Don't think too much

I'm back I'm back =D

Sad news: We're expecting rain all of next week, so we decided to cancel the rest of the sailing and go home...

Good news: We had some amazing days at the islands at the very end of the Swedish archipelago (is that spelled right?) called "Svenska Högarna" aka The Swedish Hights. I've been swimming a lot and sailing and gosh it was fun <3

I'll write more tomorrow, and post some wonderful pictures too, I promise ^^

But right now it's really time to sleep, I'm tired and my very own bed is calling out for me ;-P

Just wanted to let you guys know that I'm home again =)

Postat av: Solveig

Oh, sad but happy day! Welcome back dear! ^_^ Sounds like you had an amazing time. I can't wait for pictures!

2009-07-20 @ 01:37:06
Postat av: LINDA

shit va tidigt! jaja papprena kommer nog snart :) om 2 veckor åker vi! :D

2009-07-20 @ 12:15:10
Postat av: Elin

Fin blogg! Ska också åka som utbytesstudent till USA, till michigan :) Min bror var i Utah som utbytesstudent i staden Payson, han hade ett toppenår, har sett bilder och Utah ser jättefint ut! :)

2009-07-20 @ 21:52:06
Postat av: Chris

yay you're back! LOL (Im Only days late! but oh well! LOL)

I just got back yesterday! But Im glad you had fun on what you had of your trip!

2009-07-27 @ 17:27:50

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