In the morning lord

Good Morning! I'm about to leave to go up north to Nephi and Juab High School for State Drama Festival!!! :D

Just gotta catch up on some blogging first..

Wednesday I went to school early again - as Tuesday - and had Chamber Choir Practise. Chamber is the top choir and so it was pretty awesome that a few of us from Ladies Choir (second choir in rank) got to sing, perform and compete with the Chamber Choir. Also, they have a ton of guys in there which means it's Alto, Sophrano, Tenor and Basses singng and it sounds great! I also got out of fourth hour to come practise with them again when they had class.

Right after schol we left on the bus to Pine View High for Choir Region Festival. At 4, Ladies Choir performed our songs "Sing Allelujah", "My own true love" and "Go where I send thee!". It was great and I think we did an amazing job! We only got 2s tho, and a 2+, in the rating from the judges.

At 6, the Combined Acapella Choir sung, and I think that - again - we did a great job. We performed "Sourwood Mountain", "Black Sheep", "Navajo Prayer" and "Soon I will be done with the troubles of the world", all great songs that I love to sing. We got a 2+ and two 1- from the judges which was pretty good, but not good enough to take us to state. But it was a great experience to sing with men and with such good singers as the Chambers.

Then we waited around for the results, and for everyone else to sing, we just hung out and talked to people from other schools, and did homework. At 8.30 we finally got the results, and left got go back to HHS and home.

Yesterday was the very last rehearsal ever, which made us all very sad and the spirit was down a few times when Cedric pointed it out, but then we did a strong run through of the show and worked on the IEs, and I had rootbeer for the first time in my life (it's not alcohol mom, it's a popular kind of soda here ^^ ) because they were all so shocked that I hadn't had it before that LuEllen got me some. It tasted sort of like coke, but with a strange aftertaste that I'm not sure I liked that much. Weird, but very VERY american :)

Now I'm getting up to have breakfast before I have to be at school by 7.20, for a four hour ride on the school bus.


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