Quickly, before the rain
Seems my life consists of nothing but studying right now, even though I came back from fall break today. It's as if the books never let go of their grip on you, and honestly - I even dream about solutions to my case problems, and wake up frustrated that I can't recall how I solved the whole seminar..
However, I did have a fall break, and it was a wonderful break from needing to be places at certain times. Mandatory attendance for the entire semester means I can never miss a class, ever. Or I'm out of the program pretty much (ok after 3 missed classes but still). So a week of sleeping in a little and not stressing out was well needed!
Gotta get some pictures off my phone, but then I will update for real. here's just one for now!
(instragram copy)
Paint with all the colors of the wind
Fall is finally here and though it's colder and the world suddenly seems a few shades closer to grey, it's nice in its own way. Lots of beautiful leaves on the trees, rainstorms, hot chocolate and movies and total appreciation for just the tiniest glimpse of sunlight.
Put on the cute beanies and scarves!

Make homemade panncake-cake

The big Law-Students-Dinner-Party

At my first "Nation Gasque" (dinne party)

Both my sisters have their birthdays (=much cake!)

Beautiful leaves color the world

Conference in Oslo Norway with Explorius (Agnes and Kristina in the pic)

Me in Olso!

Nu kör vi hösten! Fullt ös framåt!

Shoutout to my little sister Elsa who is in France all on her own and turning 19 today! Wihoo for youu!

Every turn a surprise with new horizons to pursue
So much has happened since I moved to Upplands Väsby, and hence I have had absolutely no time to write on this blog. None AT ALL! The first, stressful weeks of school have been taking up most of my time and the only reason I have time to write today is because I cancelled my plans this morning to stay home and GET WELL. Been somewhat sick all week, but I guess that is what to expect after such an intense start. Then I went to the big Nation Gasque last night and even though I went home before midnight I still managed to lose most of my voice (silly me should know better by now!).
So to start out my wonderful first weeks at Uppsala I was part of the Law Club's intro week. I got placed in team Scrubs, and with the theme being Hollywood there were other teams such as TopGun, Bollywood, Little Mermaid, Simpsons, PirateBay, Paparazzi and Superheroes.

Here are some of the best photos from our week:


RecceDance with TopGun

The team is ready for today's challenges

Me, Elin and Cara ready for the TogaParty

"Omvänder en ekonom"

Parkour Freestyle-style

Water fight in a fountain

Flashmob with TopGun and Bollywood at the central station in Uppsala


I think we were being seals.. not sure

Felix, Elin and I give the lonely Superhero a big hug!

SoapSlide!!! xD

Thank you Uppsala, JF, Faddrarna, the Committe and all the new people I have met and gotten to know over the past three weeks, for a wonderful introduction to College life!
Now all I gotta do is get through ALL THESE BOOKS
Cross legged on the floor
This is about where I have been for the past week or so. Oh Eliza Doolittle you always word it so well ^^
Renaming the stars and counting them all
So grateful right now for the people I have in my life who really care and really try to show how much I mean to them. That naturally makes them mean a lot to me too. So happy that I could have my three girls over yesterday, that they came and visited, came and hugged me, checked out my new place, slept on our bed and filled our apartment with appreciation and smiles. I have missed you girls <3

Pauline, Louise and I
Extra kram till Solveig för att du stressade hit fast att du jobbade på kvällen <3
Here are also some new pics from our move to the new apartment!

Moving boxes... Been shopping at IKEA.

Putting together furniture..

Our bed corner with one of the ceiling fans!

New table and chairs!
I'll give you more as it gets done, a little bit at a time ^_^
Beauty in all she is
No matter how much I nowadays dislike the Twilight series, I did go see some of the movies in theater, and especially the (is it the 4th one??) one that includes a certain wedding scene moved me and was as a matter of fact beautiful. And I will recall Pauline (too) wept at the beautiful moment they had created in a movie franchise that was otherwise lacking much emotion.
So excuse the scenes from the movie, and just listen to this beautiful song <3
After 9 hours of sleep, today seems bright and exciting. People really underestimate sleep. Then again, there are so many other things calling for attention and who isn't afraid of missing out. But every now and then everyone should appreaciate some sleep.
At the beginning with you
New life, new chapter, new apartment.. Life sure shows a new side behind every bend in the road. Here I sit, alone in this big, beautiful apartment that Trevor and I are living in since yesterday, and I feel incredibly lucky.
More than anything I feel lucky to have such a marvelous family who won't make up excuses or watch from a distance, but who did everything they could this weekend and yesterday to help us out. My mom has supported and organized all of us, but mainly me when I was chaotic and confused. My dad has driven here and there and back again, and carried more boxes than the rest of us combined. Elsa has supported, understood and been patient, all the while motivating me and making me feel excited about it all. Sara has patiently carried boxes and cheered me on, though I secretly think both my sisters are a little jealous.
And Trevor, I know we are moving into this apartment together but his neverending patience and energy and plain excitement inspired me and made me feel less of a melancholy about the fact that I move so far away from everyone, and rather appreciate and enjoy the wonderful opportunity and the chances we take. And when he happily continues putting together chairs past midnight, on the floor, I love him.

Just a dream and the wind to carry me
As always when July comes around and August is around the corner, we go sailing.

These days out on the open water, with sun and wind, and absolute calm.. this is what keeps me going on dark rainy November nights, or during the long cold winter. Sailing is life.
Beneath the shade of an old walnut tree in Italy
End of June and end of us living at Farkostvägen 1. It's been a great year with good memories and great experiences, but on June 30th we packed up our lives in boxes and bags and moved out. Had some fun cleaning with my mom and my aunt late at night, to add the finishing touches to the apartment before my cousin moved back in. Thanks!

After just two days at my parents (on summer vacation) Trevor and I left for Rome!

What can I say - I've been on a Romantic Getaway with my love and it was Wonderful. Five days in central Rome, living in the middle of the magic at hotel San Remo. A great hotel with a walkable distance to all main attractions, nice service and staff, clean and nice rooms, a big, yummy breakfast and an overall great experience. Very recommended!
After seeing everything from Trevi Fountain, Pantheon, Vatican, St Peter's Basilica (even climbed the dome!), Castel Sant'Angelo, City Hall, Colosseum (ofc!) to little cafés, italian food and tons of Gelato (ice cream).
Then we continued on for five more days on the outskirts of Rome, at a cute little vineyard called Villa Germaine. Wonderful italian food, wine and olive oil made at the villa, pool, sun, thunder and tons of time to spend together just the two of us. Mountainbiking through the grape plantation and watching the sunset together. I love you Trevor for going on this trip with me <3
One summer dream in Turkey
Updating during summer is so difficult, because there is just so much to do and so many places to be at once! I find it way more tempting to procrastinate homework or cleaning, but right now the sun is hiding behind clouds and I am home alone so I figured - why not?
First off - TURKEY!!

Wonderful amazing trip with my family and Trevor to Alanya, Turkey. Celebrated my mom's birthday in the sun, by the pool and went swimming in the Mediterranian sea. Absolutely amazing and fun vacation!
Thank you mom and dad <3
While we devotin' full time to floatin'
Visited the Aquarium today, and walked through the rainforest indoors. it was pretty great ^^
My photos from today:

I found Nemo!!

Thanks Trevor for the exciting adventure!
Photos from the Aquaria website:

Go visit, it was lots of fun ^^
Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
Had a wonderful day in the sun, and hope to see many more days of sunshine, green grass, strawberries, watermelon, ice cream and a good book. Long live the summer!

Bubble Party with my girly!!!
With love,
Look how it Shines for You
So many things have happened since Solveig arrived on May 31st. First off, my tiny little sister (not so tiny any more) Graduated from High School, and we spent a crazy day making it Her Day. I'm sure it was very spectacular for her though, and I'm glad to have been part in making it special.

I was also in charge of the cakes, as a graduation surprise to my sister who had wished for these specific cakes. They turned out pretty great, I think. Filled with my homemade chocolate mousse and raspberry cream, topped with whipped cream, marsipan, and decorated with melted dark chocolate. Voila!

Can you tell what it is supposed to look like?
She could :)

Congrats Elsa!
On a different note, my other little sister graduated from 9th grade today, which is also a big deal. Starting High School this fall, and now done with the mandatory schooling of Sweden. She is so big and grown up - I keep getting sentimental about it ^^

Sara (in the jeans shirt) and her friends in our garden

Big sis and little sis
So proud of both my sisters and their great accomplishments this spring. Yay for Summer Break!!!

Så länge solen den glittrar på böljorna blå
Short update on a short day. Exciting to go get Solveig at the airport yesterday, and finally she is living in Sweden for real. Though her flight was delayed a couple of times, and I ended up waiting around for 3+ hours... it was envigorating to go pick her up myself this time!

One of the first pictures ever taken of the two of us. SOO long ago ;) <3 We look little and strange..
After that the evening was pretty much an update on everybody's lives for the past 7 months, and meeting the family again and having a nice summer dinner outside. I think Solveig slept through parts of it, and I know how killer-tiring the trip from Utah is so I don't blame her.

Today has been all about installing her into our apartment and landing, basically. We have had a calm day, and I got some studying done so now I'm not freaking out AS MUCH for my first college final ever. Everyone, think of me or pray for me or whatever you do to help :) Thanks!
Now - I'm just anticipating summer and all I want to do is head out with the boat and stay away from reality for a few days, just long enough to honestly forget what day it is, or when you last washed your hair, or what date that thing was due, or when you need to pay rent or study or figure out your life. Right now I want sun and a good book. And some green grass would be nice.

End up Deaming instead of Sleeping
Everything has been moving really slow lately, and suddenly lots of things happen at the same time. Not going to jinx some things before they are even happening, but one thing I can say is that Trevor and I have booked our tickets for Rome this summer! It's going to be amazing - I just know it - and I am so excited. We are staying at a little hotel in central Rome for 5 nights, and plan to explore a city neither one of us have seen before. Then we have four days at a vineyard south of the city. It looks adorable and charming - so I hope it will be great :)

My outfit for the 20s party
Also, I was super brave the other night as my job had a gettogether for all coworkers at Gröna Lund (the fun park). We competed, ate, had fun and most importantly - I tried on a new ride that I swore I would never get on. It's new for this year, called Eclipse (the worlds highest starflyer), and measures 400 feet tall. I was completely terrified the entire time, but I did it and I am insanely proud of myself!

Seriously, I look at that video and doubt I will ever get on it again. But it was an amazing and thrilling feeling to get back on the ground safely ;)
Basically my life right now is all about studying for my final, which is coming up in little over a week, and waiting and getting ready for someone who lands in Sweden in just a week! Till then....