I'm Sittin' on Top of the World

Today's been the worst and the best day in forever. It's worth reading, tho it's long!

My morning started out just fine. After a first hour (dance company) with a sub, I had racket and we were going to start going outside and play tennis now that the 4th Quarter has begun. But today Mr Jurca had a surprise. A rock-climbing-wall thingy had arrived with the army guys on a truck. Yay for climbing 30 feet (ca 12 m) up in the air...! Not.

I didn't want to do it, I was scared, yes, but Morgan talked me into it anyways, and he promised to help me find where to put my feet and stuff. He did, and I reached the top (applause for me, thanks) but then I was stuck. I looked down and freaked out about letting go of the firm grip I had with both my hands. After a while Morgan managed to talk me into letting my right hand go, to be lowered, but the second I breathed out and let go, the right side of my belt thingy broke. I couldn't possibly fall, I was stuck with the other leg and around my waist, but it still freaked me out completely and I held on to the wall for all that I was worth and did not want to let go. I just couldn't. Anyways, I was terrified and started crying about how silly I was, until finally one of the army guys climbed up on the thing next to me and helped me out of the petrified state of crampingly holding on to the wall that I was in. The guy helped me let go and once I was on the ground everyone told me how brave I had been going up there tho I was scared, and my arms were shaking for about an hour. Still I'm glad I did it, but I never will again :P

This is Morgan btw, don't kno if I'v shown any pics of him. He's one of my best guy friends here, since we had Government together and now have racket. He's freaking awsome at always making me smile, so today's awsomenessprize goes to him (for not giving up on helping me down.. hehe)

In these pics it shows his face, and then what he painted on his eyes (or someone did for him, obviously) in the green room during the show. CREEPY!!! x) (click to enlarge)

Then we played some tennis in the sun, and Kyrsten and I are going to be such an amazing team haha we're great :D The day continued with lunch with Krystal and Shelly, then drama council meeting and Theater and Choir. In AT (advanced theater) we did a bunch of improv. things and worked our IEs for competition on Friday. In choir we worked on songs for the choir festival. You can tell all these competative hobbies are getting closer to competitions!

Then, after school, Solveig and Krystal stayed with Trevor at school (rehearsal didn't start til 4) as me, Shelly and kayla went to his house and filled his room with Swedish Fish (the candy, not real fish hehe) and a note with Shelly asking him to preference. There's a rumor that he's been asked already, but we wanted to give it a try. I really hope she can go with him, because I want her to go and it would be a great way for me to go to my first dance with a guy - with a friend (Shelly) and her date too. Well, we'll see tomorrow what he answered, if he has yet.

Anyways then we had some trouble having him go home before rehearsal to see it, and so Kayla called him an made up a story about a calculator, but he wouldn't go home for that. Then Shelly had her older sister (Cheryl, one of the costume-awsomeness-people we have) call him and ask him to come to his house where she could try a costume on him before rehearsal. Yet he didn't go. But I'm anxiously waiting for a call from shelly now...

Then we had rehearsal and the preview of the show which was fun and great. We did pretty well for being the first show, so I'm excited about competition on Thursday :D Also, I have the coolest makeup ever! It's all Shannon, Cheryl and Courtney who do it, and here are some pics of me later this evening... (click to enlarge)

Isn't my makeup cool? Imagine a big crown and an awsome black and red dress too, and there's the queen! I spend most of my time on stage as the second pic, screaming at people.. Heheh and the black thing by my mouth is a heart, sort of deformed after I played around on stage after the show and stuff.. but well :P

randomly, here's a pic of us in the little town of Kingsburg, the Swedish town in Cali!! Woho it was so cute and they had swedish stuff everywhere! Loved it :)

Good night! <3

Postat av: sara ღ

heej! va läskigt att klättra så högt upp! jag och mamma har just läst hela inlägget och det var nog det längsta ever! <3 men jag ska snart maila dig om vad som händer här mm... ha det så bra!

pussar från sara och mamma

2010-03-17 @ 21:56:02
URL: http://sassamie.blogg.se/

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