE!!!! Wow what a surprize, she's usually dark haired brown ^^
So I spent the afternoon with her, and we went through a lot of old fun pictures and made some chocolate cake and ate it, and laughed a lot. I don't think I've laughed like that for a while, it's unhealty for me to stay away from her for too long. I will have to get skype so I can talk to her while I'm in UTAH for next year!!! :D
Here are some of the lovely pics we laughed at, some of the highlights of 2008. Watch it, understand it and laugh...

The guys behind us were totally flirting with us haha it was fun fun fun on Gotland

I'm hiding with the luggage, haha me and Tessan did that on the boat trip to Gotland...

haha we made this cake for my 16th birthday, the two of us, and it was veeeery good. After the party it was all gone :P

Wow Tessan's about to be executed...

Maan it was cold that day, even though it was sunshine.. Wearing a blanket.. brrr

I will not translate the name of this game into english, you who didn't experience it missed something, and for everyone who was there... Rövkrok ^^

Wish I could freeze the picture and stay in the moment forever <3
Love you
Om du har ett äpple will du dela det med mig?
Ok so basically I was in a very happy mood when I wrote this the first time, but now I'm very pissed off because my loong post got deleted when I was just about to publish it.. Grrrr that makes me soo mad!!! So this version's not gonna be as cheerful as the unpublished, lost one. Don't blame me blame the computer!
So I had a great day apart from that. I got back my three frenchtests (I had three of them right after each other, like, the french lessons after each other) and I got vg on the hearing test, 21/21 on the reading part and mvg (highest grade possible here, for all you americans and others who don't know about the swedish school system.. like you Sarah hehe) on the writing part. Then in social studies my teacher said I got mvg on everything we'd done at all, so that felt great.
After school ended early I had an entire afternoon to just enjoy the lack of homework. That too felt kinda good. Then I had jujutsu at seven, and it was actually great fun this time. We practised defending ourselves against attacks with a knife. I'm kinda the newest one in the group so I'm not that good yet, but I think I did pretty well on the knife things. I even made Fredrik fall to the ground and got the knife from him, and he didn't throw me to the floor! Well I suppose he could have, if I wasn't supposed to learn something and do it slowly. Must be kinda frustrating, to just help someone who really sucks all the time. Sorry.. It's only my 4th lesson ever though, and I think i'm doing ok. I like it, it's fun and the group's great. They're all very nice to me.
We also had physical workout, ohh it was tireing as hell. It's a good workout though, and one feels very good afterwards when the legs hurt from all the falling. I'm not that good at falling either, I keep landing on my balk which is kinda uncomfortable after 100s of falls. Oh yes it is.
I was really into apples just a minute ago, was about to go get one, when I found this weird picture.. lol it's kinda funny though.
And this one clearly shows how I feel some days, it's true:
So, this is the short way it turns out when the computer's messing with Lisa... Hope you comment before leaving, love you all <3
PS What has happened to my good old readers? Where's Hedvig?? :o)
I'll wrap you in my arms
So today I played an annoying ballgame on PE (gym class) because Magne and Charlie in my class were being the teachers for this one lesson. The loser team had to do a running thing which wasn't really that much fun the third time we lost and were really tired...

Today Nicki was back in school, jippie! After she got the stroke this fall I didn't know for sure if she was coming back to our school at all. And also, a new guy started in my class today. He's name's Sebastian and he's lived in Australia for 7 years but is now moving back here. Good luck with the Swedish test that's coming up soon..

After school I caught the bus to Ropsten and then the subway to town where I walked to Explorius' office to do an english test that tells the schools in america that I know english before they accept me. It was like 150 questions, 2x45 minutes. Half of it was hearing and half reading. I was done after 75 minutes instead of 90 which, according too the woman there, wasn't enough for some. I only got three ones wrong, which is great!
I have to sleep now... naaw I will chat a bit with Chris and Rachie (thank you for reading this blog! And everyone else of course!!) first, then sleep. Gotta sleep earlier than yesterday because I was up just a tiny bit to late about two am and I was was rather tired today...
Good nite and sweet dreams <3
Going international
Two post in one day - can you tell I'm bored today?
This is it, I'm going international today! My blog is going english for a while at least, I might not keep it english, I'll have to see what my dear readers think.. :P
So.. please say what you think about it!
And hopefully Sarah, Rachie, Roey, Nicole, Chris, Namita and Solveig will be able to read this too now. Of course my good old readers (yes Hedvig that one's pointed at you.. and everyone else who've followed my life) can have a thought about this and I will listen. I won't translate the old posts (omg that would take years!) but from now on, english it is.
Have a nice evening - or whatever time it is where you are - and I'll see you around.
P.S. I'm keeping the exactly same address. http://www.lisaangel.blogg.se
Good nite ♥
You're so ugly when you cry
Vaknade just, stel i hela kroppen efter snowboardåkningen igår, usch, och hade en skitskum dröm om att jag gick runt i skolan med ett paket (jumbosize) okokta makaroner och åt, och min högsta prioritet var att skydda dom där makaronerna från att nån skulle stjäla en... Vad säger det om mitt liv just nu?? ^_^
Roliga grejer under veckan var bland annat att jag hade barfotarace med Gurra (min brorsa) nerför hela uppfarten (den är lååång och brant) och över parkeringen och upp för skidspåret (som börjar med en uppförsbacke), allt detta i kanske 1 dm pudersnö och packad snö under, barfota! Jag VAAANN!! :D
Jag har även bastat flera ggr med Elsi och hoppat i snön utanför huset. Brrrrr kallt som ***
Har åkt längdskidor i sverige men mest i norska fjällen. Så snart jag lyckas koppla ihop min mobil med datan (har lite problem med det för tillfället) ska ja lägga upp häääärliga bilder från veckan!
Brorsdottern Siri var ju med såklart och Christine också, så vi hade supermysigt med dom.
Jag blev utklassad i Settlers tre kvällar i rad. Sen var ja inte med sista gången (ja vet jag är en superdålig förlorare, men ja hade mysigt ändå... det var simpsons på tv!)
Har faktiskt inte läst nån bok den här veckan, bara eclipse och breaking dawn och eftersom jag inte lyckats få tag i dom än (har aldrig tid att åka och köpa dom) så har ja dom som pdf filer på mobilen. :D Lite smått och jobbigt då inte hela raden får plats på skärmen så man får scrolla i sidled... men men vad gör inte ett äkta fan...
En helt oväntad grej va att när vi åkt i norge i fredags och kom tillbaka till vägen lite ovanför där vi hade bilen så hade en bil kört av vägen och vi råkade komma fram ur skogen precis där. Plötsligt känner jag igen Sirid's mössa, och sen Maja också! Snacka om sammanträffande, att just dom hade kört av vägen just där vi kom upp precis samtidigt!! Och i Norge till på köpet! Ödet...
Igår tillbringade jag förmiddagen med att åka snowboard, det gick skit som vanligt tills Gustav kom och var instruktör och visade oss lite mer teknik. Jag måste säga att jag inte åkt så bra (ens stått upp så länge) förut. Det var kul, men ont i hela kroppen och blåmärken på knän och bak är resultatet.
Ok here are the big news:
Jag har fått mail från en familj i sydvästra Utah i USA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
De har läst mitt personal letter och funderar på att välja mig som utbytesstudent nästa år. De mailade mig så att de skulle kunna berätta om sig själva så ja kan avgöra om jag skulle trivas hos dom. Egentligen ska ju familjerna bara välja en elev och sen får den eleven reda på det, men eftersom jag skrev min email i brevet (tips till ALLA - jag antar att du läser det här Hedvig - skriv mailadress!!) så kunde de höra av sig först, vilket är helt underbart! Då har man en chans att vänja sig vid tanken. Men troligtvis hamnar jag alltså i Apple Valley i Utah (invånare: 800) nästa år. Familjen verkar helt ok, en dotter på 16 år och en på 18 (har en utvecklingsstörning så hon är mer som tolv) och fyra katter och åtta undulater.
Om nån läser detta (jag vet inte om ja har nåra läsare kvar.. hmm) så SKRIV ÅSIKTER!! Jag är alldeles för nervös / förväntansfull / orolig / överraskad / you name it / osäker för att fatta nåra beslut än, men de säger att de har tid att vänta. Hur ska ja göra?!?!?!?!??!?! Vad ska ja säga? Hjälp!
VECKANS KLÄDSEL: underställ och varma sockor
VECKANS FRISYR: fläta mitt bak
VECKANS TIDSFÖRDRIV: Breaking Dawn och Eclipse i pdf format
VECKANS VILL HA: sol och en skoter (hehe då slapp man gå upp för bergen)
VECKANS KÖP: Ramlösa Vildhallon
VECKANS LÅT: Take a bow - Rihanna
VECKANS HUMÖR: trött men glad
VECKANS SAKNAD: alla jag inte får kontakt med utan dator...
VECKANS DUMMASTE: ramla tusen gånger med snowboarden så nu har man ont i hela kroppen
VECKANS ÖVERRASKNING: Träffa Maja och Sirid - random - på en väg i Norge
VECKANS NYHET: Mail från Utah - ja höll på att få en hjärtattack. Jag skickade in papprena bara 5 dagar innan!!
VECKANS SKRATT: när jag blev utklassad i Settlers. Gurra höll på att skratta ihjäl sig åt min brist på skog. Och så slog ja en sjua, damn it...
I fredags (innan lovet) tog ja två vaccin, mot polio och hepatit B, på lunchen och biologin. Sen på svenskan jobbade vi i par om hur man ska framföra saker muntligt (ja jobbade med Axel) och fick läsa en text on typ Troja.. hmm
Sen hade jag mitt tal-grej och ja snackade om segling. Elin körde efteråt om sin resa i USA. Vi fick båda mvg- (Gunilla tyckte att jag inte artikulerade tillräckligt på sista ordet i varje mening.. huh) men ja tyckte det gick jättebra. Jag hade inga stödord/text/papper utan pratade helt fritt med bilder på OH som stöd. Toppen för att vara jag :D
Have a nice day!