Through the window

Oh sunny day...

Just after eight o'clock I was outside the American Embassy, standing in the neverending line of people wanting to come inside. It took quite a while before I got inside, and in the meantime a guard was walking along the line checking that everyone had all their papers in order. Of course the reason was to get my Visa for my year in Utah.

When I finally got inside the area I got to stand in a new line, this time to get into the house itself. Trust me, it gets kinda frustrating after standing there for a while... in the heat... standing...euch

Once I came into the building (it was about twenty past nine by then) I got to hand over my papers and passport and stuff to a lady behind a window and was told to sit and wait among all the others who waited just like me. At about ten to ten my name was called and I walked over to another window, being told to leave my fingerprints and then answer a few questions like "You're going to Utah, right?", "Where do your parents work?" and "How many years will you have left to study once you're back?". Not that they really care, it felt mostly like small chatter to make sure I was I and there wasn't any mistake of mixed up papers.

Then I was done. By ten o'clock I was back where my parents work (I walked there, hooot weather killing me) and after running to some shops for my dad and getting myself a new bus ticket thing I went home. Of course it was even hotter out here on the island, and now I've just walked the dogs for about an hour, visiting Adam who's in a film thingy they're making close to where I live. Now I'll pack my bags, lock the dogs in the kitchen and head off to town again. This time I'm going to the train station to catch the train to Pauline's summerhouse. Fun fun fun!! =D

Then I have two important birthdays to celebrate on thursday and friday (guess who?) and hopefully (if I get in touch with Hanna soon) I will go to Göteborg over the weekend and then next wednesday my cousin Louise will come here and stay the week out.

See you in a few days! ^_^

P.S. Isn't this the craziest map of the US you've ever seen? ;) Well it's not really a map, but it clearly shows the states xD

Postat av: Chris

ooh you went to the embassy, that sounds exciting!

So Im sure you will have fun here in America but I also think you will miss your family and friends, but you are strong and I think you can handle it!

2009-06-30 @ 02:37:08
Postat av: Solveig

Of course! Chris is absolutely right! Lisa the Strong! ^_^

Ugh, hot weather indeed. I just got back from California, where it's nice and cool by the ocean. In St George, it was 41 degrees Celsius today. Gah!

2009-07-01 @ 07:10:53

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